Social Experiment: -notells

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For the majority of your time online, do you play with -NOTELLS on?

Yes -- I spend most of my time with -notells on
Partially -- I use the blacklisting option, but my default setting remains 'tells allowed'
No -- I do not use -notells at all
Total votes: 125

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Re: Social Experiment: -notells

Post by Marsi » Tue Aug 28, 2018 8:03 pm

It's just good practice. I've been on servers that hold their RP to a similarly high standard as Arelith but permit //. The result was that the supposedly IC chat was broken in on with inane remarks, small talk or memes etc. I don't disagree that the player body shouldn't have its self control doubted so readily but that was just the reality of it.

While in practice the two ways aren't all that different, keeping the chat channel entirely IC helps create an immersive environment which is critical to roleplay. I don't know how to put it in proper words, but it's like when I get a tell it feels as if it exists in another reality than what I'm seeing in the chat-- and vice versa. The spheres remain distinct and so suspension of disbelief holds.

Why should the great bell of Beaulieu toll when the shadows were neither short nor long?

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