Lonely Spider

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Lonely Spider

Post by aaa3 » Mon Sep 08, 2014 10:33 am

Dogmatic Handmaiden

She watched handmaiden to leave, anger shaking within her. Hard to say, what driven her mad more – the handmaiden tricking her to fail it or her own failure? Or even the totally dogmatic approach of her?
„It is stupid!“ growled female when left alone. The situation is really so sadly hilarious. Rule is enforced just for „rule enforcing“. Thus the old rule of wearing armour from udosian times is took over, but acolyte can alter her armour. It lost it’s sense.

Sighed out, lowering head in depression. She has to deal with that handmaiden. And she cannot even get rid of her once passing all this nonsense.

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Re: Lonely Spider

Post by aaa3 » Mon Sep 08, 2014 10:34 am

Death is strong;
But Lolth is stronger.

Time rules long;
But She rules longer.

She solaced our woe
and soothed our sighing;

And what shall we do
Without her guidence?

The last bits of rite resonated temple, when woman raised and moved away from altar upon finishing. Her eyes narrowed into slits and black ritual robe was raising in her deep breathing. She looked around and decision was clear. There is no difference for her in houses, when it comes to religion. Hand picked up house insignia and placed it into sacrificing bowl. The metal melted away and disappeared in flame. Flash of fire danced reflected in red eyes.

There is only one side, she is taking from now on. Lloth.

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Re: Lonely Spider

Post by aaa3 » Mon Sep 08, 2014 10:35 am

Favored one

Female fought with courage, fearless, rushing in to protect acolyte, even when her own skills were not overly developed. But Queen’s servant could not allow such waste, each time stepped forth protecting the untrained flesh with her shield.
What cannot escape attention, is devotion of the woman, and in addition, her easy access to the divine prayers. „Who is that female?“ was former priestess asking herself all trip.

She figured it out after while.
She is....favored. On lips appeared a slight smile.

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Re: Lonely Spider

Post by aaa3 » Sun Sep 21, 2014 3:17 am

Seeking a new archpriestess

When old matron arrived, she shared lots of views with Fuma Vhid priestess. She took her to her aunt, in order to support her. Her own progress was bogged down by handmaiden.
The female every time a name of handmaiden souned, was cursing and lamenting.

It was either her or Fuma Vhid matron’s cousin. But she disliked the idea of responsibility for all. Gave her full support, same as her aunt. Even bought her outpost.
When the Vhaerunite began to slain spiders in streets, Fuma Vhid priestess spent hours in streets. Investigating, interrogating males, excluding three suspious persons already out. Bits were slowly clicking to each other, and wide chase on the daring male was set up.

But when she returned after hours and hours of hard work to temple, she did not manage to wonder. Outpost traded away. And the new so called-archpriestess was denying it, and giving information she waits for handmaiden.

It was that moment, she realized noone can be relied on. That this is just another woman doing things for the pure title probably. From this reason warrior priestess began to spread her own retinue. You cannot rely on anyone within temple.

She was succesfull, gaining wide support, and numerous claimed their loyalty.

Until she witnessed the rite done by the new priestess under Alydra. Unlike her, who spent hours in rituals and sorting daily buisness, suddenly needed not to go from the very begining of acolyte statue.

When even more Handmaiden gave her victorious look, she dryly noted. „With Xune in temple and my retinue growing, you are no longer neeeded,“ and only handmaiden knew, that it is touching the topic of why not to remove her from temple yet.
„You stay there acolyte,“ claimed. „If new priestess passes test she will punish you for your lack of tact,“ said.

Lack of tact. Warrioress took breath, turnt and walked off. She had no idea what madness it is going to raise, ending with killed killan and inner fight within temple.

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Re: Lonely Spider

Post by aaa3 » Sat Sep 27, 2014 9:07 am

Priestess stormed her room, tossing helmet aside and diving to bed. Exhausted as never. Pulled a pillow over head and pressed it on herself.

Why, why me,“ whined, and growled. Not that dealing with damn Xune is like dealing with a mad woman who knows only two words, heretic, kill.
In addition she must deal with matrons. Who, instead of filling councilors work, try to move it on her. And when proved it is not the temple's buisness, talking down comes in.

Converted Sharrans proved much more help than a mounthy matron so far, and she will remember it.

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Re: Lonely Spider

Post by aaa3 » Sat Oct 04, 2014 7:57 pm

Many, many cycles ago...

Priestess sat down with the drow, with killan standing behind. The topic was going about drow asking blessings for starting a campaing. The person described what all had to endure from humans. Explained goals, ways, and similar.

She listened to him carefully, not fully interested in street bloodshed, which was her condition to support. They all knew with whom they are allied, which was also discussed.
„You have my blessings, if,“ sad to him, because she remembed the tone which Roland used on her. Xune may have asked her, if she killed him, but she aims much more deeper in her revenge. She added her conditions and basically, that he must do most alone.

Both spoke about five or six hours, before decided to part. When returned to the temple, she turned to the guard. „Bring me that Nadarzul’s wizard,“ ordered.
However, who knows what did they spoke of? This time the guard was not trusted enough to stay in same room.

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