Allowing people with Listen to Hear people with Invisibility active

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Allowing people with Listen to Hear people with Invisibility active

Post by Vylarah » Thu Jan 26, 2023 7:19 pm

As the title suggests... why are people who are invisible, also apparently silenced, even though they're running all about the place, sometimes in full plate and the like, yet nobody is able to hear them, or detect them, as they disturb their surroundings.

I feel like having a static X DC for listen to hear someone running while invisible about the place would be a good idea, with a higher DC, for those who take the time to walk or sneak about covered up.

Just because someone can't see you, doesn't mean they can't hear you.

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The GrumpyCat
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Re: Allowing people with Listen to Hear people with Invisibility active

Post by The GrumpyCat » Sat Feb 11, 2023 10:18 pm

Sadly this is not possible due to engine limitations. Rejected.

This too shall pass.

(I now have a DM Discord (I hope) It's DM GrumpyCat#7185 but please keep in mind I'm very busy IRL so I can't promise how quick I'll get back to you.)
