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Abadoned Writs Won't Appear Again

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2021 5:39 pm
by Talvenlapsi
With the new "writs can only be done once" update came a bug - if you take writ, and abadon it, you cannot take it again.
Lost me two writs when I tried to sync mine with another player, by abadoning what I took prior (That I have never completed before!) and taking writs to go with them. After completing new writs, I was not able to take the old ones back. (Not reached my limit for the day, was able to take other writs..)

Steps to reproduce
-> Take writ
-> Abadon it

Expected result
-> Be able to re-take it later

Actual result
-> System counts it as completed and won't let you re-take it

Can take if needed from the writ list before and after taking and abadoning something tomorrow.

Re: Abadoned Writs Won't Appear Again

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2021 6:20 pm
by Duchess Says
Curious on this as I experienced it too and it seems to include writs abandoned before they were made non-repeatable. Not a big deal on a surface character but a very regrettable mistake on my underdarker who doesn't have as many writ options.

If it's something we have to live with that's understandable but if that is the case maybe there should be an announcement not to abandon writs if you still intend to do them later so we have fair warning.