Reliquary Codex Sequencer: Replace Lionheart effect with True Strike

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Reliquary Codex Sequencer: Replace Lionheart effect with True Strike

Post by SCP-079 » Fri Jun 23, 2023 8:31 pm

At first, the greater runic sequencer item "Reliquary Codex" had a Spell Resistance effect. This was later nerfed down to Lionheart. Replacing Lionheart with True Strike would make them more worthwhile again - and given how short True Strike lasts, it would mean faster consumption of the item if not used sparringly; this would increase demand of runic materials which would otherwise catch dust.

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Re: Reliquary Codex Sequencer: Replace Lionheart effect with True Strike

Post by Kalopsia » Sat Jun 24, 2023 8:47 am

Given the damage of certain summons and the fact they wouldn't be the one using the item (and therefore could use the full 9 second duration for big damage numbers) I don't think that's a good idea.

Additionally, please remember the limit of 1 week per suggestion and player.
