Arelith Deities

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Arelith Deities

Post by BlossomSeason » Mon May 02, 2016 7:19 pm

[Over the years, many new deities have been introduced to Arelith by players who didn't want to constrain themselves to the limits of existing Forgotten Realms canon. Arelith is, afterall, an interactive roleplay server which encourages creativity and change. Roleplay settings are not meant to be immutable, static boundaries; they are meant to be a common ground that players may use to build and improve upon.
New players to Arelith may be familiar with the canon of the Forgotten Realms, yet have no way to know about the server-specific lore that has accumulated over the years. This thread is supposed to become an alphabetical catalogue of religious and philosophical sects that exist or have existed on Arelith.]

1) La'laskra:
A Lawful Evil Drow deity made by players who wanted to keep the matriarchal, xenophonic, and Social-Darwinist elements of drow society, but wanted to replace the typical anarchy and infighting familiar from the Salvatore series, with harsh order and discipline like in the "Drow War" adventure trilogy of Moongoose Publishing.

La'laskra: The Dark Queen of Torment, The Forgotten Sister
Symbol: A sharpened dagger pointing downwards wrapped in a coiling of a barbed whip.
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Portfolio: Drow, tyranny, unity, suffering, hedonism
Worshippers: Drow, Half-Drow, Crinti
Cleric Alignments: LE, NE, LN
Favored Weapon: Deliverance (Scimitar)

After Araushnee was betrayed by Corellon and cast into the Abyss, her sister La'laskra took over as the guide of the Illythiiri, and led them in the war against the other elven kingdoms.
At the height of the Illythiir Empire's success in the campaign of the Crown Wars - the elven kingdoms of Thearnytaar, Eillur, and Syorpiir were all destroyed. However, wounded by a poisoned arrow of the treacherous, cowardly Shevarash, La'laskra slipped into an excruciating coma. Thankfully, Araushnee, now having adopted the name of Lloth, managed to break free of her prison to reassert control over her people.
Following aeons spent in half-wakeful, tormented slumber; La'laskra realised that fighting suffering was futile and there was only embracing it. At that moment, she was reborn stronger than ever under the clutches of her own agony. She awakened and returned to her children the drow; to gift them with the lessons in pain she learned from her own suffering, so that they may once again claim victory over all the lesser races.

Life is suffering and misery, only those drow who acknowledge this fact and brace themselves with an iron will to endure the inevitable anguish can rise above the lessers; finding pleasure in the pain of others - or even learning to appreciate pain in itself.
Torment is the foundry where the chaotic, ultimately disorderly nature of instinct is molten and forged anew into the steel-hard discipline that is needed to unite the drow race into a single, organised force.
Females are the sheperds of this task, for only they possess the willpower and capability to retrain their emotions and act lucidly; unlike males who cannot hold their self-destructive impulses in check.
Be cold and patient like the spider who waits silently in her web, but let your prey know the full extent of your wrath.

2) Meles:
Meles: His Badgery Appendage, The Lord of Badgers
Symbol: A badger's head with bright purple eyes.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Hin Bards, badgers, Unnecessary Partying, Theatrical Performances.
Superior: Oghma
Worshipers: Hinnish bards,
Cleric Alignments: CG, NG, CN.
Domains: Halfling, Illusion, Knowledge, Magic, Chaos
Favored Weapon: Epic Staff of Epic Overstatement (magic staff)

Meles has a small clergy, consisting of approximately three people on some island in the middle of the ocean. As such, even the High Priest of Meles cannot get in some decent smiting, with his two Underpriests not able to do any divine smiting at all. The primary festivals of Meles revolve around songs and dances, and feasts. In accordance with His Portfolio, they can happen at any time. The only major festival is taken sometime in the summer, when a crusade of the area is to be undertaken by the clergy and worshippers known as a "Tour". Plays and music are typical features as the "Troupe" roams the area around their Church, stopping in taverns and city halls.
The High Priest is typically known as the Settkeeper, and his advisors are Elder Priests known as Badgerpopes, with other priests taking up the rank of Badger-. Not all priests are clerics, in fact very few. Therefore the priests can vary wildly, hence the - on Badger-. For example, Badgerminstrel, Badgerguard, and Badgerhealer are prevalent.

