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KregorRanger's Portrait Collection and How/Why To's

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 8:07 pm
by KregorRanger
Portraits in NWN can be an awesome addition to the immersion of your character. Descriptions are great, and Arelith gives us the freedom to set and change it at will. But finding the perfect portrait can add a depth to your PC when you pull up your character sheet, or an onlooker examines you, or in the party screen. Personally, being someone who's used portraits even when I was playing standalone, I love a huge portrait collection, and it can even inspire your character's concept and personality.

I'm also very picky with my portraits, and they have to be both well done and artistically similar to the painted realism of the originals. So, I've decided to make a standing thread of my own collection.

I will update this collection dynamically. Updating both the master folder, and releasing incremental updates, so that anyone can just download the incrementals and add them in, rather than a full download.

First the Disclaimer:
Arelith is committed to a no downloads necessary policy, so this is neither a required nor admin sponsored collection. You don't need portraits to run the server, but if you want to see any of my PCs' portraits or many others, you will need these.

What's the best way to get these portraits into my game?
1) Download the linked package, and unzip it.
2) Open your NWN folder (the one that contains your NWN application).
3) If you already have a portraits folder, you want to avoid causing duplicates and the like. You need to rename your present portraits folder - something like OLDPortraits will do - then drag the new portraits folder in. If there's no existing portraits folder, and if you've never done portraits, there may not be, skip to step 4.
4) Simply drag this portraits folder into the NWN folder.

Renaming and keeping the old folder allows you to be able to go fishing for your own portrait again, should it not be included in mine. See below for further Q&A if this is the case, and you want your portrait in the pack!

How do I change my portrait?
You will need to page a DM, and ask them to transfer you to the PC modification area, once there, you can type -portrait along with the main part of the image name in your portraits folder.

For example, if you want to set a portrait which the largest image of the set is named po_hu_f_91_H.tga, you will type:

-portrait po_hu_f_91_
(if there's an underscore at the end, you do have to type it.) Presto! You're done.

I used your portrait folder instead of mine, and my PC now has a generic portrait
Then either I don't have your pc's portrait, or it could be present under a different image name than yours. If you want to compare images, see below for the upcoming browsable image catalog.

How can I find out what portrait my existing PC uses?
You can open your character file using Leto:
In order to get a local copy of your character to open, while you are logged into Arelith, go to the main menu, and hit the "save character" button. A copy of your character will now be saved in the localvault folder in the NWN folder.

Alright, you don't have it, and I want to share my portrait with the server!
Submit it to me, via PM, in the form of a Dropbox link, and I will evaluate it, and if it's not a duplicate and passes my quality test, I'll include it in the next incremental update and the master folder.

I found/made/etc a cool image but don't have it in NWN portrait format
Still send me, I'll make it for you if it meets the same standards. :)

How can I tell if the portrait I want to use is a duplicate?
How can I pick out a cool portrait from the collection after creation?

I will be putting together a browsable contact sheet of every portrait available, with the image name you need to type in the -portrait command. This will be coming soon.

Important note: I want to give credit to artists where credit is due. So if you submit a portrait, if you know where you got it and from whom, please include that in your PM. I will include a credit below the largest image of the set.

How did you come about all of these portraits??
Years of collecting from various downloadable sources yielded a pretty sizable collection. Including some of my own conversions from sources found on, and Added to this was Mrs. Mithreas' (LittleWeasel) own posted portrait collection, to which I then combed through and pulled out portraits based on these criteria:

1) Duplicate images - I culled in favor of those present in LittleWeasel's folder, when possible. I used a combination of an image matching app and human intelligence (RL hours worth of browsing).
2) Poorly scaled images - were either fixed to correct proportions, if possible, or given the boot, if not. Some of these included restoring from previous image sources, if I knew them.
3) PG13 filter - No frontal nudity to any extent, this meant culling a good number of Royo's images, and others.
4) Mismatched art styles - Anything that didn't at least approach an illustrative realistic approach was killed off. This means, no pen and ink, comic style art; no 3D CG art; no anime beefcake or cheesecake; no straight photos or Photoshopped images. I'm still pretty lenient in this, IMO, and do note that I will apply the same judgement to any submitted image that you want to include in future revisions of the pack.

And without further ado, the master collection: ...

Re: KregorRanger's Portrait Collection and How/Why To's

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 4:38 pm
by KregorRanger
Note: This set above does include the Baldur's Gate painted portraits by Artastrophe that I previously posted on the old forum. No need to download separately anymore.

Re: KregorRanger's Portrait Collection and How/Why To's

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 4:04 am
by KregorRanger
Version 1.1 of the portrait pack is here. Those who previously downloaded vers. 1.0 of the pack need only download the following: ...

Extract all the images to your current portraits folder, overwriting any that it prompts you to replace.

Then delete the following portrait sets from the portraits folder, as they were found to be duplicates:


If you have not previously downloaded the full portrait pack, you can download from the updated link in the first post.

