Which Alignment is your favorite?

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Favorite Alignment Choices

Lawful Good
Neutral Good
Chaotic Good
Lawful Neutral
True Neutral
Chaotic Neutral
Lawful Evil
Neutral Evil
Chaotic Evil
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Which Alignment is your favorite?

Post by Kenji » Sat Dec 07, 2019 12:30 pm

Which alignment do you favor the most when creating a character?

Is it due to the alignment aligning with personal beliefs? Or the opposite?

Perhaps it's exciting to roleplay a persona that is far more different than yours. Feel free to vote in silence or voice your reason(s).

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Re: Which Alignment is your favorite?

Post by Morgy » Sat Dec 07, 2019 12:40 pm

I always go CN or NE..

Overall I prefer NE. I struggle to play 'good' characters and being Neutral Evil gives me the freedom to do what I want without falling to far into Chaos or being bound by a strict code.

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Re: Which Alignment is your favorite?

Post by Bunny » Sat Dec 07, 2019 2:57 pm

Controlled iNsanity

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Re: Which Alignment is your favorite?

Post by Emotionaloverload » Sat Dec 07, 2019 3:35 pm

I don't like to play the same alignment twice in a row so I tend to play all of them (with CE being the least used since it takes up a lot of time and energy for me to adequately portray). My favourite is anything in the Lawful realm (I picked LN since its my most played lawful) because I enjoy restrictions on characters; it gives me a lot to work with.


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Re: Which Alignment is your favorite?

Post by Aelryn Bloodmoon » Sat Dec 07, 2019 9:42 pm

My favorite alignment is actually Chaotic Neutral, because to me it's the easiest to portray, as long as you understand your own character's motivations. For good or ill, the character is free to pursue whatever selfish desires they have - they don't callously disregard life, but they'll take it if it's between them and a goal without hesitation, no quarter given if appropriate.

I tend to portray Lawful/Chaos ethics as more about a willingness to be constrained by society's rules for the benefit of the many than anything directly about the forces of the cosmos or caring about a guard's authority. For example, if my chaotic neutral character hates bullies, and he catches them in the act, there's no reason he might not take the time to point the bully out to a local guard and really ruin his day - he may not enjoy the idea of someone else doing the same to him, but that's got nothing to do with right now. If the guards try to nab him later, he's almost certain to book it unless he knows he can prove he's innocent.

I think True Neutral and Chaotic Neutral represent the vast majority of humanity's instinctive ethical and moral inclinations.

When I want a challenge, I go Lawful Good, because it has the most restrictive set of options for resolving most encounters, and finding ways to do it that are interesting for both sides leads to some epic moments.
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Re: Which Alignment is your favorite?

Post by Eira » Sun Dec 08, 2019 1:37 am

I used to be all about Chaotic Neutral, but I've made more and more Lawful Evil characters, and I find I very much enjoy the play.

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Re: Which Alignment is your favorite?

Post by Ork » Sun Dec 08, 2019 6:46 am

CE is the best alignment.
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Re: Which Alignment is your favorite?

Post by Babylon System is the Vampire » Sun Dec 08, 2019 11:36 am

I picked Chaotic Good because who doesn't like being a good guy/gal that people are unsure about? Neutral Evil would be my second favorite, because that's the alignment I see as the most selfish and self serving, then LG because its always a challenge to be rigid in your beliefs.

My least favorite (despite how popular it seems to be here!) is CN, mostly because I don't know what they stand for. It doesn't work for a mercenary, because even they have a code and can follow orders to some extent making them more LN/TN. You can't just let people suffer because that makes you evil...yeah, I just don't get it, it seems to me to be the most aimless and therefore hardest to build a concept around.

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Re: Which Alignment is your favorite?

Post by Aniel » Sun Dec 08, 2019 1:07 pm

I don't think letting people suffer is evil. Actively making people suffer is evil. Between the choices, not helping someone is probably as neutral as it gets there.

Anyways most of my characters both on NWN and in PnP have been neutral evil. It's one of the most freeing alignments in how versatile it is, ultimately. Neutral evil is the embodiment of selfishness, sometimes the most self serving thing you can do is work for the good guy paladins because of the rewards you get, etc.

You can make neutral evil fit into about anything.

From a moral standpoint, my second favorite alignment is probably lawful neutral. It's very interesting to have to weigh different obligations against each other balanced against self interest. A situation that I think encapsulates it very well is in Robert's Rebellion in A Song of Ice and Fire Stannis had to choose between siding with the rebels (his family) or with his king.

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Re: Which Alignment is your favorite?

Post by Wrips » Sun Dec 08, 2019 4:43 pm

In my opinion, lawful evil and lawful neutral are the most satisfying alignments to play.

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Re: Which Alignment is your favorite?

Post by Babylon System is the Vampire » Mon Dec 09, 2019 2:15 am

Aniel wrote:
Sun Dec 08, 2019 1:07 pm
I don't think letting people suffer is evil. Actively making people suffer is evil. Between the choices, not helping someone is probably as neutral as it gets there.
I was super tired when I made my post, and therefore it was incomplete. First let me state that its just my opinion based on me picking an alignment, and I'm not telling anyone how they should do their thing. I'm not the alignment police, and D&D alignments are so black and white that they don't really work for real world analogies anyways. But since I personally can't help compare the two, I find anything I come up with for a CN character to be too evil or too good to be worthy of the title. Just an easy example, a CN pirate who is with a bunch of evil pirates pillaging a boat and killing off sailors may see themselves as neutral because they are "Just along for the ride", but your lack of feelings for those people from their perspective is definitely going to have said soon to be dead sailors thinking you are just as evil as the pirates doing the killing.

