The Lionesse and the Rose

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The Lionesse and the Rose

Post by Edens_Fall » Sun Jan 14, 2024 2:02 am

It's been slightly over a year since Kathryn Eldren arrived in Arelith to honor her family's tradition of visiting Minmir. When I initially conceptualized her character, my goal was modest – to explore the concept of an openly evil player character on the surface and inject vitality into the Banite community. As time passed, my intentions evolved, and while the journey proved both as frustrating as it was rewarding, it did introduce me to numerous players with whom I enjoyed role-playing. Kathryn's tale has now reached its end, paving the way for others to contribute to Minmir's legacy. The experience, though challenging, was one I wouldn't trade, given the opportunity it provided to engage with so many diverse players in the world of Arelith.

Over the past year, Kathryn has engaged in Cordorian politics, witnessed war in her adopted home of Waterdeep, dined with ideological foes, mourned friends lost to the executioner's blade, stepped onto the sacred Black Sands of Gehenna, Oversaw a divine ritual in Minmir, sailed with pirates, warred with Drow, served as Dreadmaster of Minmir, negotiated with Fey, and lastly died at the hands of assassin in the Queen's court. Not a bad journey for just over a year, and certainly a life worth being proud of.

To all those who knew and had a chance to RP with Kathryn, Thank you. I enjoyed every interaction, no matter how small or large.

Now, onto the acknowledgments!

DM GrumpyCat
Thank you for taking a chance on my character. Your trust in allowing a PC related to the Queen of Cordor was invaluable. I treasure the freedom given to explore the family's lore and the story's direction. Your honest reminders about staying true to the RP were delivered with sincerity and maturity, giving me the chance to correct any misdirections. Even at the very end, when I chose to roll Kathyrn and give the event gravitas, you were supportive and accommodating in my request. In short, thank you for simply being you. You mean more to this community than any one player can effectively communicate with mere mortal words.

DM Rainbow
I won't reveal details to avoid spoilers, but know both the Banite community and myself are grateful for what you did! We all look forward to seeing the inevitable outcome of your plotline.

DM Titania
Thank you for allowing flexibility in your events and letting players engage in spontaneous scheming on the side. Your efforts to ensure player actions have consequences within your plotlines have not gone unappreciated. I am grateful for the time and dedication you put into being a DM and the stories you create.

Player Characters
A big thank you to all the players who crossed paths with Kathryn. I appreciate every opportunity we had together. If I missed anyone's PC, I apologize; my notes are, admittedly, not the best and she has met so many people over her journey.

Artharg Monolith - "Best Retainer"
Verta Sataa
Caleb Runestream - "Master of Cupcakes"
Elizabth - "Small, but Deadly"
Bernard - "Best Butler"
Grymmiirn - "Scourge of the Wild Hunt"
Arinia Ashaban
Darian Blackmoon
Yarah Aseph
Samina Nightstar
Ysabelle Eldren - "Best Sister Award"
Levius Tristimdorion - "The one that got away"
Noah Mistmoor
Edith Keenheart
Abigail Derlson - "Award for best Dresses"
Priscilla Derlson
Callibrae Argent
Matthias Willows
Yarah Aseph - "Best Maid"
Minto Cloudpaw - "Saviour of Cordor"
Ginny Rivorndir - "Honorary Banite"
Tharnes Zuthreld
Shade Tannis
Salasker Dusk - "Wine Connoisseur"
Sharon Zivonzur
Tremor Morak
Sigvald Eisenhardt
Everett Adams
Adenious Craftlace - "Mistress of Marketing"
Hadil Fonseca
Caliban Duskway
Davroth Cairne
Ember Ravensborne - "1/2 of Arelith's Cutest Couple"
Mallin Ravensborne - "1/2 of Arelith's Cutest Couple"
Logan Waterson
Elyndare Var
Leo Nightheart - "Best Captain"
Simon Lyonsdale
Julia Highburrows - "Tiniest Tyrant"
Morrigan Reinhart - "Remembered Martyr"
Zereda Payne
Vulan Aeon
Allisara Xyrlen
Cal Quinn
Asherix Casaan
Dreven Obelarth
Rovek Seskar - "The Grizzled Veteran"
Sacsha Blakdu - "Best Bodyguard"
Aremis Keidos
Sikziv Stillborn
Autumn van der Witte - "BFF"
Tribunia Leonara - "Embodiment of a Banite"
Umbranox Blackwinter
Vaelan Cartwright
Vaelin Silvercrest
Heria Divorin
Mordred Kane - "Long Live the King"
Nathanial Fellblade
Kada Morningbell
Thranes Zuthreld
Kritheris Gwette
House Emmarask - "Cordor's most Interesting Nobles"
Evemere Dundragon
Khorin Cinderstone - "Arelith's Market is Crashing! No wait it's just Khorin opening a stall"
Ayra Arrellanes
Celestia Silverarms
Thomas Crumpet
Sabal Zauviir
Lilah Sigers - "Frenemy"
Xalden Grantz - "Bestest Good Boy Award"
Cassandra Moriarty
Ellisaria Vhaire
Navar Valle
Lazarus Horrigen
Cobble Balvard
Lloyd Grimm - "Best City Advisor . . . ever!"

