Spring Attack

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Spring Attack

Post by dominantdrowess » Wed Jun 16, 2021 1:45 am

Tumble Checks trigger while having Spring Attack, which can result in failed Tumble Checks and Attacks of Opportunity on a target who should not be hit by AoO.

Steps to reproduce
Get Spring Attack Feat. Get Tumble. Run through enemies frequently (sometimes while trying to slip around them to attack a specific target due to auto-navigation)

Expected result
No AoO from moving in combat should occur with the Spring Attack feat.

Actual result
You do Tumble and AoO checks, though this is inconsistent.


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Re: Spring Attack

Post by dominantdrowess » Wed May 17, 2023 3:52 pm

Nearly Two Years Later:

After doing A LOT of testing in recent weeks... this may not actually be a bug. I think I figured out the problem with Spring Attack, and why it sometimes allows Attacks of Opportunity. And re-reading it's description? After a lot of testing? It may be "Working As Intended".

Spring Attack
Specifics: Enemies do not get attacks of opportunity against the character when the character is moving around in combat.

So, if you are not yet in combat with enemies (similar to Death Attack's functionality only paralyzing when the target is out of combat) ... and enemies suddenly attack you while you're maneuvering into position (say for a neutral-stick Whirlwind attack) but have not yet ENTERED COMBAT and they roll initiative on you while you're in motion around them ... this can trigger an attack of opportunity.

Being now in combat; this makes it easy to see why this is also not a readily reproducible "bug" when you continue moving around the enemy trying to provoke AoO. You're now already in combat. Likewise, if they attack you before you move into our out of their range (i.e. they were aware of you before you cross the threshold and approach you) this also won't trigger an AoO.

And by the strictest wording of the 'Spring Attack' feat?.. This seems like it could be "Working As Intended" since it is NOT immunity to "Attacks of Opportunity While Moving Around" ... but rather specifically immunity to "Attacks of Opportunity While Moving Around In Combat".. so I think I solved the mystery.

Also of Note and relevence: Approved Suggestion - I leave my findings and experimentations here for the Arelith balance staff; just reporting what I found as I continued to screw around with it, as I am no longer confident this is a "bug" but am still trying to be thorough. I am just kind of laughing right now, as this "bug" has literally been bugging me since HoTU originally came out -- and nobody I've ever talked to about it has considered the phrasing either; just having it suddenly hit me is something I can't help but laugh at after so.. many.. many years.

Like, I can't even do anything but laugh.

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