Added this update:
Balthur's and Farnesse's portraits, an additional assortment of new portraits for dwarves (even females), half orcs, males of all races, and moar Drow. Also, a large contribution of portraits from AdreannaDrea, that add a bunch of unique portraits that weren't present in mine or LittleWeasel's collection.

Re: KregorRanger's Portrait Collection and How/Why To's

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 6:52 pm
by KregorRanger
More duplicate portrait sets to remove:

fem elf_

Re: KregorRanger's Portrait Collection and How/Why To's

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 7:05 pm
by Glowing Mushroom
Hey, thanks a lot for this package, it is great!

I am having trouble finding Burin's old portrait though. I had to reinstall my game and I lost all of the portraits I had, and in this giant compilation I was unable to find it. Could've been that I skipped over it, but I have checked a few times.

It was of a long white-bearded fellow in a blue cloak with a hood, he looks Dwarven in origins. I'm trying to dig up any screenies of it, but if anyone might know which one I'm describing it would be greatly appreciated ^^

Re: KregorRanger's Portrait Collection and How/Why To's

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 8:26 pm
by LittleWeasel
If I remember right, I saw Burin's portrait on the moot. Might be wrong, but I think I did. Next time Cat meets Burin I'll take note and see if I can't help you :)

Re: KregorRanger's Portrait Collection and How/Why To's

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 8:31 pm
by Glowing Mushroom
Ohhh unfortunately his new Portrait is the Druid Tree. The original source I had to get all of my portraits was on the old NWN Vault which has since been decommissioned, and I can't find it anywhere now!

Re: KregorRanger's Portrait Collection and How/Why To's

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 5:52 am
by KregorRanger
I should have the online gallery up and running soon! I had to upgrade my hosting account to allow more concurrent SQL databases. Once it is up, portraits will be browsable by race. Chances are, if you've lost the old portrait to the NWVault monster, you'll be able to find a new one to fit. :)

Re: KregorRanger's Portrait Collection and How/Why To's

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 8:40 pm
by KregorRanger
Version 1.2 of the portrait pack update is here: ...

To install the update, if you already have the portrait pack, extract the contents of this update into your existing portraits folder, saying yes to replacing any images you are prompted to replace.

If you have version 1 of the portrait pack, you will need to do the same with version 1.1 update above.

Or, you can simply download the entire updated portrait pack in the original post, and replace your entire portraits folder.

Updates this time:

Added portraits for Burlin Earthly, and Devin Fereth
Replaced more duplicate images with brand new artwork of the same name.
Also did this to fix some previously missed portraits that fit into the "bad Photoshop" category. New images in their place fit the NWN style, and are damn close matches to the original photographic ones (Thank gods for's forum portrait thread!)

Re: KregorRanger's Portrait Collection and How/Why To's

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 8:18 pm
by KregorRanger
The browsable image catalog is LIVE!

Point your browser to:

The catalog is grouped by general race categories.

Note, the importing process did NOT import the names of the images faithfully with underscores, so that will have to be fixed, but you can get the general idea of where to look in the portrait folder for the full image names. Remember when you use the -portrait command, it has to include all the underscores in the name as well, up to (but not including) the H, L, M, S or T at the end.

Commenting should be enabled on the images, so if you have a comment, think a particular portrait belongs in a different race category, or other constructive criticism, post it on the image. :)

Re: KregorRanger's Portrait Collection and How/Why To's

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 10:53 pm
by KregorRanger
Version 1.3 of the Unofficial Portrait Pack is up and live: ...

To install the update, if you already have the portrait pack, extract the contents of this update into your existing portraits folder, saying yes to replacing any images you are prompted to replace.

If you have an earlier version of the portrait pack, or you don't have it at all, you can download the complete pack listed in the first post and just drop it in your NWN folder in place of the original Portraits folder, according to the directions above.

Or, you can simply download the entire updated portrait pack in the original post, and replace your entire portraits folder.

Updates this time:

Added portraits for Madison Rook, Jet, and Lyra Heartwood.
Replaced more duplicate images with brand new artwork of the same name. They will replace the old ones when copied into your folder.
Moar halforcs and halflings!

Re: KregorRanger's Portrait Collection and How/Why To's

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 11:00 pm
by KarlaFatehart
I downloaded the master pack and started getting crashes when selection the Portraits button in the new character screen. After I removed all the portraits from my folder from the pack I stopped crashing. I think something is wrong with one of the portraits!

Re: KregorRanger's Portrait Collection and How/Why To's

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 6:53 pm
by SteelsSweets
I love these updates but now I'm worried about getting the last one.

I'll keep an eye on this thread! I hope whatever the issue is gets figured out.

Re: KregorRanger's Portrait Collection and How/Why To's

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 6:29 pm
by daemonshadow
I'll not that the first time I hit 'portrait select' after downloading this, it took quite a while for the pack to load - long enough I thought it had crashed.

Re: KregorRanger's Portrait Collection and How/Why To's

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 11:41 pm
by KregorRanger

There is a ~8,000 image limit for your portraits folder (that's approx. 1,600 portrait sets). Else yes, it will crash your game when you select a portrait.