Again, that's just based on my opinion when choosing alignments for my character, but in my opinion outside perspective is just as important when deciding alignment as the internal one. The most interesting villains in any story tend to think they are the good guys after all, but that doesn't make them any less evil.

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Re: Which Alignment is your favorite?

Post by Talvenlapsi » Mon Dec 09, 2019 11:34 am

Chaotic Neutral. Aligns best with who I am personally in real life, BUT.. I've seen myself enjoy Neutral Evil as an alignment a lot. Possibly because of the selfishness that I lack in real life.
CN and NE are extremely similar anyways, I feel. NE is just CN but lacks the good aspect of it. Or that's how I always end up going by it, some characters being extremely ambiguous in if they should be NE or CN..

Then again, I enjoy good Lawful Good, if played correctly. Paladins galore!
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Re: Which Alignment is your favorite?

Post by MissEvelyn » Wed Dec 11, 2019 8:28 am

I used to play and enjoy a lot of Chaotic Neutral and True Neutral in the past, but nowadays I tend to find it more challenging and exciting to play more characters who are good and others who are evil. For good, I think I prefer Neutral Good. For evil, it's definitely Lawful Evil.

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Re: Which Alignment is your favorite?

Post by theCountofMonteCristo » Sun Dec 15, 2019 2:47 pm

I'm quite interested by the results. Evil significantly outweighs Good, and for all but the Evil axis Chaotic outweighs Lawful.

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Re: Which Alignment is your favorite?

Post by Dr. B » Sun Dec 15, 2019 5:31 pm

Another vote for LE. It doesn't surprise me at all that it's the most popular alignment either.

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Re: Which Alignment is your favorite?

Post by msterswrdsmn » Wed Dec 18, 2019 8:25 am

Chaotic good was my favorite to play. Spike and Sei were both CG embodiments of insanity. Both were absolutely good people, but had absolutely no problem breaking rules and doing whatever they felt like to uphold their "good" acts. Sei was particularly bad with this, as I think just about every group he worked with (except maybe Astra and the Tower) ended up suffering in some way, shape or form from his crap, but still kept him around for some reason

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Re: Which Alignment is your favorite?

Post by InTheFlesh » Thu Dec 19, 2019 9:05 am

CG, for reasons

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Re: Which Alignment is your favorite?

Post by DM Avalon Soul » Fri Dec 20, 2019 4:39 am

Guessing 'Whale' isn't an alignment... I'm also guessing that you don't accept an all. Sadly, given my role as a DM I have too much fun playing any and all of the alignments when running stories as part of the world.
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Re: Which Alignment is your favorite?

Post by Cuchilla » Fri Dec 20, 2019 11:16 am

Lawful vs Chaotic: Preference Chaotic
Good vs Evil: Preference Neutral

Answer to the question about char vs "me", is that the game makes me experiment with chars much different from myself, so I use the game to explore my lesser used alignments, to see what happens, and maybe (I said "maybe") use that in my real life.

That's probably why I like this game so much :D

Looking back over my chars over years, I think I played any combination of alignment, except for NE

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Re: Which Alignment is your favorite?

Post by Seven Sons of Sin » Fri Apr 24, 2020 3:28 pm

Ork wrote:
Sun Dec 08, 2019 6:46 am
LG is the best alignment.
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Re: Which Alignment is your favorite?

Post by Opustus » Fri Apr 24, 2020 3:48 pm

My favourite alignment is probably something very distinct like Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Good, Lawful Evil, Lawful Good, but no matter the alignment I choose for my character, they pretty much come out the same as either NG or TN, because they're the mellowest. I don't honestly know how other alignments should be played, so I just sort of default to being myself, which is badbadbad. E.g. if I play a BG, should I be actively harming someone? How do I even do that? Do I PvP people who displease the character, do I thieve their share of the loot, do I get some posse and gossip about people? Why doesn't my character like them, does she have a grudge or something? How do I enact the evil of my character, the lawful, the chaotic? They all demand some fixed state of mind and feel so counterintuitive I just can't pull it off.
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Re: Which Alignment is your favorite?

Post by Drogo Gyslain » Fri Apr 24, 2020 4:09 pm

Personally I do enjoy playing Neutral and Grey Neutral Characters. I don't ever really enjoy playing Lawful, so I stick with CG/NG and True Neutral. Occasionally a need for evil is there, so NE is my goto choice. I prefer not being trapped in a dogma like LE.

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Re: Which Alignment is your favorite?

Post by Jencent » Wed Aug 19, 2020 8:44 am

CN of course! Only pure will of hart, what wrong or what is right! Screw this silly laws!
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Re: Which Alignment is your favorite?

Post by Theter » Wed Aug 19, 2020 10:25 am

My favorite is LN, but I have to say that CN is the richest alignement.

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Re: Which Alignment is your favorite?

Post by Hazard » Thu Aug 20, 2020 3:06 pm

Neutral Evil is the most fun for me to play.

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