Lock Shadowmage to Evil (Barring Token/Reward Perhaps)

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Lock Shadowmage to Evil (Barring Token/Reward Perhaps)

Post by Anomandaris » Wed Oct 14, 2020 9:25 pm

A Neutral SM? Ok... maaaybe? But it's more likely to just have ppl that are really "goodish" aligned (which can't really be policed) running the class. It should be an harder alignment restriction like Pally/Bg. Exception for ppl on a token or reward basis maybe? I just cringe to think about all the TN shadowmages running around with team good.

The flexibility on deity is great more rp flexibility. But all should be evil aligned deities that have some affinity or reasonable relation to Shar's interests. After all the lore is very clear on how she manages the use of the shadow weave. Lock it beind a reward and they can run the angle that they "sacrificed a memory" or some reasonable angle that actually allows a less evil aligned PC to access the weave. Non evil Palemaster is a great example of how to handle something like this.
