New Epic Sacrifice Option

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New Epic Sacrifice Option

Post by evilkittenofdoom » Tue Oct 20, 2020 11:47 pm

As it stands, the awards all give nothing beyond either faster leveling for a new character, or access to a new subrace/background/special alignment for a new character. Unless that's your intention, there is little appeal to an award whatsoever.

I'd like to see the option to pick up one choice from a of a subsection of the Minor Gifts as a fourth optional Gift, using a Minor, or at the very highest a Normal Award.

Why? Because Gifts are already precious resources to most, being crucial parts of most character builds in my experience. A way to bring some minor improvements in the form of the less impressive Gifts would be an interesting way to make more flexible character options without distorting balance. I propose the following list :

Gift of Tongues (+4 Languages and faster learning)
Gift of Hiding (Invis on CD)
Gift of Light (Light 1/day)
Gift of the Gab (Bluff)
Gift of Lightfingers (Pickpocket ; maybe not suitable, it's close to the line)
Gift of Stardom (Perform)
Gift of Devotion (Allows consecration and ceremonies for non-clerics)
Gift of Greenfingers (Allows for tending of plants)

Note that the Minor Gifts that give skill boosts for Hide/MS/Spot, the Gift of Craftsmanship as well as the (albeit marginally) combat-relevant Gift of Hardiness are not here, specifically to discourage this usage for mechanical purposes in areas that are not in the spirit of what I am trying to propose.

After all, it would be an easy choice to simply take 10 extra Crafting Ranks on a new character, or to pick up some extra Stealth, Spot or minor, stacking elemental defense. That's precisely what I don't want out of this, nor do I think it would be healthy.

The intention here is to breathe some life into those unwanted Gifts due to the normal space constraints, and to give a small way to use an award for those who don't want to play any sort of special characters.
{Old FL} Mok, Goblin Desserter. Terror of the Underdark, and he who will be sorely missed.

Justin Xaer - Handle with Care
Moka - Inheritor of the Spirit of Mok
Irongron wrote: Sadly investment and objectivity may have an inverse ratio.

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The GrumpyCat
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Re: New Epic Sacrifice Option

Post by The GrumpyCat » Tue Oct 20, 2020 11:52 pm

Hrm. Off hand I do like this idea. Let me discuss it with people who are smarter than me, balence wise though.
This too shall pass.

(I now have a DM Discord (I hope) It's DM GrumpyCat#7185 but please keep in mind I'm very busy IRL so I can't promise how quick I'll get back to you.)
