How do you RP a drow?

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How do you RP a drow?

Post by Waldo52 » Fri Mar 15, 2024 4:07 am

After years of terrorizing the surface with mostly human characters, I'm considering making a drow villain. I have a few questions:

1) How does the "pretend to be an elf" thing work on the surface? Am I right in my belief that you can actually go in to surface settlements as a monster race as long as you're trying to pass as an elf? Is there a special command for disguising your race or is it just about disguise and full cover?

2) What are the rules regarding capturing slaves on the surface?

3) How do you role play the weakness against sunshine? Is it a rule break to be out during daylight or do you just try to avoid it and complain a lot when it happens?

4) I'm curious about relations with other underdark races. For those who played drow, did you avoid non-drow or did you find IC reasons to cooperate?

5) What are some general tips for RPig a Drow?

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Re: How do you RP a drow?

Post by D4wN » Sat Mar 16, 2024 5:16 pm

Hey there,

This article might be helpful to answer some of your questions:

1) While you can go into a Surface settlement (with enough bluff/perform) to pretend to be an Elf, it is massively dangerous and no Drow should really linger in a Surface settlement. There are those who would brave getting into Cordor to read the public board or check the shops, maybe break into a quarter if you have the skills. But you shouldn't really hang around the fire chatting with the locals for example.

2) You need to ensure you have OOC consent. It's common courtesy at least to figure out if someone wants to be a slave before you drag them to the clamper. Taking slaves requires a lot of kindness and patience and checking to ensure that the other players are having fun and are comfortable with the situation.

3) You really don't want to be out during the day as a Drow. Those debuffs are nasty and your sun sensitivity should truly reflect in your roleplay. Don't be on the surface during the day really, it would hurt too much.

4) Drow are quite politically minded. Their wish is basically to be at the top of the food chain. If a Drow can use another race (for example a large powerful/influential Kobold clan) to help further themselves politically in Andunor they absolutely would "get along". If they see a group of strong Gnolls, they might wish to be nice so they can use them to do bad things. Like anything, the more good relationships you have, the stronger you are really. But they absolutely plot and scheme. They're out for themselves ultimately or their Matron. Know that a male Drow is beneath a female Drow in the hierarchy.

5) If you are going to focus on capturing slaves, I would find likeminded individuals in the UD. Ideally you don't go hunting writ workers constantly (it gets old real fast), but you try to create a fun and engaging story that isn't just centered on PVP. You could start as a Houseless Drow and then join a House you like, you could serve in the Temple of Lolth as a Killian, or if you have friends who play in the UD and have a Drow House you could make a member of that House. Just keep in mind Drow are backstabbing, cruel creatures (by and large anyway) who hunger for power. That might be a good start?

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Re: How do you RP a drow?

Post by Naiinara » Sat Mar 16, 2024 8:44 pm

I always tried to involve other races, except drop subtle hints my character thought they were less. Got to be really subtle or know how much is enough. You don't want to be starting pvp all the time.

Someone once said my drow was an atmosphere drow. I took that to mean that my character brought more to the table than just violence. So, she would do something subtle like telling the goblin to do the looting and then praise them for being suited for it. Key word suited. If the goblin objects, you act hurt like your dog's growling at you for patting its head. Key is to not get angry or mad for their disagreement. Arguing is for equals. You can get it to behave with treats and conditioning!

Often refused to speak in Xanalress to anyone but drow. My character didn't want to listen to them butcher the tongue, and believed their vocabularies were too small for it anyway. I wouldnt just outright state it. I would just answer in undercommon and ask them to repeat a word or phrase until they just switched to undercommon too.

Usually always plotted revenge even over small slights. She wasn't always successful. And revenge doesn't have to be pvp either. One time my character just tried to help a slave escape just to get back at the Matron Mother who owned it.

I think elf hate is usually a center point. But it helps to know why. From the drow point of view the sun elves were the aggressors, and the drow got punished for protecting themselves. They feel the Seldarine turned a blind eye to the injustices during the Crown Wars, and they turned to other gods (mostly Lloth) who promised them justice. Then the Seldarine punished them for that, siding with the sun elves who started the wars. For many the war isnt over.

Overall though, the majority of drow are cunning and duplicitous. My character always tried to get others to do her dirty work. Plausible deniability in all things she liked to say.

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Re: How do you RP a drow?

Post by CookieMonster » Sat Mar 16, 2024 9:07 pm

Manage your expectations and build up to it over time.

You'll likely find that Andunor is not very accomodating to your typical "Big Bads" in the sense that your average Lolthite Drow will not get traction and if you try to pave your path alone, you'll find the remains of many others dug along the way.

Personally, I strongly suggest you make a throwaway, understand the audience in the Underdark and how you can fit your narration into it. Or. Play a Character that builds into Her/His Villian Arc over time so that you can really get into it.

But, I think to quote from Aladin. A good quote that I feel fits a Drow perfectly

"You're either the most powerful person in the room or you're nothing"

The reason I feel this fits perfectly, is because a Drow will resolve the issue of the above by lying, scheming and betraying anyone to stay on the podium.

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Re: How do you RP a drow?

Post by Royal Blood » Sat Mar 16, 2024 11:31 pm

The other points seem solid. I would say the biggest thing to understand like the traditional drow lore like the Menzo lore and stuff can be a good place to understand the basics but also realize Andunor isn't Menzo so the kinda stereotypical power crazy drow won't last long. They got to have subtly.

It's also been mentioned in lore Drow society as it is normally presented is not sustainable. You can learn this lesson IC on Arelith haha.

Basic idea, I think drow can have a lot of diversity. I would find a place in the UD your drow is from and create a character based on that location. That's only a starting point your character can evolve from there.

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Re: How do you RP a drow?

Post by Edens_Fall » Sun Mar 17, 2024 6:38 am

I personally started trying to be a villain with a non-noble, houseless Drow and kind of just went where the RP took me that time around. Don't try to be the BIG BAD; rather, aim for the foot soldier of the Big Bads until you get a feel for things. It will also allow you the ability to roll that PC and make your proper boss villain should you desire later, that or turn your common grunt into an officer. The point is, don't jump in expecting to be this awesome and feared villain. It's the same as jumping into Cordor and expecting to be the next chancellor. Chances are it's not going to happen right away, and you'll just get burned out. A second idea, if you are okay with the RP, is to go in as a slave. I learned so much about Andunor with my very first PC on Arelith as a slave. I was lucky to be bought by the Matron of the ruling district house and followed them around, learning the lay of the land and politics until I was ready to try a step up as a common drow.

This leads into the second part. Faith. I have seen a lot of traditional Drow show up and expect females to rule, males to bow, and all other races to flee in fear. Arelith just doesn't work that way, and lucky for us, Arelith provides several faiths to help with that. My favorite, for example, is the Freth faith which is basically Lloth but LE. So, there's no need for all that crazy CE mess of backstabbing and working against each other. it provides a reason to make friends, partners, and a shared goal. So that's nice. Honestly, as Andunor is, it's basically impossible to be a traditional Lloth drow. You will need to be able to work with other "lesser" races and treat them as near equals to get anywhere and that's fine. That's just Andunor.

For slavery or surface slave raids, go with others who are experienced in the topic. Trust me, there are plenty of folks with the talent and experience to learn from right now. Also, most are easy to group up with and fun to play with.

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Re: How do you RP a drow?

Post by Rubricae » Mon Mar 18, 2024 9:39 pm

read up on the drow pantheon before throwing your character at one of them.
freth/lolth is supposed to be the norm, selvetarm is acceptable as is kind of kiarrarararanasalee.

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