The Shelving of Denny Lynndain-Walvish

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The Shelving of Denny Lynndain-Walvish

Post by Snake2512 » Sun Mar 21, 2021 1:43 pm

Man, where to begin. This took me a week to write by the way. Sorry about the delay.

Denny was my first character on Arelith I began playing back on the 12th of Jan 2020 and I have never had more fun with a character on any other medium. Arelith is genuinely a great place with some pretty great players. I have met so many people and had such a great time interacting with so many I will do my best to list them all. Sorry if I miss anyone.

I feel it is also worth noting though how spectacular his ending was, I want to give special thanks to Oturo, Vahm and Gorehounds players. I can't go into it too much due to FOIG info but he was nearly rolled twice in one day but at the last moments people were able to raise him from the dead. As a result, he got a happy ending. What makes it more amazing is how naturally it was done. No pre-planned roll events or anything like that, he got himself into a sticky situation and thanks to previous irl months of rp and arc building, it ended with him being saved in his darkest hour and sent home to his wife and five children.

I'll still be playing him every so often but this marks his end as my main character. As much as I still love playing Denny Walvish, he hogs the spotlight. He is a character thats been around for twelve to thirteen IG years and he has already ridden his wave of IC fame. Time to let him retire and let others emerge in his place.

Skaljard Crew -


So like all troublemakers I began the server on Skaljard and to this day it has had some of my favourite RP. I was incredibly fortunate to run into some of the best rpers on Arelith I had met on my year of playing the game. I have such fond memories of Skaljard and the absolute whacky stuff people would get up to but also the inherent calmness to it compared to mainland Arelith.

Vahm - Denny's true love and partner for twelve years. They met during the Bullywugs writ and they never quite left each other alone after that. Vahm played such an important and pivotal part in his life, a lot of her wisdom and support during his hard times meant he was able to break away from the Bane faith. She first got him in touch with Emma Young and to trust her. As a character too they simply fit together. They say opposites attract and it couldn't of been more correct in their case, Vahm had every virtue that Denny lacked and in time he'd grow to imitate her. Her own Tempuran faith would inspire him to take up a veneration of the Red Knight. Such veneration naturally led to his extensive military career as a Mercenary and then Helmite Crusader. It goes without saying she moulded him into being the man that everyone knew and loved/hated. His ultimate desire to impress his wife would set him on the path of war that most would come to know him for. Praise Tempus.

They'd be seperate for eight years though and during that eight years, Walvish did his best to remain ever faithful and true. He'd come to be known for his enthusiasm for speaking about his wife. Vahm returning to the Isle when she did would be the catalyst to the perfect send off, his story would come full circle and finish.

The character was utterly perfect for their situation and C2 is an excellent roleplayer

Isabella Rivera - Denny's best friend for nearly thirteen years. They knew everything about each other and did a lot together. All pivotal moments in his life involved her in some way and during the harshest fighting in his career, they'd fight again side by side. She was the reason he even had the courage to try to get Vahm's attention in the first place and more or less instructed him on how to conduct himself in a relationship. The player was also amazing and incredibly helpful towards new players. Who knows how many times she saved his life on the battlefield and behind the scenes, whilst she could not change his moral compass in the same way Vahm and Emma could, she certainly fought with everything she could to keep him alive another day so he could make that change.

Also very important for all the fashion advice she game.

The Fryars - Champions at involving newer characters into story arcs, I got really pulled in by the merchant roleplay they were laying down and they gave Denny a fair bit to do in his initial days. The first real friends the Walvishes made.

Iree & Ren - To complete the Skaljard regular crew were these Elves who wouldn't leave each other alone. They sadly did not see each other much after departing Skaljard but they were both fantastic RPers who would form a core of the regular faces Denny would see on that Icey wasteland. They also beat him up a bunch in an arena.

The Walvishes - The characters who made up his family were fundamental in getting me over the first mechanical hurdles of the game. We were all new players to Arelith at the time and spent our Skaljard days running around, creating stories and being utter menaces. They provided Denny with a firm support net which always stopped him from fully falling down darker paths and despite his arrogant and radically selfish behaviour at times always did the best to see the good in him. Tarah Walvish was a character that even in his final days deposited wisdom he'd fondly recall and shed light on certain behaviours he didn't even notice. Jackson Walvish was the perfect brother, a Knight of Illmater, more or less Denny's polar opposite and yet they could read each other so easily. Their interactions were so natural and fluid there was none who could deny that they were brothers despite the fact they held different political and moral views on the world. Tarah and Jackson in particular had a concrete hand in keeping him afloat in his early days. Vallerie's prominence would come much later as Denny's support during his depression as he got older, as a sister she was always just trying to be there for him, even if he was cold and distant at times. The real last hurrah of the entire family was the lengths they went through to plan his wedding. The end result was amazing.

