Incorporating New Spells - Feylock

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Incorporating New Spells - Feylock

Post by Archnon » Wed Oct 30, 2019 7:44 pm

While it has been made clear that Feylock does not need a boost regarding eldritch blasts from the Devs, i do want to suggest revisiting the spell list in light of new spells. Basically, all the casting classes are getting access to these and there is no reason Warlock and Feylock spell lists should not be looked at for obvious additions. As I am playing a Feylock now and thinking a lot about it, I have a few suggestions but I would encourage the devs to look at both more broadly.

The Low Levels:
Crushing Despair (3)
Good Hope (3)
Both of these spells are enchantment and fit directly with the theme of the Feylocks and the attachment to the fey. It also fits with the buffing/debuffing set up of the class. Bards can get access to level 3 spells as early as 7th level. One option would be to: Dump displacement at level 3 and add one or both of these spells. Then convert the Level 10 invisibility to improved invisibility. Improved Invis is generally regarded as a better option than displacement because of its duration, You could even dump resistance at level 5 to even it up.

The High Levels:
Nightmare (5)
Irresistible Dance(6)
Again, these are both enchantment schools and totally in keeping with Fey RP. If anyone is going to bring nightmares and make you dance irresistably it is the seely and unseely courts. Further, the current capstone spells for feylock, Dirge and Shadowshield, are considered extremely week (just peak through the forums to confirm this) These new spells would provide a serious boost to those capstones and irresistible dance might make a pure Feylock useful again. If you were set on keeping Shadowshield, I think:
Dump Soundburst for Nightmare, or Dump Dirge for Nightmare
Dump Dirge or Shadowshield for Irresistible dance.

I think all of these changes would be fitting with the RP and style of feylocks as they are played now, and give them a bit more teeth at both lower and higher levels.

The Impossible:
Faerie Fire (1 Druid)
I know it is from a different spell book, but come on. If that doesn't fit the Feylock what does.

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Re: Incorporating New Spells - Feylock

Post by Irongron » Tue Dec 17, 2019 11:12 am

Unfortunately this isn't possible.

