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Change the way a shop's most recent sales are recorded

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 4:31 pm
by Deep Fried Thinking Emoji
Currently a shop record only records the 25 most recent sales. This works well with shops that sell equipment, runic materials, or similar, but not on shops whose main market is consumables.

A consumable shop can see its record filled in one or two IRL days, which makes it pretty hard and time consuming to track its performance, since you have to be pulling the logs almost every day.

I think that recording all the sales in a given timeframe (I was thinking the current IC month and the previous IC month, so that older sales are deleted from the log but you still have enough IRL time to check the most recent ones without stressing over it) instead of only recording the latest 25 sales would help shop owners and settlement leaders to better track the performance of consumable shops.

I haven't tinkered too much with NWScript nor NWNX, so I’m not sure how feasible it is to record the sales in a timeframe instead of the latest 25, nor if it would have a heavy impact on the server’s performance, so if doing so was outside of the picture, please, consider at least increasing the recorded sales to the latest 50, 60, or so.

Re: Change the way a shop's most recent sales are recorded

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2023 3:43 pm
by MalKalz


I will increase the read out to 50 sale records and monitor any DB related concerns.

Re: Change the way a shop's most recent sales are recorded

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 2:28 am
by MalKalz
