Warlock Idea

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God In Action
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Warlock Idea

Post by God In Action » Fri Sep 12, 2014 1:17 pm

Mith said that he was least happy with the variety between warlocks, since the spell progression forces each to have the same selection. How about instead you block each path from taking certain spells, whether entirely or only until certain levels? They can then diversify, but can be stopped from Faerie pacters stepping on the Outsider pacters summoning toes and vice versa, and both varieties can be stopped from taking too powerful a spell, or too powerful a spell too early.

A Faerie warlock can never take Summon Creature X, or Cure Critical Wounds, or Etheral Visage until level 28, whilst an Outsider Pact can't take Improved Invis, or Cure Critical, or Summon Creature VI until level 25. Etc.

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Re: Warlock Idea

Post by Hunter548 » Fri Sep 12, 2014 3:58 pm

Warlocks get a certain list of spells at certain levels, and can't take other ones, depending on pact.
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God In Action
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Re: Warlock Idea

Post by God In Action » Fri Sep 12, 2014 4:27 pm

Yes, I know. The point is Mith said in his post outlining the update that he wasn't happy with how the set spell list limits diversity. I think that he might be able to change that lack of diversity which he wasn't keen on by instead working it so that warlocks get to choose new spells on a level up (and have them work exactly as they do in the update) but deny them picking certain spells based on the type of Pact. A Fey pact would not be able to level up having picked Outsider pact spells and vice versa, and neither pact would be able to pick certain spells which it would be overpowering to have too early.

The result would be that warlocks could have diversity between one another.

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Re: Warlock Idea

Post by The Rambling Midget » Fri Sep 12, 2014 4:32 pm

I love the idea, but it sounds like it would be really difficult to manage, player-side. Having to consult an external list every time you level up, just to make sure that your selections will be accepted, is probably not something that a casual player will want to deal with.
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God In Action
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Re: Warlock Idea

Post by God In Action » Fri Sep 12, 2014 5:41 pm

True, but then again most players would probably rather have to momentarily consult a list and have diversity. If an invalid option was picked, a server message can refer the player to the reason and an appropriate page on this forum or Arelith Wiki.

I think the main factor is how much Mith is bothered by the current status (which by the way is still a massive improvement on the old warlocks).

Example list:

Fey Warlock banned list by level (spells of current system available at level currently granted at)
0: Flare
1: Balagarn's iron horn, Cure light wounds, Grease, Lesser dispel, Protection from alignment, Summon creature I
2: Bull's strength, Clarity, Cure moderate wounds, Darkness, See invisibility, Summon creature II, Ultravision, Cat's grace
3: Bestow curse, Cure serious wounds, Fear, Gust of wind, Magic circle against alignment, Summon creature III,
4: Cure critical wounds, Dismissal, Summon creature IV, War cry
5: Healing circle, Summon creature V
6: Ice storm, Summon creature VI

Outsider Warlock banned list
0: Daze
1: Charm person, Cure light wounds, Expeditious retreat, Mage armor, Sleep
2: Clarity, Cloud of bewilderment, Cure moderate wounds, Ghostly visage, Hold person, Invisibility
3: Charm monster, Clairaudience/clairvoyance, Confusion, Cure serious wounds, Displacement, Haste, Invisibility sphere
4: Cure critical wounds, Dominate person, Hold monster, Improved invisibility
5: Ethereal visage, Healing circle, Mind fog
6: Mass haste
