Unseelie Wildshape Revamp

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Unseelie Wildshape Revamp

Post by Hin_Justice » Wed Oct 25, 2023 1:34 pm

I first want to say, that overall, the spell revamps and class tweaks so far have been great. However, there is a few things with the Unseelie pact I feel would be great, if were tweaked. Namely, the Wildshape.

As is, the removal of Animal language and the addition of Sylvan is a positive. However, when in wildshape mode, it does feel a lot of times, people are trying to find a warlock, with the lack of Animal language. Wildshape is mostly used for disguises these days, and it still can be used that way. But I feel, a better-themed variation of Wildshape would suit better for both RP and game play.

So this is what I had thought:

Instead of "Wildshape" I think "Feyshape" should take it's place, and scale per Pact Tier (and maybe +24 CHA Stat for a Special Epic Feyshape Form). Since Unseelie warlocks now speak Sylvan, I feel this pact should have multiple forms of fey (Seelie and Unseelie alike), and each shape be fairly scalable for Hideous Blow-type melee builds. Maybe certain forms of Feyshape are also unlocked at different Pact Tiers as well - per scaling suggestion made earlier.

I don't think the stat-based Epic shape should be quite as potent as say... Plantshape. But some Feyshape options with a weapon, some more mage-like, and some using unarmed... This gives a bit more diversity and customization to how an Unseelie Pacter may want to build their character.

These are all suggestions on how to implement a revamp. But basically, Unseelie pact is all about chaos and manipulation. So have forms from both courts would greatly play into that. And also offer more diverse ways to build an Unseelie, other than Enchanter/Pet Army Scion paths.

Lady Byrny Nuhl
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Re: Unseelie Wildshape Revamp

Post by DM Monkey » Thu Oct 26, 2023 1:29 am

This is mostly just a flavor ability. Don't worry though, whilst in animal form you will have access to -animal language.

Try harder! Help set a good example of roleplay for the server culture.
