Epic Rogues and Epic Skill Focus

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Epic Rogues and Epic Skill Focus

Post by -Heavyline- » Wed Nov 14, 2018 2:48 pm

I've been thinking about this for while and now wanted to post this suggestion. Not sure how folks will like it.. since pick pockets and opening locks seems to be controversial subject. Rogues are very useful in PVE for groups or solo, but when working for faction, especially PVP... they're mostly damage dealers or stealthy sneakers. There are more spellcaster pirates than actual swashbuckling rogue/fighters and I have no idea how Thieves' Guild RP is working right now. There's alot of variety while playing rogue, but what is lacking is... different type of rogues.

Spellcasters (Druids, Wizards, Sorcerers, Clerics) have epic spell focuses that have huge benefits to any factions (PVP or PVE). Teleporting, summoning, scrying and sending illusions. I was thinking.. What if Rogues had a skill they can "master"? Not only for themselves, but also for the guild they're working for.

All of these special abilities requires Rogue Level 20 (Epic Rogue Feat) to function along with said Skill Focus AND Epic Skill Focus.

Epic Hide (Skill Focus & Epic Skill Focus: Hide)
Invisibility - Unlimited Uses/Day. Just like using "Displacer Beast Hide Armor."

Epic Move Silently (Skill Focus & Epic Skill Focus: Move Silently)
Movement speed penalty in stealth is reduced by 20%. So Level 24 rogue has overall movement speed penatly in stealth 70%.

Epic Bluff (Skill Focus & Epic Skill Focus: Bluff)
Able to change head appearance during disguise. Inspired by Faceless Men in Game of Thrones and the special NPC in Thieves Guild in Skyrim. A special -epicdisguise command that opens a different window to let you choose a head appearance for a disguise? After removing the disguise the default head appearance will get back.

Epic Spot (Skill Focus & Epic Skill Focus: Spot)
Cast True Seeing. 1/Day.

Epic Open Locks (Skill Focus & Epic Skill Focus: Open Locks)
Can consume a special item (Master Thieves Tools) that boosts Open Locks skill significantly, giving a better chance to access locked quarters. These "Master Thieves Tools" can be only created by forging. Crafting "Master Thieves Tools" requires level 15 rogue levels, "Thieves' Tools +12" and "2 Ingot (Gold)". DC 29. Using this item lasts 1 round (6 seconds) and has 1-2 hours cooldown timer.

Epic Pick Pocket (Skill Focus & Epic Skill Focus: Pick Pocket)
Instead of 2 or less "spaces". Rogue with Epic Pick Pocket has a chance to steal larger items.

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Re: Epic Rogues and Epic Skill Focus

Post by Irongron » Wed Dec 05, 2018 10:08 pm

A lovely idea for epic rogues. I'm sure it will throw up some balance concerns & extensive feedback, AND require a good deal of coding, but if a developer wants to take this idea on I'd be all for something like this. (Should cover assassins also, and possibly shadow dancer) Approved.

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