Epic Characters & Skal

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Epic Characters & Skal

Post by Irongron » Tue Jun 09, 2020 8:36 pm

It has recently once again come up, both among player and staff, how Skal is to deal with those who choose to remain beyond the areas level limit, often into epic levels. Indeed from time to time there are those who enjoy the setting so much that they simply choose never to leave it.

It shouldn't need spelling out why this is an issue worth discussion; Skal is designed as a low-mid level environment, a starting area for those both new to the game, but perhaps more importantly those who would wish to experience a 'low level server' environment.

I do understand why some would wish to stay, indeed I am flattered by it, but among DMs especially it raises questions of policy? Should they force people to leave? Delevel those that remain?

Rather than simply give DMs guidelines I elected to address the entire community on the issue, both to explain policy, and also why the low level environment of Skal matters.

So, I will begin by explaining why I chose to make Skal a low level area, with one travel, and thus restrict high level characters...

Arelith is an old server, and every settlement, every play area is long-established. A low level area isn't just about making it convenient for players of a similar level to meet up and adventure (but that is great!), it is also about granting them agency; established areas of the server are dominated by established factions and PCs, and there is very often little room to breathe for new characters wishing to make an impact. Their stories, are often brushed to one side, if not flat out ignored. On Skal they can take centre stage, forming real bonds with those around them, and not being obliged to play second fiddle to those further up the pecking order.

I often ask DMs to keep a close eye on Skal, both for RPRs, and to run small to medium events and plot lines, as in my experience there is little more motivating in establishing a new character, to giving them a story that one can really latch on to, than being part of an event. And what happens when DMs run such events elsewhere on the server? Almost invariably new characters don't get a look in – the established crowd quickly muscle their way in, and even when they try to include new characters are often, by virtue of the setting, the ones making the calls.

On Skal that doesn't happen. It's an egalitarian setting, essentially, where no one character outranks another.

On the subject of 'ranks' there is also the fact that I have resisted any attempt to establish guildhalls or PC led settlements on Skal, and the reason is the same – I do not wish any one player, or group of players to dominate, especially via an OOC group or private Discord. Goodness knows since the setting was introduced there have been a great many players EXTREMELY keen to claim it as their own.

And, well, I understand, but there is a huge server elsewhere for that kind of play, I do not want it on Skal.

An epic or high level character on Skal is likely going to be one of two things; either they will be a 'powerful patron' type character, or a 'invincible antagonist'. Neither are fair on those playing there. As a player, personally, there are few things I dislike more than having my new character encountering a powerful patron, throwing property, items, and task at me, leaving me feeling railroaded into playing the game on their terms, and removing much of the challenge. It is one reason why I tend to avoid going anywhere near certain settlements (sadly). I understand players that do this are often trying to help (though it can also be self-serving), but boy, it can feel claustrophobic.

Conversely, it shouldn't need explaining why playing a high level antagonist on a low level server is not going to create enjoyment for other players, it really is nothing more than the worst kind of trolling, and I'm not going to waste time explaining why.

Then there is the gameplay aspect to consider. Skal is a little like 'Hardcore' mode for Arelith. The content is challenging, and parties are advised. This is very much by design. The who server is designed to put almost all players around a single camp-fire, to have them group up, and go out facing the various challenges. This is not only a lot of fun, but by pushing them to form bonds in order to survive, it helps them have real connections when the time comes for them to leave for the larger isle, where it is otherwise extremely easy to feel isolated or anonymous.

So I would ask any player considering remaining on Skal past, around, level 16; what do you think other players are getting out of your continued presence? They can't party with you without having the gameplay ruined, by helping them you're merely removing the challenge, and by fighting them you are pushing a one-sided challenge. An epic (or near epic) character on Skal can sap the agency Skal was designed to foster.

Which brings me to policy.

I don't want such players to be hounded away ,but I would ask they seriously ask themselves the question I posited above. I'm also not going to ask DMs to remove players from Skal, or to delevel them, but I have made one decision.

Any character above level 15 who shows a continued determination to remain on Skal will be taken aside by a DM and, if they choose not to move on, will be given a 'Mark of Destiny' (Not Despair) This is to ensure they don't dominate all gameplay on Skal, and use their levels to lord it over new characters.

Finally, if you are such a player this post isn't intended as an attack on you. I merely wished to explain why I made Skal FOR, and to implore you, should you choose to remain there, do so with a very light touch, and remember your presence could serve to minimise the enjoyment of those for whom the server was designed.

Here is a video of UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson steam rolling a 10 year old child in a game of rugby to illustrate my point.

Epic Character Dominates Play in Skaljard

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