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Strange Bugs (Related to Inactivity Kick?)

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 5:34 pm
by Baron Saturday
Description of Bug Experienced:
Upon logging on to the Arelith Surface server after having been kicked for inactivity, I experienced two bugs:
1. When stealthed or in detect mode, clicking on an object or placable allowed me to run towards it.
2. Enemies ignored me, and did not fight back when attacked.

Steps to reproduce the Bug:
1. Get logged out for 30 minutes of inactivity.
2. Log back in.
3. Turn on either stealth or detect mode.
4. Click on a distant object, such as an area transition of usable placable.
5. Approach and attack a hostile NPC.

Expected Result:
1. Walk, either in stealth or detect, over to the transition or placable.
2. Be attacked on sight by the hostile NPC, or be attacked once you attack them.

Actual Result:
1. RUN, either in detect or stealth, to the transition or placable.
2. Be ignored by the hostile NPC while you murder them and their friends.

Additional Information/Notes
Logging out and back in fixed both bugs. Notably, I logged out in the middle of a group of hostile NPCs who were ignoring me. As soon as I logged back in, they attacked.