DM Reminders and Messages

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM Rex » Sun Nov 01, 2020 7:24 pm

Greetings everyone, I wished to call to attention our Rule #2 - That PVP should be interactive.

An increasing trend among reports has noted people being lured into interaction with 'friendly' interactions which then turn without warning into complete hostility. Not by roleplay, but by mechanical hostile actions.

There needs to be some degree of implied hostility, whether it is spoken or it some kind of emotes. One-lining opponents, is also still not permitted. Those that abuse this rule will quickly find themselves in a conversation with one of the DM Team.

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by The GrumpyCat » Thu Nov 05, 2020 2:05 pm

Arelith does not allow muleing.

Releasing your shop/quarter on one character, and buying it on your next is muleing.

This is your only warning. Players found doing this will have said properties immedatly released.

Thank you.
This too shall pass.

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by The GrumpyCat » Sat Nov 28, 2020 2:55 pm

We're seeing a large increase of bad language of late. Language which is not suitable for Arelith. Language which is not PG13.

For some guidelines

*Swears found in the voice set (Hells, damn, bloody, ect) are absolutly fine to use. Go wild.

*Swears that are relitivly minor, but still swears (I'm specificaly thinking Sh*t here, but that sort of level) you should use VERY SCANTLY. I'm thinking no more than once or twice PER REAL LIFE MONTH. Not with every third sentence.

*Swears that are more severe F*ck, C*nt, most synonyms of genetalia ect - have no place on this server SHOULD NEVER BE USED and use of them may result in punishments.
I may be a little more lenient with the F word, as I know how prevelent it is in the world. I get we all slip up. But really you should NEVER be conciously using this word In Game.
*Swears that are real life racial slurs will result in an immedate ban.

Questions That Often Pop Up
'What words should I use instead of these then?' - Consider looking into some of the Forgotten Realms swear words perhaps - or even some RL old medievil terms. I find 'Pike off!' and 'tosspot' (synonym for a chamber pot) are great for example.

'But I can't PLAY my character unless then can be foul mouthed, dropping F's and C's everywhere!' Oh ok, that's a shame. Best find a new server then, one that isn't PG13. Because this one is, and we won't tolerate that sort of language.

I hope that clears everything up.
This too shall pass.

(I now have a DM Discord (I hope) It's DM GrumpyCat#7185 but please keep in mind I'm very busy IRL so I can't promise how quick I'll get back to you.)

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by The GrumpyCat » Tue Dec 22, 2020 3:13 pm

A Small reminder and a point of information

Reminder: 'Transition Camping' (specifically waiting for groups to cross a transtion before attacking them) is forbidden. This includes camping portals to PvP whoever comes through with loose RP. We understand that this does sometimes happen by mistake from time to time. But, if we find groups doing it repeatedly then action will be taken. Please consider this from the perspective of the opposite side: Would it be fun if you had this done to you? The answer is no. So please don’t do this.

Duergar - Unlike many monster races, Duegar are slightly more tolerated on the surface. Whilst unpleasant, surly and certainly shady in their dealings and goods – these merchants are known for keeping a deal and trading (somewhat) fairly. As such whilst Duergar Characters may never own property, or citizenship in any surface settlement, their presence is significanly more tolerated by NPCs on the surface (with the exception of Brogendenstein) than any other 'monster' race in short bursts. Players can develop their own beliefs; however, we encourage Duergar plays to respect the atmosphere and to not linger too long.
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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM Wake » Tue Dec 22, 2020 5:34 pm

I would like to refresh everyone on the rule about titles:
Titles (such as King, Captain, Master of Noodles, etc.) must be earned in game. A mechanical character name should be only the character's name, with no included honorifics. Other characters may choose to call them by a title, in character. Characters given titles at character creation will have their names changed by a DM or other staff member.

This also includes titles like:
Sasha "the Fierce" Knowles, Channing of House Tatum, Lady Dianna.

It is also against the policy to use the Disguise feature to add these titles/nicknames to your character.

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM Wake » Sat Jan 16, 2021 1:50 am

Another rule refresher - this time about quarter ownership. Players are allowed one quarter each, which means only one of your characters can own a quarter at a time. This includes storage "vaults", which are the small rooms with a storage chest inside, and all of the Skal quarters.

This does not include bank storage you get from being a citizen of a settlement with such capacities, temporary ships or temporary shops.

If found to be in violation of this, the team will release one of the quarters without prior warning.

