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Better synergy of the Shadow summon shadow mage/sd

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:03 pm
by KrishnaGirl
The suggestion: If would be great it there was better synergy of the Shadow summon for shadow mage/sd styled characters.

Some background:

Hi I am currently playing a 7wiz/sd3 and the shadow summon is super fun and generates a ton of rp. It's a great way to generate character interaction since as soon as other characters see it they are going to want to react.

The Rp Stuff:

One of the great things for the shadow copy is the copying of appearance name and description from the epic shadow lord feat, however it isn't really practical to acquire this as a shadow mage due to losing all your epic magic; both epic spells and special epic abilities from Esfs. This kind of runs counter to the theme of the shadow mage being focused in Illusion, Enchantment and/or Necromancy .

The mechanical stuff:

For example If you go 17 wiz 13 sd and pick up Epic shadow lord you lose more than you gain with regards to your character. My gnome illusionist shadow mage would really be missing a lot without project image or any of the other epic wizard abilities. This causes players to generally just skip sd altogether.

Since modifying the sd class contingent upon the character being a shadow mage isnt really an option it may be effective to simply target development at the shadow magepath. More variation in the shadow mage path can be created by targeting the shadow summon specifically since a pure wiz shadow mage or wiz/bard shadow mage wont have access to it. This would allow sd levels to be rewarded without just straight buffing the shadow mage.

The shadow copy is probably the most distinctive feature of the sd, but shadow mage isn't really in a good position to make the most of it due to mechanical issues and an implementation problem with contingently modifying the sd class based on whether or not someone is a shadow mage, this was given as a reason for the rejection of another suggestion here: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=16220

The shadow copy also has an issue tied to it scaling off of physical stats because it is a sd class feature this encourages more physically focused characters. Sd and wiz combination is super cool from a thematic standpoint for characters but it is a combination in conflict with itself. Kind of like the red mantis assassin from pathfinder or the bladesinger from 3.5.