Meivaurey and Belgar - I've interacted with some of Mei's other characters and I have to say their player is a master at portraying Elves. Meivaurey and Belgar are some of Denny's oldest friends and companions who managed to stay around for as long as he did. Mei in particular would be incredibly close to the Walvish family and always cherished.

Honourable Mentions: Silanna Ren



Sibayad Crew -


The von Brandts - I will eternally be grateful to the von Brandts' players for the lengths they went through to include Denny in so much great rp. They continously tried to include me, who was a new player at the time, in major DM events and even give me important roles in it. The RP they generated with Sibayad was tremendous and I will always be proud to of been apart of it. Even in his Crusader years he thinks of them fondly. Their involvement provided such an important growth in his story and began his first real role as an antagonist.

Tomir - The master Tailor Tomir, a good friend of Denny's and one of the few level heads in Sibayad he could always relate to. They were similar in their motivations and stance on the von Brandt's quest.

Pepper Crow - His first real mentor in the sands and what few know, the person he actually had true loyalty to in Sibayad. There were times in which the von Brandts offered to make Denny a retainer but he refused out of loyalty to Pepper's unit. She gave him his first real job on the Isle and payed him incredibly well. Thanks to her guidance he'd rapidly ascend the rank of the Mercenary company and lead it until its demise.

Florence - The maid and his best friend while in Sibayad. The two had such a great dynamic and tended to lean on each other during the hard times, both had an outstanding loyalty to their respective employer.

Katherine DeLocke - While not directly tied to Sibayad, it is where Denny met her. Katherine was one of Denny's closest friends and suffered many awkward parties alongside them. Nothing will ever top polymorphing yourself into a zombie and nearly immediately getting PvP'd into dust as everyone confuses you for an actual undead. Denny still has her 'Wildcard'. I wish I could of done more with that characters goodbye.

Honourable mentions to Lora Gallenson, Loegaire



Laecca Vemc and Sylvia Naern - Both fantastic roleplayers, Laecca and Sylvia were both his friends and his enemies at the same time. One thing that has always haunted Denny was how the consequences of his choices contributed to their deaths and how he wished he revolted sooner to help them. He still has the desert flower that Sylvia offered him.

Coronal Anaria - An immensely tough opponent and neither had much love for the other, yet at times on neutral grounds they would often speak. Anaria as a character was immensely fleshed out and a joy to interact with even when on opposing sides.

Kelkas and Theulorn - Immensely deadly Black Archers who managed to kill him just after his wedding (he deserved it) while I didn't interact with them too much, they definitely created the tone and legend of the Black Archers in his mind.

Kharis Noc'te and Ausha Wrenn - Ausha without a doubt played an important role in making sure Denny wasn't red paste on Cordor's pavement everytime the Black Archers came to visit. Kharis was perhaps the first Black Archer friend Denny made and he came across as remarkably gentle despite the fact he was undeniably one of the most fierce warriors on the Isle. Both of them would help him on his path to a new life and to a degree keep those more interested in his demise than his redemption at bay.

Kaos and Oturo - His OTHER Black Archer '''friends'''. What would begin as an incredibly strained relationship between the three would blossom into one of respect and comradery. Walvishes methods always inspired doubt in his elven counterparts but after mutual displays of heroism in the face of terrible odds, they'd learn to trust one another and their intentions. I sadly can't go into too much detail due to certain events being still relevant in the game. However, the Saltspar Incident would be a turning point with Denny Walvish and his long disdain of Myon and vice versa.

Lysrithien Stratym - One of Denny's good friends, a very generous elf who would be in his mind the perfect image of Elven nobility and hospitality.

Dregan Young/Button - One of Denny's long time friends and protectors, few in Myon would give him the time of day like Dregan would and Denny never forgot her kindness. He did his best to make it up to Dregan anyway he could. Wooosh.

Xun'sali - A very special person to Denny. Xun is such a fun character to interact with and they brought such life to Cordor in general. He will sorely miss this small wooshable elf and he knows deep down she is actually very wholesome

Honourable mentions to Yeneselle, Karathas, Pinlyn and Draelyn. I sadly wish I got to interact with these people more but I never did. Draelyn in particular brought some much needed closure to Laecca's story. All these characters were a joy to be with.



Derristan Barley - Almost like a dad and definitely a mentor to Denny. He'd occasionally be sought out when times were really tough and he wasn't sure what to do, especially on Military matters. Derristan is an utter gem that is both hilarious to be around and an incredibly serious character.

Souken Davis - One of Denny's oldest comrades and friends, met him and went on a fair few excursions the first time Denny met with the Helmites and he was unique in that he didn't instantly want to kill Denny. Utterly surprised the man hasn't died of old age, the rage against the basin probably keeps him youthful.

Honourable mentions to: Reina Barley-Drevan, Prellia Nuthatch, Cainan Zareen I really wish I got to interact with them more.



Dellie and Perry Starswallow - Both characters were presented by masterful roleplayers, Denny came in perhaps halfway through their rollercoaster of an arc and got to see first hand the shifts and change in their personalities and attitudes as they were forced to adapt to a series of tragic (and fortunate) circumstances. In the end Dellie would assist the Crusader with perhaps one of his most memorable massacres and Perry will always have nice shoes.

Sarah Rosewind - Denny never had a good relationship with the Dale and Sarah was swift to pick up on his attitude towards the Hins. She conducted herself as one would expect against someone with such a long and scandalous history in the Dale and I hope their player enjoyed the locking of horns as much as I did. Sarah was incredibly well roleplayed, always doing her best to stand by the people she cared for and provided an engaging arc for the Gauntlet's diplomacy team.

Ulrik Stormheart - I only got to roleplay with them for a few brief moments but all those brief moments were memorable and one in particular made waves Icly. Ulrik was such a formidable military presence Denny could not help but deeply respect the man and his accomplishments.


Cordor LADS


Elspeth Lynndain - Anyone who has runs into this character knows Preserver is the best of the best. One of those characters where you actively feel self conscious about your own rp because of how well presented they are. Elspeth was one of the few people who really fought to get Denny away from the 'bad crowd'. As such the man became eternally grateful and was always obedient, never arguing back, he only sought to make her proud of her decision to defy so many. Definitely a strong motherly figure, there are so many great memories Denny and Elspeth have with one another. As a result he eventually accepted the offer to enter into her family.

Isabel - Another one of the great Cordorian politicians and another person who was supportive (or at least not opposed) when Denny first came to Cordor. The lectures and lessons that she took Denny through were an amazing experience and he still carries them with him this day.

Isabel Landonbur - Speaking of Isabels, this Justicar came in at the right time. A delight to RP with and sadly she had to deal with the legal madness that was Denny Walvish. Despite the madness though they actually managed to get results. A fantastic rper and a great character. I can't wait to see what they develop into.

Odtgankawruh Zorig-Gerel/The Artificer - Please let me know if I spelt the name right, I had to do it from muscle memory. The Artificer though will always be the Imaskari in my mind. I was always interested in roleplaying one until I met Odt and I instantly killed the idea because it dawned upon me I will never portray one as good as the Artificer's player has. The Artificer's impact on Denny was substantial, having met them in Sibayad they were ironically one of Denny's oldest friends(?) while in Cordor and there are too many great scenes to count. They are in my mind one of the characters that everyone has to meet at least once. An actual gem.

Lavanya Lynndain - Talk about emotional soul mates. Who knows how often they have leant on each other for support (mostly Denny whinging) during their respective mid-life crisis? Anya was always sort of like a sister to Denny, even from when he first heard of Konstantin's interest in the woman he went out of his way to meddle and steer them onto the path of the Sunie curse. They had an immense amount in common with each other and has more than once been a necessary pillar of support to the man's mental well being. Anya will forever be in my mind the Sharessan.

Also a very important voice in the fashion game.

Ari-Satiah - The ominous auntie. I treasure the mentoring Ari gave the man in his hardest times and I deeply regret not interacting with them more. She also got him to actually drink alcohol which is an achievement in and of itself.

Tamaris - The not-so-secret crush. Tamaris had saved his life more times than anyone else on Arelith, she went from being what Denny saw as a hot headed Mercenary to being one of his best friends. Tamaris was always a character that pushed the bounds and challenged the status quo much to Denny's stress. However in doing so he was able to draw many moral lessons and actually evolve even further spiritually. In between her sporadic bursts of rage she actually communicated a number of lessons he would take on. His admiration for the woman grew in each fight they found themselves in as he was often the damsel-in-distress. It is rare for a character to have such a remarkable influence on everyone around them.

Whisper - Another one of those people who makes me feel so self conscious about my roleplay due to how good theirs is. Whisper was there at the right time and the right place, a great and enthusiastic magistrate who did a lot to endure one of the city's hardest times. Denny always had a deep respect for Whisper.

Blythe - Denny first met her when she was her Outcast self. Over many months of roleplay they grew incredibly close and with the assistance of the Gauntlet, they were able to be redeemed and start a new life. This was always Denny's proudest achievement, he had so much time for Blythe and anything she needed he'd work to make happen. He always saw the woman as like a daughter to him and so when the day came to actually walk her down the aisle there were many, many tears. Her constant support of the man during his darkest hour saved him from many mental breakdowns. Blythe will remain one of my favourite characters on Arelith to date.

Lilian Williams - There's some FOIG details here so I can't go into too much detail but they are an amazing character. Their friendship with Denny came at a time when he needed it the most and he will always feel guilty about what transpired in the end. I so wish I could talk about more but she was definitely like Blythe in that her support for him meant so much and helped keep his sanity. Also like Blythe in that they are also one of my favourite characters.

Balthasar Bishop - I'm proud of you, son.

Conni Ano'coda - Mentor and hotheaded student is perhaps the best way to describe the two. Conni is another one of those roleplayers where you stop and have to examine your own grasp of the english language due to the other persons clear mastery over it. Their relationship developed to one of extreme suspicion to one of deep respect as they fell on the same side of conflict. Denny worked hard to shield what he perceived as a well-meaning yet clumsy protagonist from as many consequences as he could. In a way I suspect Conni shielded him from similar things in different ways.

Kesssarin Carmichael - A great roleplayer and I wish I got to roleplay with them more but I more saw what they had to deal with on the sidelines and I can say they handled it masterfully. Denny will always have a tremendous amount of respect for her.

Honourable Mentions: Kya Ellanair, Mackenzie Graves, Ebon, Hospitality, Duncan Waynolt, Markus Hawkwinter, Aeradir, Gur-durak (Wide), Riza.



The Rivorndir - . Aldros as a character is both the perfect archetype and also layered, Vyr knows precisely the kind of noble Aldros is meant to be and he executes it expertly. Aldros and Denny were at first on the opposite sides of the war but in time they'd find themselves relying on one another for the new challenges that Cordor would face. Walvish certainly and likely always will hold a degree of respect and admiration for him despite once being a von Brandt. (Denny is still a von Brandt at heart though). The other cousins to act as the perfect meshes to Aldros' often distant self. Dra'gos and Uthros always felt warmer and more approachable, the two were much more like 'normal guys' than their other cousin. As such Denny got along with both as well as one would expect. Dra'gos and Denny have shared their fair few tense conversations but overall the man felt he could approach the two about any worries. Both are played by fantastic roleplayers who really work to bring an interesting dynamic to the trio.

The Exarchs, Drad An'ash and Dameon Wade - So I really should of thrown Dameon in the Skal category as Denny met him there first but it feels more fitting to speak of both together. Denny always had an excellent relationship with both exarchs, Dameon even made his wedding suit while they were technically at war. Drad even had a key to Denny's home which represented how much he trusted the elf with not only his life but his family's. I remember very distinctly a key moment in which both of them stopped Denny in the street just to see if he was okay. He wasn't and he deflected (as most men do) but the gesture alone meant a great deal to him and interactions like that really helped him get through his depression. Both characters and their players are utter joys to be around and cornerstones to Cordor.

The Wardens - Look there were a lot of wardens that Denny got a long with so I am just going to list them.
Segovax and Rolf (lad squad) - You two know precisely why I ICly and OOCly have huge respect for you both as members of the community.
Vincent Wingrave and Alfred Argent - Thanks for getting him off murder charges
Danae Wade - Get true sighted.
Melnys Araunna'tahar - A good friend of Denny's and a brilliant fighter. They always had each others backs. I actually had the joy of interacting with them on two different characters and they're such a well fleshed out and engaging character, I am grateful I got to rp with them as much as I did.

Sorry if I missed anyone!

The Gauntlet


Where to begin.

Tristan Wilkensen - By far my favourite Knight-Commander and the absolute opposite of Denny. Cool headed, diplomatic and kind to the core. He is precisely the fold the Gauntlet needs. Denny never truly understood why he had his rank until he witnessed him have to deal with both the Bendir Dale and Walvish screech in his ear at the same time.

Konstantin Helbrecht - Denny's other brother. Helbrecht and Walvish are the perfect example of two different personality types being the same alignment. While there is absolutely zero things they had in common in terms of personal interests, they stood for the same things. To establish the Helmite Hegemony across the Isle, to venerate the High Watcher as true ruler of Arelith and most importantly, to be a really good dad and husband. They bickered often (especially on the matters of uniforms) but when it came to getting down to business and getting results they were both on the same page. Konstantin will always be the man Denny wishes he was.

Coralee Fairbrook - Denny's favoured Lieutenant. The man watched them from when they were first a novice to succeeding him as Knight-Captain. He was never phased by her dedication to holding him accountable for his 'crimes' whatever they may of been for he always knew in the end she'd see things the way he did. He never even attempted to hide his contacts or who he met with and why, in his mind he always trusted Coralee to do the right thing and if that meant sticking him with a sword, so be it. It is great to see how much the character has grown over such a period.

Arathis Aurelian - BIG MAN ARATHIS. Arathis hit the ground running from the get-go. He joined the Gauntlet during a time of strife and conflict and he was always putting his hands up for fights and guardian duty. Denny developed an outrageous amount of respect for him as no matter the job he engaged with it. Arathis will always make up one of the inner circle of the Gauntlet who he trusts above all else, as they fought often alongside each other for eight years. In his mind there was also no one more perfect for Loravyre. Also lot of dad energy but that seems to be a staple of Gauntlet men.

Briggs - Medium Man Briggs. Briggs was immediately thrown into the fire and he rose to the challenge. After many long years of scouting missions and being involved in what would of had to of been the most decisive Gauntlet victory in existence, Briggs quickly became a staple of the Gauntlet. Yet there was no bragging or demands. The character never complained about being told to do anything nor did he ever waive his veterancy and rank over people. There were many special moments between Denny and Briggs and what changed that few noticed was that whenever Denny had to go behind enemy lines, infiltrate the Underdark or Shadow Wharftown, he was no longer doing it alone.

Loravyre Be'lyn - Denny's little sister. He brought her into the Order to get her away from a life of piracy, after all if his necromancer-loving mercenary butt could make it in, then definitely so could she. Lora was a perfect fit for the Gauntlet and brought a much needed Cleric to the table. Her gentle nature gave the Order a flavour that was not found in the legions of PTSD riddled paladins and knights awaiting the next speedy hin to call them into combat. She also is the unofficial Walvish artist as vast amounts of her art decorate Denny's home. Everything they did for Denny's wedding truly turned it into a magical night.

Rosalie Young - The most precious asset to the Church of Helm. Rosalie fought long and hard to keep Denny's mood up, she was always distinctly aware of any emotional façade he was keeping up. Often Denny would go around forcing smiles and acting stoic for the troops but she was always there to put a real smile on his face. Even without her military contributions her weight in helping out Denny and the other Helmites with severe psychological trauma was enough to earn her many promotions. The definition of too pure for this world.

Jach Springrunner - Big Man Jach on scene. Look if there was ever the epitome of Gauntlet soldiery, it was Jach Springrunner. From the moment he joined to today the character has been keeping the machine that is the Gauntlet running by performing every duty asked of him and more. Jach was always great to be around and always up for the fight. My only regret is Denny and Jach didn't get to fight alongside each other more. Denny is however still waiting for him to propose to his sister, so hurry up so they can be brothers. Few characters are so layered and complete as Jach. Don't know where the faction would be without him.

Vincent Grimwald - A very old friend of Denny's and one of the few good men who didn't want to have him murdered back in SIbayad. Vincent is as kind a friend as he is talented a swordsman and Denny owes him his life on more than a few occasions. Always incredibly humble about his talents as well but Denny knows the truth, there are few he could be more confident in to protect the High Watcher in his absence.

Rayne Windbrooke - Boy oh boy did these two hate each other but man did he want no one more at his side when blades were swinging. I cannot count the amount of times these two found each other back to back in a fight. Walvish and Windbrooke rarely had nice things to say to one another but when it came to doing their duties, they knew they could trust one another. Rayne was a character that changed and developed over a long period of time and I am immensely grateful to have witnessed just about every step of it. RIP Windbrooke, she did her duty.

Eilwyn Xyrsis - The only person on the Isle who probably makes worse decisions than Denny Walvish. As a result Denny sees a lot of himself in Eilwyn. He can see her making the same fumbles as he did when he was young but it is because of that he is so forgiving. He knows she has true potential to be the Next Big Hero on Arelith if she just plays her cards right. If history repeats itself, then she will. They're a chipper soul to have around though and bring real life to the faction. I know if the player really sticks to the character then they will be making some serious waves in days to come and in many ways they already are.

Special mentions to Elinee Fynn, Westian Roseheart, Meera Rayen, Simone Beregnor Springscar, Gwen Beregnor Springscar, Jensen Whisper, Aurin Guirain, Evelynn Ward. You guys rock and really make the faction special, thank you for everything you do.


Oh and a special shout out to all of Denny's shadowclones, you know who you are.


The Antagonists

Gorehound - First things first we're giving shout outs to /the/ Gnoll. Gorehound as a foe is so satisfying for a number of reasons, first his grip on mechanics makes him a truly remarkable villain as his bark is just as deadly as his bite. Secondly the layers to the character, he is such a well presented character. I have had nothing but joy when interacting with Gorehound as his archenemy (or I really hope Denny was his archenemy :c) and I cannot give enough praises to the player of him. He is both a great roleplayer and incredibly healthy for the community. I hope to see more of him on my other characters.

The Void Cult - I won't pretend every interaction with them was perfect but man did they really play the role of ever present Doom. The Void Cult is home to some incredibly talented roleplayers and the conflict that existed between our factions created untold amount of RP. Ash Novak (not Quirina), Cookie, Aellowyn and many others were such interesting characters to be involved in and I have to give a very special to Ash in particular. The running plotline between Denny and Ash was definitely one of the most engagin and interesting stories I have been involved with for awhile. Despite the smile on Denny's face, I was OOCly very upset when their time came and I WISHED I was there earlier. The Pontiff's involvement in Denny's life also gave the conflict and incredibly interesting flavour as his opposition would not just be one out of moral principle but one of almost personal revenge for not (in his opinion) doing enough for the von Brandts. I can't go into too much sadly as a lot is still FOIG.

Roselyn Kingsley - One of my favourite villains on the server. Kingsley is another one of those characters that forces you to be so self-conscious of your own writing when rping alongside them. They have been involved with Denny's story from Sibayad to his retirement and their interactions have been incredibly memorable. Witnessing the reveal in the Shadovar is certainly on the highlight reel.

Chenizra Xel'vraxa - A lot of FOIG information tied to this one but of all the Drow Houses, Denny held the most respect for the Xel'vraxa. They often clashed on the battlefield and the man developed immense admiration to how the Matron conducted herself in politics and how she ran her House.

Nash Zaakir - Denny misses his old Banite friend, when are you coming back up to visit? But no in all seriousness, Nash is such an immensely well developed character and with so much history. I regret deeply not being in a position to interact with them more.

Belfryn - When are we going sailing? In all honestly the most chance random kidnapping turned into one of my most enjoyable nights playing the game. Being a captive on the Dreadnought brought an insane amount of interesting and enjoyable roleplay, that despite only really speaking to Belfryn twice, he is on the list.

The Black Host - This is really directed at Ceska and Erika as they were the two members I had the most interaction with but the Black Host was a joy to rp with on every level. Both had incredibly interesting takes on the Bane faith, engaging backstories and created a unique atmosphere that Denny got to indulge in that probably would not of existed otherwise. Keep on Hailing Bane.

Minimir Banites - This entire community was great to be involved with but I need to give extra special shout outs to Erzebert Aganos and Mordred Kane. Both their contributions to the community are insane and I cannot recommend enough playing a Banite just to be near these two. Aganos and Kane are just two Banites I consider the most engaging to rp with and I am grateful I got the chance to interact with them. hm hm hm.

Llokr - Although their conversations were limited I cannot praise enough how well Llokr presents his faith and how it is depicted. Learning and taking wisdom from good clerics is to be expected of Denny but in truth Denny borrowed a lot of phrases and attitudes towards faith from Llokr. He was simply a man who always seemed he got precisely what he wanted to out of life and Denny could not help but respect that.

Jaezmorlin - I am adding them in late but given their first interaction was over negotiating for the release of prisoners, what developed and flowed on from there demonstrates both Jaez as a character and their player knew how to tell a story. What could of been a simple prisoner exchange developed and brewed into one of the biggest plots thanks to them. Sadly a lot of FOIG tied to it but Jaez was a treat and in the right place at the right time.

Hurz Hune - One of the best scenes I ever had on this game was the encounter in the radiant heart. (ruined by oturo OWNING me) With even only a few encounters I could tell Hurz has a heavy presence down below and heavily fleshed out character. Amongst my favourite drow.


Emma Young, the High Watcher


I cannot say enough the pillar of the community the player is.

The sheer amount of effort they put into involving me into so many DM events and so much RP when I was incredibly new to the server was amazing. It wasn't really just me though, I have spent the better part of a year RPing alongside Emma Young and they always worked hard to ensure every single person felt included and appreciated. They are 80% of the reason I have stuck with the server as long as I have, the sheer amount of RP opportunities they opened up for Denny cannot be said enough. They are a player who truly play for the story and the collective betterment of the entire server. The hard work they put in just so other people can have fun is unreal. If it was not for them Denny and so many other characters would be nobodies without a shred of spotlight but I was fortunate enough to be playing around the same time they were. As a result, Denny is a pretty well known character and it is all thanks to Emma Young/Dawn.

Emma was essentially Denny's second mum, their journey began in 160 when Denny introduced himself as THE NEXT BIG VILLAIN to which he was promptly laughed out of the room. I would never of guessed on that day Denny would end his career as the face of Gauntlet Crusaders. However through a crazy set of circumstances and the ever present love and care of Emma, Denny would manage to find his feet in Cordor. Denny was an absolute burden to the woman whose contributions to the organisation initially was only scandal and insult. His presence certainly dirtied the Gauntlet name yet Emma always saw something in him. This act of utter selflessness in the face of misery was something Denny would never forget and in his mind solidifed Emma as the epitome of all goodness. Although scandal would always follow the man, he repayed Emma with eight years of service and slaved day and night to establish a Helmite Hegemony on the Isle. He can only pray and hope he made her proud. If not for Emma's protection then his dreams of being a father would be dead as Emma did not just give the man life but gave him a life worth living. Through her he was able to marry his wife, have children and return to his hometown to raise them, which was always his true dream in life. All it cost him was eight years of bloody service and although he lost his memories, his mental health and his life (many times) he would do it all again and return to her side if ever called upon. Service to the Gauntlet changed him significantly as a person.

Wrestling Denny away from the Bane faith was no easy task either, it was not a cataclysmic event that resulted in some sudden change of heart. No I roleplayed the Bane faith like a drug addiction. It took Emma ten years to fully rid the man of the Black Hand's influence. The lengths both the player and the character went to give my first character a very special story is honestly heartwarming. He was only as enjoyable and as big a he is thanks to their hard work.

I'm honestly a little bitter as I feel like I have already been involved with the best faction and faction leader on the server but all good things come to an end.

So thank you Dawn and everyone else. Denny was a lot of fun.

Last edited by Snake2512 on Sun Mar 28, 2021 1:25 am, edited 4 times in total.

