Greater Slime Temple Bugs

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Greater Slime Temple Bugs

Post by Kalthariam » Sun May 26, 2024 4:25 am


The Lower SLime temple (The epic dungeon with the runic at the end) is very buggy still.

Two biggest bugs:

The Weapon Rack before the Final Boss fight in the room next to the Planar Rift is STILL triggering Runic Material Cool downs leading to empty shrines after the boss is killed, making a long difficult dungeon even less worth doing if someone in the party happens to not know this OOC information.

Second: There are many places that enemies are bugged into walls and ceilings, and players get bugged into ceilings trying to walk through the halls.

Steps to reproduce:

Simply do the Dungeon, you will find countless bugged spots that are mucked up traveling.

Open the Weapon Rack near the planar portal before openign the shrine after the boss, then open the shrine after the boss to find no runic materials.

Expected result

Not bugging into Walls and getting body blocked by invisible walls
Having a chance to find Runic Materials at the end of the Runic Dungeon.

Actual result

Movement is very difficult, even more so with medium to large groups.
If anyone opens or bashes that Weapon rack before opening the runic chest after the boss, no runic material will be found.

Which Server(s)?


Gaming Platform(s)?

Steam / PC

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