For no reason I can yet fathom, several of my characters (new and old) have mysteriously changed or lost their voicesets
As an example, I have a half-orc who had an orc voice-set but who now sports some sort of giant or planar voiceset? It is the rather embarrassing one about 'cleansing taints'.
I also have a long-term plain ole' human, who had what I think was the neutral warrior voiceset, who now has none whatsoever.
Moreover, most characters are completely fine, so whatever is going on is really hard to narrow down.
I also don't think this is anything as simple as 'reload' the game. I play on two different computers and these changes, once made, persist, so the characters are somehow altered on the server.
Has anyone else experienced this...or better yet, resolved it? I know a DM can fix voicesets, but as this seem to keep happening I am hoping to nail down the bug and crush it.