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Anti Mage Prestige Class/Epic Feats

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2019 1:53 am
by Scylon
Something I wanted to actually put forward, As I play a Wizard and understand the melees plight, but agree they shouldn't have easy access to a wizards best spells.

A good solution would be a new Anti mage focused Class and/or Epic feats which are tailored to Banishing things on strike or Dispelling/Breaching on strike, with limited use per rest. Hell, these could be bound together as well for new class/feat combos. Also a very temp SR buff that lasts rounds or something. Not over the top, just something that would mean the mages spells would have a 50/50 chance of failing or what ever metric you feel is best.

The trade off being an "anti mage" isn't an awesome warrior with mage busting ability. It would be an ok warrior or rogue that is awesome at killing mages. This would balance them out by having real warriors be better them them as their ability are tailored to being anti mage. Also it will fill a party "slot" to deal with casters.

Re: Anti Mage Prestige Class/Epic Feats

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2019 9:01 pm
by Irongron
We actually introduced the D&D spell 'Anti-Magic Field' a couple of months back, but given it's power it won't appear in any spellsbooks, but will be rolled out to very high end/rare single use craftables.

I'd rather take the approach that any class can feasibly deploy anti-mage tactics rather than limit it to specific classes/feats.
