Using Create Teleport Lessens the Effect of ESF Trans Blood Frenzy

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Using Create Teleport Lessens the Effect of ESF Trans Blood Frenzy

Post by Paint » Fri Aug 12, 2022 7:04 pm

When casting Blood Frenzy with ESF Transmutation, it'll occasionally have a shorter duration, and less effect than intended -- specifically, one less AB. While messing around, I discovered a weird quirk that I think might be the cause of it, but I can't imagine why it's the case.

Steps to reproduce
Have a character with ESF: Transmutation cast blood frenzy. Check the duration right after. Then, have that character type -dispel. Then, use the ESF: Transmutation Create Teleport function. Now, after having created a teleport, cast Blood Frenzy again.

Expected result
No change after having exhausted the use of the ESF: Transmutation Create Teleport function.

Actual result
For some unknowable reason, after Create Teleport is used, ESF: Transmutation is 'exhausted,' and therefore, Blood Frenzy no longer sees the character as having ESF: Transmutation. Instead, it casts Blood Frenzy as if the character only had GSF: Transmutation instead.


Misc Notes
This is easily avoidable if you happen to be in the rare niche of using ESF Transmutation /and/ Blood Frenzy by just not using the Create Teleport function of ESF: Transmutation. Resting after having used Create Teleport restores the 'charge' of ESF Transmutation, and thusly, seems to give the better Blood Frenzy again. This doesn't seem to affect spells like Bull's Strength or Cat's Grace, so I'm not sure why Blood Frenzy is the exception here. However, it's an annoying enough bug that I felt compelled to document it so that if anyone else experiences the same thing in the near future, they know the steps to take to remedy it.

Which Server(s)?
I tested this on Surface.

Gaming Platform(s)?

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