Wild Surge Monolithic Elemental Dismissed by Re-Casting Same Spell Buff

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Wild Surge Monolithic Elemental Dismissed by Re-Casting Same Spell Buff

Post by Musashi_O1 » Mon Jan 29, 2024 5:02 pm

Description of Bug Experienced:
(please include information of what you did, that lead up to the bug, what you expected to happen there, and what actually happened, then move on to describe below:)

If you get a Wild Surged Monolithic Elemental (Either randomly, or -Fate'd), and it happened to have Summoned off a Buff of some kind, Re-Casting that Buff will cause the Summon to Dismiss.

Steps to reproduce the Bug:
Trigger Monolithic Summons off a (Self?)-Buff Spell (Personal example, the Resistance Cantrip)
\-fate 92 (Wild Mage Specific, Guarantee Monolithic on Next Cast)

Self-Cast Resistance
\- Monolithic Summon will Appear

Self-Cast Resistance a Second Time
\- Monolithic Summon will Disappear

Expected Result:
Summon doesn't Dismiss

Actual Result:
Summon Dismisses

(You can either add screenshots by uploading them to imgur, or by uploading them to Discord and put the respective links between Image)

(Don't have any handy due to usual random nature of Surges, currently)

Additional Information/Notes

From how I've observed Wild Surges, often the Surged Effect will be attached to your Character as a <Buff> labeled off the spell Cast. A la, casting Daze and getting Ice-Skin will give you a Damage Reduction Effect from the Source [Daze]. I'm thinking what's happening is if I cause the Summon to trigger off a Self-Buff, Recasting the Self-Buff is Deleting the Wild Surged Version, and causing the Summon to Dismiss.

Unsure a potential fix without adjusting how Surge Effects get Assigned to the Player.

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