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Equip/unequip gears with bonus spell slot eat exist spells

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2023 2:51 am
by Chloe123

For spontaneous casters, if you have an equipment with bonus spell slot, and everytime you remove it, it eats one exist spell use. So if you equip/unequip it multiple times all your spell of that circle is gone.

Steps to reproduce
Equip/unequip an equipmetn with bonus spell slot multiple times -> all spells of the bonus circle is eaten. In my case, it's a Bard with "Minstrel's Shillelagh".

Expected result
Swap equipment won't mess up spells in use.

Actual result
Equip/unequip Minstrel's Shillelagh multiple times and all spells are gone.

Which Server(s)?

Gaming Platform(s)?