Is Andunor Needed Anymore

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Re: Is Andunor Needed Anymore

Post by AdreannaDrea » Fri Sep 02, 2022 10:57 am

I would personally like to see the actual hub area opened up a bit, with links to quarters in it similar to an inn - perhaps amending the upstairs slightly to be the area for merchants, and the nice pub in the middle be where the portal is placed instead.

It's going to be the place where people congregate anyway, might as well expand on that and make it a bit larger or more balanced in terms of space allocation.


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Re: Is Andunor Needed Anymore

Post by Retratserif » Fri Sep 02, 2022 10:39 pm

Ork wrote:
Thu Sep 01, 2022 1:57 pm

You've made yourself out to be a victim, but victimization is a pretty serious offense that I'd only reserve for children that are impressionable. Unless that's you, you don't have to subject yourself to unfun scenarios and log off.

Best of luck where ever you're off to.
I have not made myself a victim. Countless times my character and those around my character had been targeted. With no interactions what so ever. Others have asked those that are doing it, about it, as in why. No answer is ever given. Facts do remain of my feelings. And making vague suggestions of the sort is disrespectful.

I have not left. I just refuse to interact what so ever with those that are offending.

The mentality of victimizing a player that is not in the popular group for what ever reason they feel, or none at all, seems to ok by all rules. Though shaming the victim also seems to be a trend here as well.

That is something I have never seen in any community. I feel that it creates a toxic environment, that only supports and caters to those that have roots in the game. Driving out those that like server, but have no means to defend themselves. Thus forced into situations that ruin a character or faction.

Your opinion is clear. Mine is as well. Driving out players or whole factions just does not seem like a fun thing to do to me. But heh. Its not my server. I am only a guest to it. I do my best to respect the other players. Even if I do not agree with them, playstyles or opinions.

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Re: Is Andunor Needed Anymore

Post by Ork » Sat Sep 03, 2022 1:20 am

You've made the critical error in equating IC actions to OOC intent. Does this happen? Sure, but a great roleplayer doesn't trouble themselves over it and uses even poor roleplay to craft a compelling story.

You are not a victim. Seeing yourself as a victim implies you're being harmed by this game. If that's true, for your own sake log off. Make a new character. Find a new niche or group of players. It's clear you've made reports but, you've 0 faith in the DM team in handling them. Why subject yourself to these situations when it's at least clear to you nothing will change.

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Re: Is Andunor Needed Anymore

Post by Morgy » Sat Sep 03, 2022 1:05 pm

Hey guys.

If you can't play nice, maybe stay off the forums? Reading the regular back and forth personal arguments is making this place unpleasant to browse.

Andunor is well designed and I've enjoyed most of my RP there, but it -is- easy to get cornered by conflict RP, in a way that is much easier to escape on the surface. It's super concentrated.

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Re: Is Andunor Needed Anymore

Post by Retratserif » Sat Sep 03, 2022 3:11 pm

Ork wrote:
Thu Sep 01, 2022 8:14 pm
Have you or a loved one been a victim of Discord faction abuse? You may be liable for compensation. Please call 912-touch-grass, again that's 912-touch-grass and get the justice you deserve.
With that there... I choose to ignore this player. The total lack of respect is apparent.

For whom that mentioned RMT. I am unsure what that means. I am not versed in most acronyms with in the last few years.

Please explain.

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Re: Is Andunor Needed Anymore

Post by Retratserif » Sat Sep 03, 2022 3:26 pm

There most likely are a few things that could help Andunor overall. More housing. More space. Less funneling. I wish there was a lot less OOC/discord use. Sure there is no way to stop it. All I can do is remove myself from it. I'm not saying all of that is bad. Organizing meetings and events, it really helps. As long as it's in good faith and nature for the game. With it breaking immersion. If it's too plan a multi faction attack with no prior RP... Or heads up... That's not good RP. That's meta/power gaming. Also knowingly destroying characters story, for no reason is pretty lame in my opinion. Especially when there is no interaction what so ever between the unsuspecting and one that has planned and potted. That I feel is power gaming. Forcing something to happen with no chance to recoil or resolve. There are rules about emoting that stuff... But none for major storyline breaks or immersion.

I do wish the best for Andunor. And still do what I can with my own limitations. I also will not sink as low to make sarcastic or rude comments. No. I wish the game to be more fun over all. Less Elistest/Do or Die/Die...

I got hooked for the RP. And this is said to be the best RP server for NwN. Though, the RP has been replaced with much PvP. And I don't just mean combat. Having proper disputes and even scirmishes can be exciting and extremely fun. If both parties are acting it out as it would be. Unfortunately I have had less of those than one sided PvP. And even more so, that I never seen it coming because I never even interacted with them before.

So, I ask. What causes this? What does a player that feels this is fun to do to another think? I am interested in that rational thought process. Being that Andunor is small. Not many places to go.

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Re: Is Andunor Needed Anymore

Post by DM Poppy » Sat Sep 03, 2022 4:30 pm

I think it is fair to say that the intended topic this thread was made to discuss has long since fizzled away and what has remained is not posatively impacting anything, so I shall be locking this thread.

Before I do so, I'd like to add my own thoughts of Andunor. With regards to what has been commented.

Andunor extends far beyond "The Hub" which is a key fact that seems to evade the minds of many. Far to often is it critised that the Hub allows for an influx in Humans, Surfacers etc etc. The simple reasoning for this, is because that is what is intended of the Hub. It is an area controlled by the Trade Master. His only concern is his income. What does not affect his profits, does not warrant the action of the Trade Master or his Peacekeepers. Despite how some may protest this fact, or how some thrive to see it changed, it never will. The Hub is a neutral trading zone, that all PCs are welcome to enter and exit, provided they do not disrupt the flow of trade.

Their are three districts. Each boasts a unique design, specific to a particular setting in mind. The Devil's table is by all accounts a Drow settlement. The Sharps is home to Monsterous races, with both tribal and refined areas to support the different social structures of monsterous races and finally, Greyport. It is as unique as both districts, with it's own intended audience.

However, what all three districts have in common is that they all have multiple areas to support settlement factions and player factions alike, with enough space and potential to rival most surface settlements with regards to the RP they can support. What else they have in common, is that they are vastly under utilitised. I shan't for a moment suggest that the RP that occurs within the districts goes unnoticed, or that it is of a low standard, the truth simply is that their isn't enough of it.

So. Is Andunor still needed? Well, in my opinion, the UD has yet to even use it to it's full potential. Until that happens, it's not whether or not Andunor is needed. It's simply that the UD needs Andunor.
I'm the nice one.. I promise :twisted:
