End of year kudos

Praise and Honey Cookies from Players for Players, and Chocolate Cookies for the Devs

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End of year kudos

Post by D4wN » Sat Dec 21, 2019 8:43 pm

I’ve played on Arelith now for approximately 10 months after a 10+ year break from NWN. I’ve enjoyed so many things about my time this year with you all. I even made new RL friends who we visit as often as we can. And I made so many who I would now consider friends virtually all over the world. NWN has always had this unique ability for me and I’m happy to see it hasn’t changed.

I know many of you put a lot of time and effort into making sure the world stays fun, lively and ever changing. So here’s to you! I wanted to thank each and every one I’ve had the pleasure to RP with for spending your time with me. I want to thank all the Admins, Developers and DMs for all their effort this year in listening to / considering our requests and helping to make real impacts for our characters. I want to thank all fun monster players. The ones who do not kill you after 2 words of RP. But who create tension and conflict, schemes, doubts and all those things that create fun and further RP. What you guys and girls do is very hard and I appreciate it.

The enjoyable times far outweigh the not so fun moments and making so many new friends is priceless. I hope everyone has a great Christmas break and an incredible 2020.

Currently playing:
Thomas Castemont - Active

Liv McDowall - Shelved
Theodor Helbrecht - Rolled
Emma Young - Rolled
Ember Joyleaf-Underfoot - Rolled

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Re: End of year kudos

Post by TheFox » Sat Dec 21, 2019 10:05 pm

Here's a health to the company!

It's been a joy RPing with you. It's been a joy RPing with everyone. This year, I came back about mid-year after a several-years-long hiatus, and decided to roll on the Surface. It's been a blast the whole way and I've run into so many good RPers and had so many meaningful conflicts.

I love you all. Even the bitter ones.

May the holidays and the New Year be the best that they can be for you. May you find love, life, and vitality. Let the old wounds heal; let the new wounds be shallow; and may your worst days in the next year be no worse than your best days of the last.
Currently Playing: Aisha al Jaziri yr Mirai

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Re: End of year kudos

Post by l33tfragiletings » Sun Dec 22, 2019 6:37 am

Arelith has had it's moments this year, but no matter what it still remains an extremely entertaining server. Biggest thanks to the development staff, DM, and administrative team for all your hard work. And also thanks to all you guys playing out there. Much love~!

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Re: End of year kudos

Post by Peachoo » Mon Dec 23, 2019 8:00 pm

As someone who just started playing NWN after a similar 6-7 year break... Thank you so much for all the wonderful welcomes and time you all have given me. I've felt so comfortable getting to know others, and the rp has been thoroughly enjoyable. I never expected this server to turn out the way I thought it would, and it's been an uplifting experience.

I hope everyone has a merry Christmas and a wonderful new year. Stay cheerful everyone!

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