Please see this page for more info on property ownership:

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM Magpie » Mon Jan 18, 2021 1:15 am

We've noticed that there are players who have taken to selling player heads in their shops. Please note that due to complaints of leakage, smells and to avoid maggots (no matter how much we Magpies like those) as well at it being a breach of our be-nice rule, DMs will remove player heads from your shops when it is brought to our attention.
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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM Rex » Mon Jan 18, 2021 9:11 pm

Hello again everyone,

This is less a rules reminder of a sort, and more of a general suggestion at the behest of the DM Team. If you do report someone there is no need to confront them about it. Arguing in tells, over discord, or other out of game methods, between each other only inflames situations, never improving them. You can certainly seek clarity, but you should not use tells as a weapon.

"I am reporting you" should not be something shared between players as it ends up pitting players against each other in an Out of Character way. Reports are intentionally anonymous to avoid this, you void that when you tell someone that you are reporting them. People that break the rules and PVP encounters can raise emotions, but I ask of you to please take a breath and simply tell us. No good can come from our players fighting one another. And at times you may or may not have all of the facts, so at the end of the investigation you only hurt yourselves by trying to moderate the server.

This is our chosen duty, please let us do it. Report behavior to us privately. Thank you.

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by The GrumpyCat » Sat Jan 23, 2021 12:32 am

As this has come up a bit in the last few days:

If you wish to remake an award character (e.g. Fey, Tiefling, Vampire, Good underdarker...) you will need to use another award to do so. An award will not be granted to you for free for doing this and this is the only situation where spending an award on an existing character is allowed.

So - if you're spening an award on a character - especialy if it's a Greater or Major, I advise being very sure of your build before hand!
This too shall pass.

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM Wraith » Sat Feb 06, 2021 3:56 pm

Hi everyone,

As time dictates and factors IC and OOC rear to a head, the DM team feels there are issues that must be addressed on an OOC level; this reminder serves as one of those instances. The issue at hand is in regards to the setting we have in place for The Hub, our Underdark setting, and associated NPC presence.
First, I want to clarify that by choosing to play in the Underdark, you are agreeing to “The Contract” along with our guidelines of Monstrous race policy, etc. with associated links listed here.

The first part I wish to speak to is what Andunor is meant to be. Andunor is much akin in setting to Skullport (For reference In understanding that, Andunor is a city in the middledark, a city devoted to Trade with a rich history reaching far back to when Jhared’s trading post was around. I won’t ruin much more of that as there is plenty of things you can discover IG that delve clues to its past and purpose. In that, we must understand that Andunor is not Menzoberranzan or any city where a “Surfacer” is to be killed on sight. Andunor is a trade settlement where the Office of the Hubmaster is solely devoted to ensuring the flow of wares and thus coin to the city. They do not care if you are a denizen of the dark or a questionable character from the surface so long as you obey the rules within the city. Now, that said does not mean that they are welcoming to Surface races’ etc. but their coin is simply as good as any other coin. Coin is what rules above all else.

In relation to the above, I want to speak on the Peacekeepers. Peacekeeepers are Jaggaroth, which are a breed of Half-orc gelded at a young age and live in service to their sold purpose. The Jaggaroth were purchased by the Hubmaster and placed to ensure fair trade. They are there to ensure wonton PVP for example does not affect trade, and they are there to ensure trade rules are followed; they were hired to protect Andunor and the Office of the Hubmasters select merchants. They are not there for petty squabbles, they are there to protect Andunor at all costs; and will.

This leads into NPC Presence and the teams expectations on this and this applies to all NPC’s. NPC’s are present to reflect an immersive world, one rich in not only information but immersion. To see and feel the presence of the NPC guards in an area, to witness the various bustle of traders in Dis for example. Now that said, we explicitly state that it is not ok to attack non-hostile NPC’s without approval from the DM team. Your roleplay should include the NPC’s presence and be lavishly aware of that.

On an OOC level yes, your LVL 30 Blackguard can summon forth a demon/devil/etc and their stats are on par if not better than most gods in the Forgotten realms universe. We put this aside in favor of respecting the setting. The easy way to think of this is to imagine that the NPC guard you see is a PC and ready to react to your action. We expect that surfacers whom may go to the Underdark do so under the knowledge that it is a place where the Terrors of the dark go to trade, a somewhat alien world, one where they would not be comfortable. Along those lines if you are a surfacer attempting to attack PC’s in the city of Andunor, you should be abundantly aware of NPC Guards and how they would react to this. This also means that those surfacers whom do go to attempt to scout out the “Dark city” and such do so with the understanding of that inherent risk and that may result in their identification and repercussions. This leads to a dynamic environment where stories can be interwoven and expanded upon, a place where we drive a collaborative narrative together with both Protagonists and Antagonists wherein both may thrive.

