Arelith Timeline (420 BR to 175 AR)

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Arelith Timeline (420 BR to 175 AR)

Post by Edens_Fall » Mon Jan 10, 2022 3:28 am


The following chronicle of Arelith is a project undertaken by my own initiative.In NO WAY is it AFFILIATED or ENDORSED by the server's owner or staff. It is a player effort to create an OOC timeline to commemorate the events and stories of Arelith's many wonderful Roleplayers, past and present.

The information within has been gathered from the forums, server website, in-game writings, Encyclopedia Arelithica, and player submitted entries. As such, not all events or their viewpoints may be covered by this record. If anyone wishes to submit a correction or new information please feel free to contact me directly.

All reasonable attempts have been made to record information accurately and in an unbiased manner.


Arelith Timeline Project members:

Project Lead: Edens_Fall

Editors: Quipore, nsheeler, CharonsClaw, Amateur Hour, OroginalOrcster, Peachoo!

Contributors: TwoHand, ADeadKennedy, Dawn, God-Brother, Kuma, Emotionaloverload, Finn, Roadside Bandit, φ SepᎿøȿє ℤεჩǿ φ, ThePreserver, critical zav theory, Tempedius

Prior Contributors from 2015 Forum Timeline: Archon, Bashagain, Barradoor, Baron Saturday, CragOneEye, CragOrion, CoastalSurf, Cuchilla, Daedin, Daemonshadow, DarkFuneral209, Dinosaur Space Program, Dirty Deity, DM Hephaestus, DM Maelstrom, DM Watchtower, Dunshine, Ecstatic, Emotionalloverload, Faye, Grunf, IndifferentPerson, Kharne, KergorRanger, Kuma, LivingNPC, Lorkas, Madukthedoppelganger, Marsi, Mayonnaise, Mithreas, Mirw, msterswrdsmn, nobs3, Norfildor, One day remains, P three, Qizzia, Realoms, RED GANOT, Reptile in paradise, Scurvy Cur, Seven Sons of Sin, SteelsSweets, Someonehere123, soundsofastream, Sundial, SweetDaisy79, The Kriv, The Man of the Moon, The Pretty Prince of Parties, The Rambling Midget, yellowcateyes, Yma23, William Steele, WildOrchid, Wordless Truth.
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Islandwide Events

Post by Edens_Fall » Mon Jan 10, 2022 3:28 am

Islandwide Events

[23 BR] The Time of Arrival:
Immigrants from across Toril begin to arrive on the shores of Arelith. (Server is Created)

[00 AR] The Great Rift:
A mysterious cataclysm creates a dimensional rift, a singularity engulfing a part of the Arelithian population out of existence of Abeir-Toril, sending them to a twin alternative plane of existence. (Server Split and start of Arelith Reckoning)

[13 AR] The Great Plagues:
Two plagues started by Talonists strike successively inflicting victims with a virulent pox. The two plagues were stopped by the Ilmatarian priest Dredi Harren with the help of the artifact known as the Satchel of St. Beldarr.

[20 AR] The Great Banishment:
Goblins and Orcs are driven from the surface of Arelith and into the Underdark. (Monster races are no longer allowed to live on the surface)

[22 AR] The Blood Sail Incursion:
A great pirate fleet, under the command of Admiral Valmer Faulschtaff, invaded Arelith in a campaign that culminated in two unsuccessful sieges against Stonehold and the Crouching Lemur Monastery. A united force from Light Keep, Myon, Cordor, and Stonehold managed to drive the pirate army off the island.

[35 AR] Battle of Gambler's Bluff:
A large Underdark army, led by the svirfneblin Tyrant of Urblexis Grond Skeflock, seizes the small palisade fort on Gambler’s Bluff for nearly a week. The Underdark force eventually withdraws after repeated counterattacks from a Cordorian coalition army, but not before causing much havoc upon the surface.

