Beamdog Arelith Launch Day Livestream

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Beamdog Arelith Launch Day Livestream

Post by Irongron » Tue Mar 27, 2018 3:18 pm

Please read viewtopic.php?f=23&t=17344 if you haven't already.

The livestream will therefore be taking place on the exisiting Arelith Distant Shores server. and be viewed here:

It begins in roughly 3 hours from now. and I will be interviewed at 12PT

As we are not yet migrating the main servers I am concerned that we will face a potential opportunity cost from not having our main servers on EE from the get-go, as that may be when many new players decide to try the game.

This can be heavily mitagated by having as many of our players as possible playing Distant Shores, not just for the stream, but over the days before migration. I have asked DMS to shift their focus to running events/being present on Distant Shores, so I expect we'll have a fair amount of coverage there.

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