In conclusion, thank you to everyone who was a part of Kathryn's journey on Arelith. It's been a memorable adventure, and I look forward to seeing the tales that unfold in Minmir's future.

Below are some cherished screenshots from her journey. Please enjoy!




EDITED: Forgot to add a few titles to certain names in my rush last night! :p

Last edited by Edens_Fall on Sun Jan 14, 2024 4:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Lionesse and the Rose

Post by Ork » Sun Jan 14, 2024 4:57 am

Kathryn projected gravitas. Your mastery in fixture descriptions would paint a compelling scene, and you'd carry it through with stellar roleplay. I'm grateful for our brief time roleplay together. I'm glad Kathryn's story ended in as epic a fashion as it began.

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Re: The Lionesse and the Rose

Post by Zero Chronicle » Sun Jan 14, 2024 6:10 am

... I am sad she is gone. But also thank you for all the role-play. You are one of the treasures of Arelith.

I look forward to meeting whoever you may play next.

Username zerochronicle on Discord. Plays Lilah Sigers of Sencliff

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Re: The Lionesse and the Rose

Post by Arszenik » Sun Jan 14, 2024 6:20 am

Im grateful to have met Kat, it has been a very long ride and she has always been enjoyable to RP with.
Major influence on my character and his story, and even an influence OOC as you have been a friend, and I learned quite a lot about proper RP from you.

Certainly felt quite emotional after all that happened today.
I look forward to seeing what mischief you get up to in the future.

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Re: The Lionesse and the Rose

Post by A Digital Vagrant » Sun Jan 14, 2024 3:01 pm

"Yarah Aseph - Best Maid"

Awh :3 Thank you!

I hope that everything went down well for you, and that you have fun whatever comes.

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Re: The Lionesse and the Rose

Post by Naiinara » Mon Jan 15, 2024 5:19 am

I never really imagined Autumn in such a situation. I went with it when the opportunity arose and did what Autumn would do and its been wonderful. It was nice to see a human side to what is otherwise usually just the unfeeling face of evil. Kathryn had depth and I appreciate the work and skill you put into her. Autumn's going to miss their philosophical talks and mostly the gossiping.

She never had plans to try and convince Kathryn what she believed was wrong. It was just about sharing good conversation and a smile as a certain Sharessan priestess taught her, and hoping.

Best wishes on your next character and perhaps one day two characters well meet anew. :)

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Re: The Lionesse and the Rose

Post by Lurking Shadow » Mon Jan 15, 2024 1:29 pm

For Sil, this woman was always an illusive character in the peripheral that she never got ot meet. But she would read the notes, hear about the Banites. Clearly there was a third part effect! Which in itself proves the character had an impact beyond the interaction. Thats a sign of a strong character, RP and story surrounding it. Well done.

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Re: The Lionesse and the Rose

Post by Cthuletta » Tue Jan 16, 2024 4:30 pm

You hated to love her, or loved to hate her.

Kathryn was a really well-written Banite, and even without much interaction, I was always curious what she was up to or what she'd do next. You played the character and her religion VERY well, so massive kudos to you for both her story and the extremely interesting way you chose to end it! Prior to the Eldren House, I don't recall seeing many (or any) Banite storylines that were really able to take hold and stick there, while now it's definitely more of a hot topic providing RP opportunities and conversations.
I will also miss your amazing outfits. ;-; That was one well-dressed noble lady.

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Re: The Lionesse and the Rose

Post by CragOrion » Sun Jan 28, 2024 5:29 am

Kathryn gave a certain quality to the atmosphere that was undeniable and rich, and despite our characters being fundamentally opposed in who they were, I feel she really enhanced the setting by being there.

Thank you for playing it up and doing it with class <3

Celestia Silverarms
Karynn Eldafire

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