A legacy followed, A Darkness Discovered (Chapters of Hidzuki Mirna)

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I Believe in What you Said
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A legacy followed, A Darkness Discovered (Chapters of Hidzuki Mirna)

Post by I Believe in What you Said » Wed Jun 08, 2022 9:05 am

Herein lies the Diary of the saltspray covered Journal of Hidzuki Mirna
Chapter 1: Arrival

1376 DR: This is the year I travel to that Isle in search of my ancestor's legacy. I've very little to go on. No stories, no letters, not even an heirloom. But I'll find and look for any remains of the 'Mirna' line.
I'm Twenty four now, hardly a woman of status, especially in the cold winds of Damara. I expect my accent will give those of this isle a bit of a laugh. Though, we'll see. Stories of Arelith isles do make their way to the mainland, like a melting pot of various cultures and identitys. If there's anything of my familie's legacy, I'll find it there.

Interestingly, for as little as I know of the isle, I am not very afraid at all. The ship I'm on beckons my desire to the isle's shores. It seems there might be a few good opportunities to open a chapter, if I can't find an order to join. Though, As young as I am, I'm unsure it's...right of me to do such. I travel in my families footprints- Followers of Torm, Living by their tenets, but...I've added a few myself. A good woman of research can't just expect to only serve one interest, no?

The parchment is soaked with saltspray. I hope it doesn't bother the ink as it sets.
as I was saying, Oppurtunities to study and learn more about undead, largely, vampires, may yet prove itself in this isle. I'm unsure- But it beats hunting them down in Damara.

I'll leave a list of questions for myself here, in case of something happening to me. If someone finds this book before I can answer these questions, do please attempt to follow through them. Even if I am not around to enjoy the spoils of such:
1. What happened to my family line?
2. Are the legends and myths of vampirism true? Is it possible to save one that has been bitten before their sanguine moon?
3. Undead should be studied. As an oathed woman of Torm, it is also my duty to bring undead to dust. This question then is why necromancers choose such foul creatures when they are so easily dispatched?
4. Why does it seem as though this isle is a gravity well in which those who enter can not escape?

I will figure out when I arrive.

Hidzuki Van-Sholvolance Mirna, Paladin of Torm, Vampire hunter.
Memories are nice, but that's all they are.

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