[38 AR] Spread of lycanthropy from the Forest of Despair:
(lycanthropy added to the server)

[39 AR] Baator's Awakening:
The Nine Hells extended their corrupting influence by opening a Gate upon the isle of Arelith. The island's own leylines are used to open a portal, which is employed by the Devils to gain an indirect path into the Abyss for their Blood War. A coalition of Arelith forces, led by Stephen Hull and Dante Lyons defeat the devil hordes protecting the gate and seal it. As a side effect, the several leylines collapsed or simply vanished. Many more transformed into minor destination points. (Server Portals and destination points changed.)

[50 AR] Paush & The Pacted:
The Archdemon Paush takes over the town, enslaving, slaying, or banishing everyone and turning it into his personal domain. To increase his power in this new realm, he starts to grant powers to those who form a Pact with him. Warlocks. Soon after the infernalists discover a similar source of power by making Pacts with those creatures of Baator. This brings both sides of the Blood War even more followers on the prime plane, resulting in the growing and forming of many fiendish cults.

[50 AR] Captain’s Laurick Sail Company is established in all the main port settlements; Cordor, Crow’s Nest, Wharftown, and Brogendenstein, offering a regular and safe ferry system. (Ferry service added to Server)

[51 AR] The Unholy Mist:
An unholy mist shrouds the isle, causing undead to rise and march forth from Minmir. The threat is soon defeated by paladins from Benwick’s Light Keep.

[70 AR] The Ruination of the Court of Nightmares:
The Queen of Air and Darkness attacks the surface settlements of Arelith after the Unseelie Pacted coven led by the Hin Sariah Popkins of Bendir promotes the use of their powers for good deeds. This drew the ire of the Queen as these warlocks, pacted to dubious members of her court, were utilizing their eldritch gifts to benefit and help others. The Unseelie Queen made demands of her pacted warlocks to carry out evil deeds, which they refuse, and armies of dark fey were sent against Bendir as a result. Soon the conflict spread to every corner of Arelith. As more and more settlements were affected, new laws against the pacted were passed and groups dedicated to the elimination of warlocks, such as the Mage Hounds of the Arcane Tower led by Valden Stormbright, were formed. Ultimately the legendary Badger, a servant of Summer Seelie Court of Queen Titania, allowed those Warlocks of the Unseelie Court to break their pacts if desired. Those that refused were hunted down and killed. The Covens leader, Sariah Popkins, would sacrifice her life to the Queen of Air and Darkness, which satisfied the Dark Fey and marked an end to the threat.

[74 AR] The Black Shroud / War of the North:
The Frost Maiden Auril curses land to Eternal Night & Winter.

[76 AR] The War of Horns:
The twisted Rune’s attempt to claim an ancient artifact called, "The Crown of Horns" by hiring a pirate lord to intercept an elven transport ship near Arelith fails when, after claiming the Crown, the pirate lord is seduced by its power and keeps it for himself. Thus, a great conflict envelopes all of Arelith, with multiple factions vying for control of the relic. After many events that see the island infested with Undead and the Lost City of Kohlingen risen from the ocean’s depths, the adventures of Arelith defeated the Pirate Lord and reclaimed the Crown. (New Dungeon added to Server)

[81 AR] The Sword of Elysium:
A lich raises an undead army to besiege Arelith. The fragments of the legendary Sword of Elysium, blessed by Lathander himself, was gathered by brave adventurers and reforged by Gilgamesh Ironfist, with the guidance of the priestess Snowbell Lyon. The blade was given to a Knight of Light Keep, Riago Angert, who wielded it to destroy the lich, ending the siege.

[86 AR] Rift Crisis:
A new distortion assaults Arelith, opening planar rifts and creating breaches which allow entry into different planes. As this distortional wave washes across the island, the connections mages have to the weave weaken, forcing the use of new material components in casting. This event lasts until 86 AR. (Server Updated to require the use of spell powder when casting)

[89 AR] The Last Battle of the Rifts:
In a last great effort, the people of Arelith succeed in the creation of the Astrolabe which stabilizes the planes and ends the Rift Crisis.

