NWN, Arelith and especially Guldorand!

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NWN, Arelith and especially Guldorand!

Post by LurkingShadow » Tue May 30, 2023 2:30 pm

Not to sound like the androids from Blade Runner. But I seen Cordor destroyed more than once on Amia, I been huddling, scared of the night with others around Vallaki in the frontier inn, I been to servers long lost with people of great talent and story writing, I seen servers grow up with promise and disappear as quickly again, I been telling admins I will be back to their server after vacation, I raged over the years on community boards over trivial things. I had close friends in the NWN community die or disappear. I seen characters come and go on on Amia, POTM and Arelith. I been to ALoDD and other old servers for shorter times but thats one of few I still remember the name of. I been given life advice or heard stories from players much older than me. I have bonded with people over the years and still keep in touch.

On Arelith? I met many interesting people. It is a bit like visiting an enormous city somewhere. It is such a large fort in the NWN community. My characters, especially Sil! Been involved a lot in Guldorand and the surrounding areas. She met the Queen of Cordor twice, she been lurking on her own, doing her odd things. She seen horrible things. Odd places and other planes! She been betrayed, but she also betrayed others. She built frienships, ruined friendships, built them a new! Not the same but better than a ruined one. She fought the Andunorians outside of Guldorand and been on diplomatic missions. She lost family members, gained new f amily members, lost them again, kept close those she had! Sailed on a ship owned by her niece and met odd people and kind, wholesome people! She seen Skal but never started out on Skal. She travelled the planes with good friends!

But the worst part of it all? Losing people. And this is mainly when they just disappear. Often without a word. Im a very nostalgic and sentimental player. This is why I made the "series" of Guldorand Characters that been lost to time, for now! To be honest? Im not big on the rolling mechanic since so many wonderful, cool, interesting and great characters disappear into the void, the limbo of rewards. But all the people I have run into on Sil in Guldorand, The surrouning, in The Elven Quarter, Myon and beyon! Every single one been interesting or had some kind of input. Every single character is unique in itself.

I guess this is why it is so hard to finally do quit Neverwinter Nights? To finally say good bye? So many individuals that just by one single interaction, one comment can have so much input. People just passing by on the street. There was this Elven monk, Lutien! Just to mention a name that pops into my head. Sil and her never really spoke a lot. But seeing her wander around, doing her daily routines and talking to people. To see her always post so positive posts to the town crier.

That is what Neverwinter Night is about. The vibrant, living community! The heart and soul. The IC andd OOC makes it a shining example at it's best of a community with so much creativity and innovative minds. It brings a tear of nostalgia to me as I soon have played this game for 20 years unless I even did start this early on in the community. Remember all those friends, all the people we met, all the bonds and even wives and husbands we as a community gained. I had my ooc conflicts even here, but at the end of the day? I will remember Arelith for the good times and the many warm people and interesting people I met.

This is not a good bye, Even if it sounds like it. Im simply put...just a nostalgic person and burn for the old and sentimental things. I find joy in being part of something and reminisce about old times and so on. I guess this is why I studied both history and museology, because I want to preserve a glimmer of those old days or the here and now for the future. This post is spontaneous but I made it to thank the community! I will not even typo check it because its a raw emotional wall of text, only reminisce did I google, that words one hell of a word for my Nordic tongue.

The NWN community, maye it live on for another 10 years and hopefully grow even more. And may Arelith see another ten years of a strong community that I just recently became one of. I been here about half a year and it left a mark like most places in NWN.

  • A bit bitter but nostalgic and sentimental veteran of NWN!

EDIT: I know the title is bad!

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Re: NWN, Arelith and especially Guldorand!

Post by Cthuletta » Thu Jun 01, 2023 11:37 pm

LurkingShadow wrote:
Tue May 30, 2023 2:30 pm

But I seen Cordor destroyed more than once on Amia

I still maintain the dragon turtle was NOT MY FAULT! ... I got tricked.

But yes, this server has been... really amazing, as someone who also played Amia for dang-near two decades, and also PoTM. It's been an absolute delight, the different players, how many of them have been kind and welcoming to me in the past two-plus-some years.
Even some who play characters that my characters absolutely hate or fight with- we're just laughing OOCly and having a grand old time! That's not something I've ever seen on any other server. Sure, we got our problems. Every server does. But I think the happy friends I've met here make up for any of that!

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Re: NWN, Arelith and especially Guldorand!

Post by LurkingShadow » Fri Jun 02, 2023 2:46 pm

Cthuletta wrote:
Thu Jun 01, 2023 11:37 pm
LurkingShadow wrote:
Tue May 30, 2023 2:30 pm

But I seen Cordor destroyed more than once on Amia

I still maintain the dragon turtle was NOT MY FAULT! ... I got tricked.

But yes, this server has been... really amazing, as someone who also played Amia for dang-near two decades, and also PoTM. It's been an absolute delight, the different players, how many of them have been kind and welcoming to me in the past two-plus-some years.
Even some who play characters that my characters absolutely hate or fight with- we're just laughing OOCly and having a grand old time! That's not something I've ever seen on any other server. Sure, we got our problems. Every server does. But I think the happy friends I've met here make up for any of that!

Hehe! It would have been someone else otherwise! SO you got that memory from Amia! :)

I love all three servers in their own way. But yes, I met a lot of interesting people on Arelith. Its a interesting place for sure! And nice to see old friens like you here to! That was a fun coincidence!

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