As DM’s we are unable to be omni-present at all times due to RL obligations and other matters. That said though, if you see an infraction and disregard of this nature, then the onus is on you, the player to report it so that a member of our team can address it accordingly.

Now I will be abundantly clear that the prior actions of players disregarding setting and disregarding NPC’s will under no circumstance be tolerated by the DM team, nor the Admin team. Failure to abide by these policies moving forward will result in further, progressive disciplinary measures, up to and inclusive of Character Deletion and Banning if necessary.

Let’s move forward together from here, as a community; driving forward with the goal of a collaborative narrative amongst our entire community. As always if there are questions feel free to PM the DM team and one of us can address these concerns.

DM Wraith,

The TLDR of this is the following: Respect NPC presence, Respect Server setting; failure to abide by these will result in progressive discipline up to and inclusive of Character Deletion and Banning.

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by Batrachophrenoboocosmomachia » Sat Feb 06, 2021 9:08 pm

Hi. Chiming in here with some additional insights. The above post emphasizes the need to respect the setting, but I'd like to tag on with some of the substance of that setting, as explicated in a NPC posting that will be going up in the city. While technically things like this are supposed to remain strictly in-game, I am posting it here for wider consumption to hopefully help clear up any misunderstandings. My hope and intention are that this should help characterize the role of the Peacekeepers more definitively and help better establish boundaries/expectations:
Peacekeeper Commander Malhanar-Vakrith Galat wrote:The Peacekeepers' Bond to Andunor
The Jaggaroth Legion of the Peacekeepers serve Andunor and Andunorians first, and do so in keeping the peace.

We do not extend blanket protection over persons. We defend Andunor, and we defend Trade. Surface-races who descend to Andunor do so at their own risk, for they must not draw the wrath of the Andunorian people by conducting war, subterfuge, or sabotage against them. But their gold is good, and gold keeps Andunor alive.

The surface-races who visit Andunor and do so Quietly, and Respectfully, and Profitably, are those we will protect from random killings. But those who provoke or who are party to conflicts with the people of Andunor, we will let die, so long as their killings are quick, cause no collateral damage, and do not overly disrupt shoppers.

The enemies of the people of Andunor may not use trade as a shield for their actions. Surface visitors must not give the people of Andunor reason to believe they visit for any reason other than the exchange of good business. And likewise, the people of Andunor will continue to keep a wary eye, but to stay their hands unless they are sure and they are swift.

Individual Peacekeepers defer action in favor of temporary observation, or otherwise exercise their individual best judgement, on the scene. ((OOC note: Though DMs are not present in one place 24/7, please take the above as IC explanation when we are not available to interact/work with you!))

This is as it has been before. This is as it shall remain.

Written by my hand,
Peacekeeper Commander Malhanar-Vakrith Galat
Commander of the Andunor Peacekeepers
The OOC goal design-wise is both to provide a cover for surfacers to be able to engage Andunor as a trade city without fear of instant assault and killing (and give Andunorian characters a reasonable IC justification for their players to OOCly extend the courtesy), without it being a Pit Town-style no-PvP hugbox. If someone in the Hub is obviously a spy or a surface collaborator and you can get away with killing them, the Peacekeepers won't intervene if you quickly drop them. But bringing in a big warded war party to do so and running around the Hub and Wheel for 10 minutes isn't appropriate. Do it quickly and cleanly.

Those NPCs are there just to help maintain the structural integrity of the setting in which we're all interacting, but we can only have a setting if people are down to play into it (which most folks are, generally!) If we have to keep workshopping and tuning these behaviors so it jives with as many folks' RP as possible, we'll tune it- but the above is all good rule of thumb (in general, not just specific to Andunor).


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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by The GrumpyCat » Mon Feb 08, 2021 12:37 pm

While it isn't a a topic I enjoy discussing in regard to Arelith, recent in game situations have required that we once again say a few word on our zero tolerance policy surrounding adult, and potentially traumatic avenues of RP, in this case, the representation of sexual violence and abuse.

I want to make something utterly clear – if your pc hears that PC A sexually abused/raped/touched/molested PC B in any way, the best thing to do is report it IMMEDATLY to us, please do not pursue it In game.

The only thing persuing it in game will accomplish is normalizing the idea that such rp is allowed and that's not something we want.

If your pc was the victim of such report it immedatly to the Dms.

Those bringing up such accusations as cheep drama will find themselves on the short end of a ban hammer.

And, obviously, those that actually attempt to do such will find themselves on an even shorter end of the ban hammer – probably permanently.
This too shall pass.

