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Mind-blowing collaborative storytelling group.

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 1:21 pm
by Ramen
I remember maybe 2-3 years ago, on the old forums; (Apologies, I wasn't able to unearth the post.) there was talk of starting a collaborative writing effort. For any who were then, or are now intrigued by this concept, click this link. These guys are so dedicated, they didn't even break character when someone blundered in and started asking uhhhmmm.... meta-questions. (If that makes sense).

Also, if the above mentioned project didn't suffer crib death, does anyone have a link to its current home?

Re: Mind-blowing collaborative storytelling group.

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 1:53 pm
by HurinWillSmite
I don't get it. I tried a few topics (before I lost patience and closed the tab) and I could only read the first post. the rest says they are deleted/lost.

Re: Mind-blowing collaborative storytelling group.

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 11:09 pm
by Ramen
There are long stretches of blank posts that you have to scroll through. Apparently they allow unregistered users to post, but the post is only temporary?... I think. Also, it seems the host (yuku) got penetrated, in the most unpleasant manner, and much of the content couldn't be recovered.

However, just sifting through the smouldering remains, I was in awe of how ambitious and detailed their universe was. On a related note; it kinda reminds me of the article our dear benevolent dictator linked in the facebook group a couple weeks ago. They disposed of dice bags, excommunicated experience tables, and rained down ruin upon rule sets.

Or, this could just be my imagination filling in the gaps left by.... whatever event sundered their poor world.

Yeah, it looks like the community is on life support. Shame.