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Two Cornugon Tyrant summons as a Blackguard

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2024 3:31 pm
by HauntedAngel

Description of Bug Experienced:
(please include information of what you did, that lead up to the bug, what you expected to happen there, and what actually happened, then move on to describe below:)
On my blackguard, I had summoned my Cornugon Tyrant and had been walking around as normal. I went to the Shipyard in Andunor, and then went into the transition leading into Treadstone Walks. Then upon loading in, I noticed that I now had two Cornugon Tyrants instead of one. After dismissing the new one, I can't appear to replicate the issue.

Steps to reproduce the Bug:
Not sure how reproducible this is but:

1: Summon Cornugon Tyrant as blackguard
2: Walk into a transition that sends you to a different server (?)
3: Have two Cornugon Tyrant for the price of one!

I haven't been able to replicate the issue by doing these steps, so I'm not sure if I'm missing something I did.
Expected Result:
Have only one Cornugon Tyrant!

Actual Result:
Have two Cornugon Tyrant!


Additional Information/Notes
For build reference, my character is a drow 17 blackguard, 7 weapon master, 6 fighter.