[93 AR] The Ragged Banner:
The invasion of the Ragged Banner is led by Azuk Drooz, an orc known as "the prophet", discovered a relic, a mantle giving him control great hordes of beasts, that he uses to launch a massive attack on Guldorand with giants, ogres, goblins, kobolds, trolls and orcs. Guldorand survived two full-scale sieges from the Banner. The first was chaotic and largely ineffectual, but the second was well organized. Many factions rallied to assist Guldorand, including the Church of Bane, the Lantern Knights, the Bramble Watch and the Cordor Navy. After the destruction of Azuk’s mantle the army of the Ragged Banner fell into disarray before routing. layla Rashmi, Commander of the High Watch, led the last attack to disperse the last remnants of the ragged army.

[100 AR] The Zhentarim War of the Black Diamond:
Lord Norkul, a Zhentarim General, arrives on Arelith’s eastern coast at the head of four ships and a small Zhent army. After landing, he sends messages to all the settlements requesting they join his force or be destroyed. Every settlement refuses. Laureen, the left hand of Norkul, marches with a generous army of mercenaries and Zhentarim soldiers against Brogendenstein. The battle ends in a stalemate and the Zhentarim army withdraws. Laureen then marches against Guldorand. The mayor Kouto and Commander Sarrah defeat the Zhentarim force, with Laureen being beheaded by Morkhav Wolfgheist.

[119 AR] Wild Mages:
The unique properties of Arelith lead to sudden increase in spellcasters capable of tapping into the Wild Magics of the weave. (Wild Mages added to Server)

[136 AR] Twin Fortresses:
Construction is completed on both Castle Gloom & Castle Darrowdeep. With their completion, the Mayfield's Land Brokerage is established. (New Area/Feature added to Server)

[136 AR] Repair Kits:
Master Tailor's from across the island invent portable "repair kits" that allow even the most cumbersome of souls the ability to upkeep their gear. (New Area/Feature added to Server)

[153 AR] The Beast:
A shadow creature of incredible power was released from the Arcane Tower’s Spellhold prison. All the surface settlements united to face this threat which ended with a great battle in the halls of Brogdenstein, the ransacking of Bendir, and the sacrifice of Cordor's Guard Commander Gertrude Gawain to return The Beast back into its prison. The wizard Xavier, who released The Beast, is slain and secretly buried in a tomb outside the Arcane Tower in what will become the Windershin Cemetery. The wizard’s second in command and traitor Warden Gordon survives to escape to a location unknown.

[154 AR] Plague of Black Tears:
Cordor drowns in madness, Bendir Dale crushed under inconsolable depression, while the people of Guldorand tasted the berserker's bitter fury. After ten years of preparation, the Talonite Priestess Lladria Sethassiel unleashes a unique mutating plague upon the major surface settlements through the island's Leylines. After she demands the Guldorand Mayor Ezekiel Klennald and Lord Tyros Iaret of Bane submit to the Plaguemaiden to avoid releasing a more potent strain of the contagion. Both of them refuse. Mayor Ezekiel manages to capture the Priestess and sentences her to death, burning her alive within a prison cell. The Great Plague continues to spread through Arelith for several days before healers and priests from the isle manage to defeat it. The number of victims remains unknown.

[163 AR] Curse of the Last Queen:
With the aid of the Twisted Rune the last queen of Benwick, Ophelia Blackheart, returned to Arelith years after her death. Her aspiration was the creation of an undead army to protect Arelith, never to allow the tragedy that was her home to be repeated. Her invasion began with the Twisted Rune’s successful plot to kill Mila Brown, greatest student of the Archmage Thoramind, and defacto leader of the Arcane Tower with a magical bomb. Based out of the ruins of her old kingdom, a series of battles took place in Bendir, Arelith Forest, Arcane Tower, Minmir, Guldorand, and Brogendenstein over the next year. The long conflict came to a culmination with the establishment of Camp Young west of Benwick and the long siege of Light Keep. During the final assault Vance Gravelle, having publicly repented for his evil ways, sacrificed his life to seal the Demilich Ophelia and ended the threat.

