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Storage Persistent Outpost Barrels?

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 8:27 pm
by let it trip
I couldn't find anything about this on the forums, but are there/have there been any thoughts to have player made barrels give a persistent storage (maximum 5 items?) Sometimes you see outposts with crafting stations and messageboards, it would be kinda neat if you could leave a bit of paper in there, some coal, nothing major, unless the extra storages would begin to cause lag, or hoarding issues, etc? Just wondering if it's ever been thought about.

Re: Storage Persistent Outpost Barrels?

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 9:55 pm
by AstralUniverse
Maybe I miss the point, but what's stopping players from stacking barrels in their quarters to basically extend their storage limit as much as the fixture limit in the screen allows? Its a LOT of extra storage. Maybe if it's only limited to one type of items like bookshelves. A barrel that can only contain ore, or wood, or stone, etc etc, then maybe it would be cool.

Re: Storage Persistent Outpost Barrels?

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 10:00 pm
by Aradin
There are max-5-item crates in the Tungsten Turret that can only hold certain materials like ores/ingots, so the kind of item you're talking about is definitely possible. It would be an easy mechanic to abuse nonetheless if you could craft infinite fixtures like that. Not sure how balancing it would work.