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by The GrumpyCat » Fri Feb 12, 2021 1:55 pm

New Guldorand and Quarters

With the imminent opening of New Guldorand I want to put a reminder and a warning about quarters and other property.

Every PLAYER is allowed ONE shop and ONE quarter and ONE guild house – and if you have a guildhouse your quarter MUST be within it. Vaults count as quarters.

Now we're not unreasonable. We don't mind if you take an hour or so to, say, run back to your old quarter, take all the stuff out of it, and release it. That's fine. But that is the ONLY reason you should be owning two quarters.

You should NOT be – for example...
1) Holding a second quarter to give to another player
2) Attempting to sell a second quarter/buying a second quarter to sell
3) Auctioning your quarter. If it's up for sale – please use the sign.
4) Holding a second quarter as extra storage.
5) Pretty much any other reason.

Anyone found owning two quarters during this time (or shops) who is not online and directly moving goods over – may find their properties released.

Further more – going forward we're going to be more strict about checking player activity for quarters and shops. We understand again that everyone takes breaks... holidays happen for example, and we arn't asking for novellas of writing every day.

That said, as I believe my colleague has mentioned previously, if you are inactive, with little to no rp for weeks on end please consider releasing your properties so other, more active players can enjoy them.

Warnings will be given of course, but don't think 'Oh I just have to be active for a week ago then I can go on with nary a word for months on end.' No. You get one warning, and after that – either maintain a steady amount of rp period – or release your property for someone else to enjoy.
This too shall pass.

(I now have a DM Discord (I hope) It's DM GrumpyCat#7185 but please keep in mind I'm very busy IRL so I can't promise how quick I'll get back to you.)

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM Straw Hat » Thu Feb 25, 2021 2:17 am


This is a server announcement concerning permanently banned players and all affiliation with them. Consider this a friendly reminder that any and all association with said players on Arelith is strictly against the rules. Here is a link to when it was first posted: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=21795#p208561

We wish to remind you that these player are banned due to their behavior towards both the community and its staff. That they often bring these same behaviors in game and on other channels spreading their opinions very far. That these are very often the same people who have been damaging to the community as a whole, and that for the most part they were removed not only due to their rule breaks, but because they damaged the enjoyment for others.

When you are knowingly playing alongside them, you are actively encouraging their return to a server that they are no longer welcome on. This is also insulting to both the community members who have reported them and the staff that has had to spend hours dealing with them.

This does not mean you can't be friends with them, you are welcome to play any other game with them. But, they are not welcome here on Arelith any longer. As always, we never share the names of who reported what, but will be taking firm action on the ban evaders and the players caught knowingly associating with them.

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by The GrumpyCat » Sun Apr 11, 2021 7:22 pm

We are now up and beyond capacity for Vampre awards- So please do not send any applications in for such in the near future - even if they are approved you won't be able to play until a sizabl eamount of other players have finished with their pcs.
When the numbers go back down to acceptable levels again I'll reopen the possiblity for applications.
This too shall pass.

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM Rex » Thu Apr 15, 2021 9:27 pm

Greetings everyone.

Please remember that any hostile action, including subdual must be interactively roleplayed. Otherwise you'll be in violation of our roleplay prior to hostile action rule.

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM Snowcat » Sat May 01, 2021 6:14 pm

We'd kindly remind you that asking people through OOC means to vote in Elections is frowned upon. Every settlement citizen gets a pop-up message when Election is ongoing, and we believe it should be enough to keep you up-to-date with ongoing elections.
Please do not gather people to vote for Elections in Discord chats or in other out-of-game resources. Thank you!
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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by Irongron » Thu May 06, 2021 5:56 pm

Please do not try to use fixtures or golems to obscure/hide property signs, and thus prevent access. If I see thing being done wilfully by the owner I'll ask DMs to remove the obstruction, if it happens twice I'll ask that they release the property.

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by The GrumpyCat » Thu May 27, 2021 3:17 pm

A reminder - Coloured Text is a powerful and fun tool but it does seem to be over used right now. We're asking players to please tone it down.

To quote from Batcountry (this is a great guide)
Arbitrary text coloring is a somewhat divisive subject internally (which makes sense because it's 70% an aesthetic consideration), though naturally we'd err on the side of permissiveness (again, in light of that fact). But no one on the team really wants to see random words and sections throughout descriptions colored all the colors someone deemed fit to inflict on the world. Hence all the 'less is more' calls for moderation.

Arelith's UI design for character descriptions is already defined, for both consistent style and accessibility. By way of example for 'accessibility,' a common (and easy to make) mistake is choosing a color that appears deep and rich on a TN monitor might be so dark as to be nearly invisible on another player's IPS monitor. Some of the older language text colors still need to be updated to correct this, for instance!

