Crafted Colossal Weapon Level requirements

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Crafted Colossal Weapon Level requirements

Post by Kalthariam » Mon Mar 20, 2023 9:38 am

Description of Bug Experienced:
(please include information of what you did, that lead up to the bug, what you expected to happen there, and what actually happened, then move on to describe below:)

Crafted Colossal Weapons seem to be bugged for their level requirements:

Greensteel Colossal weapons are requiring level 2, when the normal requirement for the material is level 13.
Masterly Steel Colossal weapons are requiring level 13, when the normal requirement for the material is Level 2

Steps to reproduce the Bug:

Craft any Greensteel or masterly Steel Colossal Weapon (Or see any existing one)

Expected Result:

Greensteel Colossal weapons require level 13
Masterly Steel Colossal weapons require level 2

Actual Result:

Greensteel Colossal weapons require level 2
Masterly Steel Colossal Weapons require level 13

Additional Notes:

Bronze Colossal Weapons also all still only require 1 Blacksmithing to Make, and only require 1 Crafting point.

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