Denny Lynndain-Walvish, certified rude boy - Rolled
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Re: The Shelving of Denny Lynndain-Walvish

Post by Reiklandraider » Sun Mar 21, 2021 2:02 pm

thanks a ton for all the rp, as westian I have had nothing but great experiences with denny and it hurt him deeply when denny decided to retire, but alas all things must come to an end, I hope you come back to school my young butt in new and exiting ways with your new char

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Re: The Shelving of Denny Lynndain-Walvish

Post by Sic Semper Tyrannis » Sun Mar 21, 2021 2:43 pm

Cheers man, was always fun.

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Re: The Shelving of Denny Lynndain-Walvish

Post by neverwinternightly » Sun Mar 21, 2021 3:03 pm

Such a major influence on my character before even meeting him! When they finally did meet properly, my gosh! So many emotions tied to certain talks. Some of the conversations between the two are ones I will never forget.
“If I thought I could walk away from this all and no one would blame me, I would.”
Glad that Denny finally got that moment to step away from things and live the family life he dreamed of! Big times kudos <3

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Re: The Shelving of Denny Lynndain-Walvish

Post by Zariu » Sun Mar 21, 2021 3:05 pm

Denny will always have such a special spot in my heart. Thank you for all the RP and times together. ^^

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Re: The Shelving of Denny Lynndain-Walvish

Post by LIAR LIAR » Sun Mar 21, 2021 5:16 pm

i love dad

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Re: The Shelving of Denny Lynndain-Walvish

Post by l33tfragiletings » Sun Mar 21, 2021 5:21 pm

Denny Walvish was out there making history and setting trends. Definitely going down as one of the most memorable Arelith characters of recent years, maybe even of all time! Thanks so much for the fun and letting me tag along. <3

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Re: The Shelving of Denny Lynndain-Walvish

Post by Preserver » Sun Mar 21, 2021 6:04 pm

Denny was a test of character and faith for Elspeth, another Song. How much would have she been willing to compromise for the sake of helping the lost puppy?

Turns out, Denny really invites more RP to come. He's fun and nice, and always a good presence to OOCly have beside for help and support. Thank you so much for the RP!

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Re: The Shelving of Denny Lynndain-Walvish

Post by strong yeet » Sun Mar 21, 2021 7:58 pm

Wait, his wife was a real person?

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Re: The Shelving of Denny Lynndain-Walvish

Post by Zaravella » Sun Mar 21, 2021 9:20 pm

I look forward to meeting your new main character... Denny will be missed.

(I still think Vahm is just a fantasy in Denny's head. Not a real person. :) )
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Re: The Shelving of Denny Lynndain-Walvish

Post by D4wN » Sun Mar 21, 2021 9:57 pm

There is so much I could say, but I’ve said it all before. You’ve become a RL friend over the year and a bit we’ve played together. That day we met for the first time in Sibayad, I felt an instant connection with someone who could make me laugh so quickly. I was immediately entertained and the usual stern and serious Emma turned into someone who would initially deal with Denny with humour. Every interaction from there on has been so enjoyable. When I found out you were someone from my time zone I was over the moon!!

The redemption arc of Denny, no matter how long it took, was a ride I will never forget. I enjoyed every moment of it and yes, some moments made me cry. For someone who’s not played this game before, you are an incredible story teller.

The Gauntlet was a very new group when you joined without really any true establishment or legacy (other than killing the infamous Neli Ore of course! But people forget quickly). You put us on the map. For good reasons and bad reasons. Because of your help and others who were there from the beginning like Konstantin and Rayne, the Gauntlet has grown into a significant and well known force for agents of good. A place for new characters and even new players to call home, feel accepted and have a purpose. And always, always did you make sure others were included in your Denny story. There’s proof in this kudos thread with how many people you have interacted with or had an impact on.

Denny was like a son to Emma. And now she has lost two of her closest supporters in Kon and Denny. An end to an era. But their legacy lives on in the next generation of Gauntlets. They will never be forgotten.

Thank you for everything you have done for me, for the Gauntlet and for the community. And most of all, thank you for being my friend.

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Re: The Shelving of Denny Lynndain-Walvish

Post by Zavandar » Sun Mar 21, 2021 10:12 pm

anaria on denny (she would've never said this to his face):


cheers bud
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Re: The Shelving of Denny Lynndain-Walvish

Post by All41 » Sun Mar 21, 2021 11:54 pm

Oh and a special shout out to all of Denny's shadowclones, you know who you are.
Bit weird to Kudos yourself?

All jokes aside, Denny is a character I met while playing many different characters and it was always a memorable interaction. Looking forward to what you do next.

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Re: The Shelving of Denny Lynndain-Walvish

Post by Hadals » Mon Mar 22, 2021 12:20 am

Love you and Denny. Truly a character that was a treasure to interact with, and a player/roleplayer that I looked up to and still do. Looking forward to your next character.
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Re: The Shelving of Denny Lynndain-Walvish

Post by Cidolfus » Mon Mar 22, 2021 12:58 am

As long as you unshelve so that Dra'gos and Denny can have their anime duel to the death, I have accepted this.

