Writing Descriptions: Guide to a Fairly Painless Formula

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Writing Descriptions: Guide to a Fairly Painless Formula

Post by Eira » Sun May 30, 2021 4:52 pm

I'll start this by saying there is no way that my way is the best option out there, nor is it particularly speedy to begin with. I have this formula so ingrained in me that I can whip out descriptions in 5-15 minutes depending on what it's for.

But I know it's not the easiest for everyone, and since I've been asked my exact method, I went to way too much effort (as I usually do) and whipped up a presentation on what exactly is going on.

"But Eira, the example you used sucks! I don't want to write that badly!"

That's okay, random naysayer. I'm merely trying to represent my process. This Guide is primarily for those who find themselves stuck on knowing what to write, as a way to get that stick out of their spokes.

Eira's Not-Really-Patented Pain-Minimal Description Guide

For formatting itself, I tend to vaguely stick to:

- First Paragraph: At a Glance
- Second Paragraph: Clothing, items, posture, gait
- Third Paragraph: Sound of voice, mannerisms, small details, etc

I largely do this, with big details in the beginning, so people who want to write a ton about their PC can do so with the nitty gritty details, and those who don't want to read more than a few paragraphs, can get the big important information in the very first couple lines.

But overall, it's practice! If a certain way flows and makes you happy, then do it. Sometimes it just helps having a framework to follow.


I exist to describe the world around us.


Keth'ym Evanara - wandering better paths
Veriel Xyrdan - married and happy
Reena Welkins - Dead

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Re: Writing Descriptions: Guide to a Fairly Painless Formula

Post by AstralUniverse » Mon May 31, 2021 6:40 am

Very inspiring and a good guided-imagination exercise. Thanks a lot Eira!

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Drowble Oh Seven
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Re: Writing Descriptions: Guide to a Fairly Painless Formula

Post by Drowble Oh Seven » Wed Jun 02, 2021 6:00 am

Concise and useful. Thanks!

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