Playable Card Deck - Readme & FAQ

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Playable Card Deck - Readme & FAQ

Post by Morderon » Thu Dec 14, 2017 2:10 pm

A) Setup.
B) Playing the Game
C) Rules
D) Terminology
F) Upcoming Features.
G) Known bugs

A) Setup

When clicking a card placeable you'll
1) Be asked to select a dealer. The last person that hits 'yes' will be the dealer.
2) Be asked to select what players are joining the dealer in the game. Potential players first have to register with the placeable by clicking on it. If the player(s) you want are not on the list close the conversation and tell the to register. You also have another chance to add players later on.
3) Set up the game rules (more on this later) and deal

B) Playing the Game

By defaults:

For players: Your cards will start face down on the table. They can be picked up by using the PICK UP command in the conversation. You can then select the other commands as you desire. Remember to hit 'confirm actions' after you're done. Actions that involve the deck (discard, giving, drawing) require the dealer to confirm while other actions (showing cards to other players, picking up cards) happen immediately.

The players can view the current cards in their hand (if any) in the prompts of the SHOW CARDS, DISCARD, and GIVE CARDS menus.

For dealers: You're responsible for confirming actions and dealing new cards and otherwise managing the game.

C) Rules

1) Rounds: Rounds are how many confirmed interactions the players can have with the deck. When the rounds are finished players can no longer discard/give cards/draw cards.

Rounds are progressed only when the dealer selects the 'confirm all players actions' option or if the 'dealer must confirm' toggle is off when all players complete the round.

Rounds are reset when a new game is started or a new hand is dealt.

Rounds automatically come to an end if the dealer selects End Hand.

2) Deal: How many cards each player receives. Minimum: 1

3) Deck: How many decks to use. Minimum 1. Maximum 4.

4) Toggles:

(DC) Dealer must confirm: If on the dealer must confirm player actions. Default: Enabled
(FT) Finish round together: Ignored if dealer must confirm is on. If this is on player actions are confirmed when all players have the actions confirmed. Default: Enabled
(SC) Special cards: Allows jokers into the deck(s). Default: Disabled
(AR) Automatic pick up cards: Cards go directly into players hand. Default: Disabled.
(PD) Player Option: Discard:
(PG) Player Option: Give:
(PW) Player Option: Draw: All the player options toggle if the player has the ability to perform those commands. Default: All enabled.

5) Folding.

A player who folds is out of the game and cannot take anymore actions.

Players are removing from the folding state when a new game starts, a new hand is dealt, or if the dealer implicitly deals them a card.

Folded players cards are immediately added to the discard pile.

6) Discard pile: The discard pile is shuffled and becomes the new deck when the current deck runs out of cards.

7) Group actions:

Group actions ignore logged out players. The dealer can still confirm actions and deal cards to logged out players by selecting them implicitly in the menu as long as they recall their position.

D) Terminology

Hand: Cards within the players hand. The player has view of.
Table: Cards face down in front of a player, face value unknown.


Q) Can I be a dealer and a player?
A) Yes.

Q) What games can I play?
A) Hopefully any that require a standard deck without a play area (there's no simulated table). However some games that require a play area may work with some rule modifications.

Q) What's this Game From String when setting up the game rules?
A) Game from string allows you to quickly change the rules. Commands are as Follow and are case sensitive

Round:00 Replace the 00 with how many rounds. 05 is 5 rounds. 99 is 99 rounds.
Deal:00 Replace 00 with how many cards to deal. 05 is 5 cards. 99 is 99 cards.
Deck:0 Replace 0 with how many decks to use.

The toggles: Above next to the toggle options you'll find their 2 digit code. For example DC is Dealer must confirm.

E<toggle code> enables the toggle. D<toggle code> disables the toggle.


Round:00 DPW DPG Deck:2 ESC

Would set the rounds to 0, Disable player options for drawing from deck and giving, set the Decks used to 2, and enable special cards while keeping the current values for everything else.

Q) I'm being notified about a game key, what's that?
A) When the games state alters significantly the game key changes. This is to prohibit players from performing actions that either may no longer exist or that may be based off old information. Just close the conversation and open it back up to fix.

Q) The dealer logged out, now what?
A) Anyone can become the new dealer by restarting the conversation. Current players will be given an option to continue the current game.

Q) A placeable is in use but no one is around.
A) The placeable will refresh in 5 mins of inactivity allowing a new person to become the dealer and start a new game.

F) Upcoming features

Simulated play areas/tables to open up more game types, or ease the way they can be played.

G) Known bugs

Bug: "Player is not logged in" is green even though i want them kicked from the game.
Cause: This can happen if a player was earlier kicked from the game
Solution: This should fix it self when a new hand is dealt or a new game is started.

Bug: I expect not all my options are there. If you do not see [End Dialog] this is likely true.
Cause: A bug that occasionally happens with zdlg. However there are legit ways that will deny your options, such as all rounds coming to an end, the player folding, or the dealer denying them.
Solution: Restart the conversation.

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