This thread puts knowledge out there and that never goes back into the bag, so I'd like to humbly suggest a few simple guidelines that we'd appreciate your respect for, both for other players' enjoyment and to be more seamless with Arelith's existing text feedback.

Only add colored sections at the end of the description to keep them grouped with mechanical ones.
Colorize the entire paragraph, not just a few words or sentences.
Avoid too-dark or too-bright colors.
Use moderation (for the nth time, I know!).

Freely color-codable text is a double-edged sword from a serious design perspective. If people adhere to the above- that is, keeping colorized sections of descriptions to brief faction tags appended to the ends of their main descriptions? That'd be lovely; if it becomes a reliable cultural thing I'd even be game to shuffle around how descriptions are displayed to group them together with other tags, like Harper/Zhent/Outcast/Radiant etc. to help make them look even better.

If people are wacky (not meaning one-offs, but people 'consistently' doing a lot of eye-blasting), quite frankly, I'll be keen to just remove the ability to do so, in all honesty. If that were the case, I'd also want to script up a 'faction pin' item that would let people set up custom colored tags within certain parameters since I hate just removing things without also giving options. But the vastly easier and all around better option is where folks are cool just sticking to the above, so super thank you if you could!

Do NOT use colored text in the names of shops or houses (any ownable properties) as this Will break things. If you have done this, please revert it at first opportunity. This will be addressed by devs or by DMs as necessary.
Again - we are seeing this over used. Tone it back guys or we'll have to remove it. Thank you.
This too shall pass.

(I now have a DM Discord (I hope) It's DM GrumpyCat#7185 but please keep in mind I'm very busy IRL so I can't promise how quick I'll get back to you.)

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by The GrumpyCat » Mon May 31, 2021 7:13 pm

Mentioning because it came up - and this is the sort of ruling that can get lost easily - It IS possible to scry on a pc even if you only know their disguise alias. We'll be ammending the wiki soon to clarify.
This too shall pass.

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by Batrachophrenoboocosmomachia » Wed Jun 02, 2021 2:16 pm

As a reminder, please use the bug report template when reporting bugs. Not including the information from that template, even if you think it's self-explanatory, can slow us down when it comes to identifying root issues. Please use the template.


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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM Snowcat » Thu Jun 10, 2021 11:48 pm

Reminder to everyone:

You are not allowed to reserve a shop or a quarter by placing a sign (or any other way) on it!
This goes against everything that the recent update was made for. People do not have right to claim ownership over a quarter/shop they do not currently own - they are free market to everyone. Please respect this: By doing so, you risk losing the quarter and whatever money you had attached to it.
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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM Monkey » Sat Jun 19, 2021 8:43 am

Remember to act IC when it comes to an election. Don't ask for votes OOC, don't ask old friends to come back online to vote for you, don't use discord to discuss elections. The DMs have logs and will check each election. Fraud IC is ok, fraud OOC gets you banned from settlement systems or potentially the server.

Try harder! Help set a good example of roleplay for the server culture.

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by Queen Titania » Wed Jun 23, 2021 2:46 pm

Hello everyone,

Election mechanics exist to enable a shared narrative for the victors and the losers both. It is a way to arbitrate the chaos of in game governances and allow people a chance to make stories not just for the people around them in a given area but the server at large.

It is a privilege that one gets to do this and it is meant to be sought after responsibly and fairly. People who attempt to use OOC means to sway an election (OOC laundering in Discords - whether they be official or unofficial, tells to drum up support as they are an OOC medium, and any sort exploitation such as having multiple characters vote in an election on new CD keys and even playing multiple characters in the same settlement who have similar enemies/goals) is absolutely an abuse of that privilege.

Disentangle yourself from any complicated involvement - try to stick to one character in an area or at least make sure they exist in opposing spheres or outside of anything relevant. If it seems "the streams are crossing" - take a step back on those other alternative characters and shelf them until later.

Those who cannot do this will be punished. We can and have removed people's ability to /ever/ interact with the settlement system and in addition to that banned people and lowered RPR ratings because such activities are selfish and unwelcome on Arelith.

Remember that being in charge of a settlement is meant to be one of the highest forms of interaction. You are in essence entering a role similar to a narrative DM and are going to be responsible for many people's fun. Not just you or those who supported you.

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM Starfish » Tue Jul 06, 2021 4:21 pm

I just want to remind everyone that fixtures should never be used to conceal or to make features of the server inaccessible. This includes but is not limited to signs, climbing spots, transitions, walkways and NPCs. Thank you!
Roleplay is a two way street.

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