Protect the defenseless as you would a badger. Respect your enemies and try and make peace with them, for an enemy is not a paying customer. A stranger is a friend you haven't met yet, and the bearer of a virgin ear you haven't yet sung to. A badger can be the bane of enemies and the lover of all, bear that in mind. Extoll the values of Meles but do not overdo it, for turning away a non-Melesian is also turning away a potential sack of cash.

3) Oogooboogoo:
Oogooboo is the main deity worshipped by the majority of Arelith's goblins, instead of Maglubiyet. The lore surrounding it is (obviously) closely linked with the goblin tribe of Oogooboogoo.

Oogooboogoo: The Eater in The Dark, The Great Kivvil Eater, The Dreaded Father
Symbol: A big O drawn with human and elven teeth, often a mace and/or a dagger is situated in the middle. Sometimes the O is made up by a group of goblins surrounding their foe (a symbol for the clan and the strength of numbers).
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Shamans, Rogues, Fighters, Barbarians
Worshipers: Underdark Goblins and some Underdark Hobgoblin barbarians.
Worshipper alignments: CN, NN, LE, NE, CE
Domains: Death, Magic, Trickery, War, Grow/life (life in evil ways to grow, breed and get stronger)
Favored weapons: The Kivvil Kneecrusher (mace) and The Backpoker/Eyepoker (dagger)

The two sides of Oogooboogoo:
Oogooboogoo as a war leader: (his evil side) tells about goblins ways of “war”
Goblinz fight smart – no stupidz.
Only attackx weakx
If opponentz may bez stronger yuz runz
Alwayz try to bez more than otherz: attack wild from all sidez and crush
If yuz alone: sneak and poke in back or uze trapz
Oogooboogoo as goblin father: (his neutral side) tells about goblins ways of "life"
A gobo without clan is poor gobo
If goboz getz strong, clan getz strong – if clan growz, gobo growz
If goboz iz weak, clan getz weak – yuz no letz clan getz weak!
So goboz collectz, raidz, lootz, stealz all they getz! Yuz breed and grow in numberz!

Oogooboogoo main rule: Goboz be smartz and uze all trickz to survive! Then good chance yuz crush and grow!

4) Zarus:
Zarus: The Inheritor, The Father of Humanity, The Guiding Hand
Symbol: Visage of a perfect Human male set upon a shield and geometric starburst.
Home Plane: Acheron
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Portfolio: Humanity, domination, perfection.
Worshipers: Human Supremacists, Conquerors, Subjugated Abhumans, Perfectionists
Cleric Alignments: LE, LN, NE
Domains: Destiny, Law, Strength, War, Civilization
Favoured Weapon: Blade of Righteous Persecution (greatsword)

Zarus teaches humanism, honour, the supremacy of Mankind. He teaches that Man should create great civilizations and do everything it can to reach its full potential. He teaches that as the sole surviving Creator Race, they have hold a right to Toril and that the younger races must be made to recognise this through force of arms and gunboat diplomacy. Only with the advancement of the sciences and the perfection of the human form can Man’s potential be achieved.

Cleric Training:
Zarus' priests look for attractive, healthy youths who show pride in their abilities and arrogance toward anyone weaker. They recruit these people by offering to make them the best they can be. These acolytes are subjected to strict training, honing their physiques, and at the same time they are taught that humanity is the superior race and deserves to rule the world. These young clerics learn both how to give rousing speeches and how to wage war. They begin preaching in villages and towns, spreading their message.

Zarus prefers action to words, and his followers pray to him by exercising and by taking part in athletic competitions where they can demonstrate their superiority. Every morning they perform their exercises, vowing to be the best they can be and to demonstrate to other races that humans are superior in every way.

Zarus' temples are handsome structures, not elaborate but extremely well made and with tasteful decorations. The walls are covered with tapestries depicting mankind's talents: scenes of hunting, farming, weaving, and other occupations. The altar is always a gold statue of a perfect human male, a representation of Zarus himself.
Last edited by BlossomSeason on Tue May 03, 2016 1:40 pm, edited 5 times in total.

Posts: 195
Joined: Mon Sep 08, 2014 1:57 am

Re: Arelith Deities

Post by Ecstatic » Wed May 04, 2016 5:43 am

Closed for the time being, with reply posts removed, at OP request.

Given that this was intended as a reference for players that might not be aware of entities that are worshiped as deities on Arelith, let's keep it clean, tidy, and focused on that.
