Character Missing in Portal

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Character Missing in Portal

Post by Herzakov »

Please forgive me if this is not the correct place to ask.

I had to set up Neverwinter Nights on another computer due to the former computer crashing. The motherboard had problems. The drive was also corrupt.

I downloaded the game from steam and attempted to set up the character with the game. Unfortunately, I thought I entered the correct user account, but when I attempt to connect to the game , there are no characters listed.

My character is Ziegfried Thunderstone, a dwarven fighter rogue.

Can someone look and see if something is wrong? If I am using the wrong username, my username on Steam is Herzakov.

Please assist.

Thank you


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Re: Character Missing in Portal

Post by Elurion »

Your character vault is associated with a CD Key. How to fix it will depend if you are reinstalling NWN:EE from the same Steam account, or were playing on a different version (for example, you were previously playing NWN:EE installed with the Beamdog Installer). You will need your old CD Key to gain access to your vault. If you reinstalled from the same source, check to make sure you have a cdkey.ini file in your Documents/Neverwinter Nights folder. If the cdkey.ini file isn't there, it may have failed to generate, and there are some fixes you can Google.

If you are playing on a new type of installation (e.g., moved from Beamdog install to Steam install) you will need to get your old CD Key from the cdkey.ini file from that installation.

Hope this helps. Keep us informed.

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DM Spyre
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Re: Character Missing in Portal

Post by DM Spyre »

Beamdog also has your keys on their website under your account.

Determine your Public CD Key here
Can't see your vault? Have you migrated your accounts? If you have tried, and still can't see them, message me.

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