I play a Healer Cleric.
I am very aware of their shortcomings and their advantages.
I just am very much of the opinion the advantages are heavily outweighed by the fact there is an ungodly amount of consumables openly available to basically everyone, which greatly diminishes the purpose of a Healer Cleric.
As a Vatican Caster, not only are they only relegated to being Buff bots, but even half their protective spells and healing abilities can just be completely replaced by consumables, that are not hard to get ahold of.
Not to mention they get no multi classing synergy, so every level you take into another class you diminish your ward strength which in reality is basically your only purpose in most group content, unlike many other casters whom get even partial scaling to try to allow them the flexibility to multi class without butchering their Caster level.
I am simply of the opinion that the healer path for cleric gives up a significant amount of class features for what sometimes feels as completely lackluster bonuses, they used to have more going for them, but over time their effectiveness has waned, their class features have been split up from their path to domains, and half their functionality is completely replaced by the endless amount of scrolls, potions, wands and other things that everyone gets access too anyways.
Is blowing up undead fun and cool? Yes. Yes it is, but I cannot say I've been in content on my Healer path cleric that remotely ever felt like "Dang, we would not have been able to do this if I wasn't here, I'm glad I came along." It's generally always "Okay, I've put my buffs on the martial characters, I will now just watch, because everything is now being overrun, the martials are so powerful most mobs cannot break through the overhealing, and my conjurations just get in the way." Literally just as effective just warding the party and not being there as I am being there and just watching.