Denny was an amazing character and Dra'gos saw him as one of his only friends outside of Darrowdeep, as the deep stigma of the Rivorndir influence has kinda left him lonely. And to know when Dra'gos comes back one day and Denny will not be there will be a sad day.

But seriously, you owe me an anime duel to the death in the middle of Cordor. My training montage is almost finished.
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Re: The Shelving of Denny Lynndain-Walvish

Post by AzureLuna » Mon Mar 22, 2021 3:25 am

I still maintain it's a MIRACLE that Denny got a happy ending (not like that, you know what I mean), and I LOVE to see it.

No joke, Anya and Denny's friendship has been one of my favorite and most unexpected parts of playing her story. Thanks for all of the goofiness and sadness that come with their kindred middle school dance vibes.

Anya will never stop loving him in a non-threatening way. Can't wait for what comes next. <3
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Re: The Shelving of Denny Lynndain-Walvish

Post by Turn the Tide » Mon Mar 22, 2021 5:08 am

I've been privileged to have the RP I've witnessed and interaction so far with Denny, I've loved the time spent with him on many characters however extremely brief.

I've always had mad respect for him since when he stepped in to protect my tiefling character from certain death threats as their first interactions. The evolution of your character through variety of alignments is incredible to me and a great, brilliant feat of collaborative storytelling that I believe everyone on Arelith strives for daily. Thanks for the RP and I look forward to what else you have in store!!
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Re: The Shelving of Denny Lynndain-Walvish

Post by benedict overencumberbatch » Mon Mar 22, 2021 6:42 am

Thanks for letting me bully Denny all the time.

Denny and Rose had a relationship that defied what I had expected from either character, and continued to surprise me as it developed. Others have said it already, but for being a first time Arelith player, you are a phenomenal storyteller, and I enjoyed every moment spent with Ol' Walvish.

"Cool Aunt Rosie" will miss him, maybe. I definitely will.

Last edited by benedict overencumberbatch on Sun Mar 28, 2021 1:53 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Shelving of Denny Lynndain-Walvish

Post by Xarge VI » Mon Mar 22, 2021 9:15 am

You are not brilliant, Denny. -Odtgankawruh Zorig-Gerel

Denny was great, getting close to The Artificer throught all her (apparent?) cold indifference with sheer resolve. In his own way reminding the cyborg that even primitives are people.

This is for you, Denny:

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Re: The Shelving of Denny Lynndain-Walvish

Post by lakhena » Mon Mar 22, 2021 12:25 pm

While I thought the incident was funny OOC, my PC still thinks Denny is a pervert.
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Re: The Shelving of Denny Lynndain-Walvish

Post by Neonpig13 » Mon Mar 22, 2021 2:59 pm

Denny was an amazing gem of a character. The only surface Jaezmorlin ever liked, and even on my new characters I still hear your name talked about all of the time.

You're the definition of a legacy character. Thank you.

I really hope you enjoy your next character
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Re: The Shelving of Denny Lynndain-Walvish

Post by Kessarin » Mon Mar 22, 2021 3:41 pm

How I wish I would've played here sooner so I could've had more time with Denny! Kess initially had this... wariness of him that faded at a certain special event, when his Big Dad energy was on full display. He'll have to return and repeat the process when she takes a similar walk. ;)

On the player side of things, all the encouragements you gave me OOC have made you into someone who I admire and respect so much. I really hope that we can interact again as PCs, too.

Thank you for being a part of my PC's life as well as mine. Whoosh forever. <3

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Re: The Shelving of Denny Lynndain-Walvish

Post by Edens_Fall » Mon Mar 22, 2021 4:13 pm

From allies to foes its been an interesting ride, at least on my side of the fence. Too many personal emotions swirl inside me to even begin to touch on them, so instead I will simply say it was an honor to have been a part of your story.

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Re: The Shelving of Denny Lynndain-Walvish

Post by Arigard » Mon Mar 22, 2021 4:54 pm

Denny, you're awesome & from the first time Gorehound interacted with "The Walvish", he had a strange fascination with him. There was a period where not a day went by where he didn't mention your name at some point in RP. You definitely are Gorehounds first true arch enemy and his desire to take Denny down made him make mistakes and over reach.

Whilst Gorehound will be beyond annoyed that Denny gets to live happily into retirement, as a player I'm very glad we'll get to see more of "The Walvish" in the future.

May his nightmares have big demon dogs in them. :D :D

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Re: The Shelving of Denny Lynndain-Walvish

Post by Tempedius » Mon Mar 22, 2021 7:34 pm

Ponty will always love Denny. He will always be that weird, loyal man that will eventually understand everything. Some of my favorite moments on Pontiff were with Denny, or plotting around Denny and one of Pontiff's darkest moments was when he realized Denny was lost to him. It's always been a blast, and I look forward to what ever journey you start next.

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