The current portrait pack has 7,525 images. That's 1,505 portrait sets — an extremely huge selection of portraits to use in your game.

If you download the master collection, and just dump them into your existing portraits folder and mix them with other existing portraits, you are very very likely going to exceed the limit.

If you replace your existing portraits folder with the master collection, it will not crash, guaranteed. I've tested it thoroughly on both Mac and PC. If you crash after adding the update, try replacing the folder instead. (follow the OP directions to keep a backup of your original folder)

If you lose a portrait you love doing that, that can't be duplicated in the collection (else call a DM to put you in the mod area to change it to the matching duplicate or a facsimile), re-add it to your folder individually, then send it to me (please) so I can make it consistent for the future.

If enough people take advantage of the plethora of portraits available (and they're really good!) eventually, missing other PCs portraits will remedy itself.

Re: KregorRanger's Portrait Collection and How/Why To's

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 11:46 pm
by KarlaFatehart
Thank you! I had absolutely no idea that the portrait folder had a limit. I have... many. I'll poke around and remove stuff to make it work. Thank you!

Re: KregorRanger's Portrait Collection and How/Why To's

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 8:16 pm
by KregorRanger
You can see if a bunch of yours are duplicates by referring to the image catalog I put online.

It does need a few updates to reflect v1.3, but it's mostly complete.

Re: KregorRanger's Portrait Collection and How/Why To's

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 4:10 pm
by SteelsSweets
Just dropped mine in.

Folder says it hat 7709 files.

If I have any issues, I'll let you know. :)


Re: KregorRanger's Portrait Collection and How/Why To's

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 3:51 pm
by SteelsSweets
Alrighty. I need some help. :(

I seem to have 37 that are just white and one that is black.

Is there an easy way I can get you the numbers/names of the ones that don't show up? Is it something messing up on my end? I didn't have any problems with the previous updates.

Re: KregorRanger's Portrait Collection and How/Why To's

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 11:23 pm
by KregorRanger
Did you change any file names and/or supplement the folder?

Typically blank portraits mean the file name exceeds the 16 character limit. (Not counting the .tga)

Have you tried with a fresh collection?

Re: KregorRanger's Portrait Collection and How/Why To's

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 12:53 am
by SteelsSweets
I didn't change any names.

I extracted the contents just like the instructions say and as I have done with your previous packages. This is the first time I have had this issue.

I did not delete my portraits and start over as I am a bit nervous to try that. :/

Re: KregorRanger's Portrait Collection and How/Why To's

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 4:10 am
by KregorRanger
I just downloaded the v1.3 update (assuming you downloaded the incremental file and dropped those in). All of the portraits within are less than 16 chars, and they all load up fine for me in-game.

From your earlier post, there's definitely something amiss in your folder, as 7,709 is not divisible by 5, that means you have one or more incomplete portrait sets floating in there, since they all have to be 5 images each.

You don't have to delete your old folder, just rename it to "portraitsOLD" and then drop a full, fresh unzipped download of the complete collection into your NWN directory. That's the instant first troubleshooting step to verify the problem is or isn't with the current collection.

Re: KregorRanger's Portrait Collection and How/Why To's

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 4:33 pm
by SteelsSweets
That seems to have fixed it.

I don't know how but it seems near the end of November I ended up with quite a few portraits in my folder that started with a dot.

Some of those dot names were very similar or the same to some real file names of other portraits. But, the whole collection from the first link didn't have them. No idea where they came from.

Anyway, long story short, it seems to have been fixed. Thanks. :)

Re: KregorRanger's Portrait Collection and How/Why To's

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 1:33 am
by KregorRanger
Version 1.4 of the Unofficial Portrait Pack is up!

This one is a big update. Again, you can either download the complete pack (in the original post), and replace your entire old Portraits folder, or if you previously downloaded the full pack, just download this incremental update ...

And unzip the contents into your current Portraits folder. Answer YES to replacing any duplicate filenames.

Updates this time include replacing several duplicate images, and inferior Photoshopped photos with suitable illustrated replacements — again, using talented (and credited) fantasy artists.

Portrait submissions from Memmorath, Clementine Bennett, Hailey, and a few more that elude me at the moment.

The link to the full portrait pack above will also be updated.

Re: KregorRanger's Portrait Collection and How/Why To's

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 1:28 am
by CragOrion
I was wondering, is there a way that these can be put on a dropbox type thing that people can sync to, and then change that synced folder to be the folder that nwn looks for portraits in?

easy updating?

Went through your collection and found a few things:

belle_ and FPortrait312_ are the same portrait. if you axe one, i'd suggest axing belle_ because it hase "belle" written on the H portrait

ps_hu_f_032 and alexia_ are duplicates

suggest replaceing MPortrait73_ with Human_knight04
It's the same image, but not such the extreme closeup that cuts off the top and bottom

suggest replacing Jimbo_

with Jimbo2_


Here's all my portraits that I'd suggest adding to your collection: ... ?dl=0&s=sl