PSX Emulators?

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PSX Emulators?

Post by CragOrion » Sat Aug 01, 2015 6:56 pm

Does anyone know of a good Playstation emulator that works well but doesn't require a super-mega amount of time to configure it?

I'm using ePSXe 1.7.0 right now and it's a complete pain in the rear

it took me a whole day to download all the components for it and configure them to work halfway decently on my system, but then its buggy as hell and fixing the bugs mean savestating, closing, restarting, reconfigure, close, restart, load game, savestate again, close, restart, re-reconfigure, close, restart, loadgame...


complete pain in the rear

I've looked into RetroArch, but it seems even more of a pain in the butt than ePSXe

any suggestions?

Celestia Silverarms
Karynn Eldafire

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