Monks with Perfect Self aren't immune to a barbarian's rage

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Monks with Perfect Self aren't immune to a barbarian's rage

Post by Troutsworth » Fri Nov 03, 2023 2:51 am

Description of Bug Experienced: I found that the rage aura from both player and NPC barbarians applies a fear debuff to monks that have the Perfect Self feat, which should make them immune. It does not seem to be pierced by fear spells, dragon fear auras, The Damned fear auras, etc.

Steps to reproduce the Bug: With Perfect Self, step into a fear aura caused by a barbarian.

Expected Result: Fear effect fails due to immunity.

Actual Result: A will save is called for, and fear is rolled normally. Debuffs are applied on a failure.


PowerWord Rage
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Re: Monks with Perfect Self aren't immune to a barbarian's rage

Post by PowerWord Rage » Fri Nov 03, 2023 4:11 am

Terrifying Rage
Upon entering the aura of a raging barbarian with the Terrifying Rage feat, a hostile creature or player must make a will save.
The save DC is [(Intimidate/5)+(character level/2)+(Base CON Modifier)+5]. This is treated as a saving throw vs fear.
For example, a level 30 character with 35 points in Intimidate and a base CON of 22 would have a DC of 33 against Fear.
Against non-PCs, Terrifying Rage causes a 3-round stun and its debuff effect lasts three times longer.
Hit dice comparisons have been removed. Anyone that fails the saving throw is subject to the following effects:

Debuff: -1 to AB and Saves per 7 Barbarian levels
Debuff: +5% Automatic Spell Failure per 7 Barbarian levels
1/2 round stun
The debuff duration is 1d3 + base CON mod rounds.
Mind protection defends against the stun effect, but not the debuff.
Fear immunity protects against Terrifying Rage.

Source :

Hence, working as intended.

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