[166 AR] Dark Spires Citadel:
Construction is completed on The Dark Spires Citadel, bringing a third castle to the island. (New Area/Feature added to Server)

[173 AR & 1372 DR] The Great Alignment:
The Arelith Reckoning (AR) Calendar and Dale Reckoning (DR) Calendar align. (The Server Time Update takes place June 6th, 2021. Days become longer and time slows down from a X10 to X3 standard. Due to issues the year 174 extends to a length of time greater than normal.)

[174 AR0 FIve Wicked Stars:
Ravens appear on the Fuzzypaw farm and in Bendir to herald the shift in the Omens. Bendir became the central location for the organization of information and response. This would later be known as the Five Wicked Stars and the Great Shift in Pacts.
(Change to servers Pacted/Warlock System)

[175 AR] Age of Sail:
New sea lanes are discovered, including an Amn Trade Post which settlements with ports can use for commerce to the mainland. Various improvements to technology improve both naval warfare, fishing, and exploration. (New areas added to Server. Settlement update to allow port settlement leaders the ability to create Amn Trade Post supply writs for vessels to complete. Pirate factions can now raid these supply ships in return)
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Re: Placeholder

Post by Edens_Fall » Mon Jan 10, 2022 3:28 am

Misc. Surface Events

[20 AR] Formation of The Knights of the Road:
A paladin of Light Keep, Ser Dafydd Silvertongue, creates "The Knights of the Road". A knightly order whose goal is to patrol and protect the trade roads between Arelith’s many settlements.

[35 AR] The Knights of the Road disband:
With the sudden disappearance of their leader, Ser Dafydd Silvertongue, the Order fell into shadow and was forgotten.

[40 AR] The church of Bane is declared illegal in all surface settlements of Arelith. As a result, membership within the Church plummets as their presence upon the island diminishes.

[67 AR] Restoration of the Knights of the Road:
Ser Ubaldo Ferraz, Nelehien of Impiltur, and Marceline Diamanti successfully manage to restore the Order of the Knights of the Road.

[73 AR] Diabolist's Rise:
Devil Worshippers and Infernalists rule most settlements

[74 AR] Formation of the Bramble Watch:
The Bramble Watch forms under the Korab Clan, with Jan "Nightingale" Korab serving as its Warden. An outpost is initially built atop the hilltop presently known as Howling Point, however it was relocated to its current position upon which their fortifications reside.

[79 AR] Bramble Watch Independence:
The Warden of the Bramble Watch, Bothor Gentlebreeze, declares the Bramble Woods independent of the Heartwood Grove’s oversight. This is reinforced by the declaration that the Bramble Rangers are a separate and sovereign entity.

[100 AR] The Army of Light:
Defeated in the Battle of Glorang Mur.

[116 AR] The Harpers:
The organization known as "The Harpers" establishes an Enclave in Arelith. (New Area/Feature added to Server)

[148 AR] Axehold Accords:
A treaty between several surface settlements is signed in the Axehold building within Westcliff. This treaty unites Guldorand, Brogendenstein, Bendir Dale, Sencliff, and the Arcane Tower in a mutual defense agreement. Later the same year, this alliance would contribute to a surface-wide island-wide war.

[152 AR] Fourth Sharran War Begins
Prior to 152 AR, the Church of Shar operated discreetly, remaining in the darkness and assisting believers from their tower within the Shadow realm. Guided by a Svirfneblin High Priestess known as "Dark Star," the Church engaged in minor operations and schemes, though it lacked sufficient membership and leadership to pose a significant threat to the isle. These dynamics underwent a notable shift when Mortenthir "Sojourner" Varsius, a human male, assumed control of the Church and the title of Nightseer.

[156 AR] Founding of the Order of the Stranger
Sadie Hasper, a battlemage of Helm, establishes the Order of the Stranger. This faction focuses on the protection of the innocent, weak, injured, and young across the isle of Arelith. A politically unaffiliated organization, the order was soon sanctioned by the Mayor of Guldorand, Ezekiel Klennald.

[156 AR] Founding of the Church of Helm:
Emma Young, Priestess of Helm and member of the Order of the Stranger, was initiated as High Watcher on the island of Arelith by Sadie Hasper and established the Church of Helm. When Sadie was granted the status of Landed Nobility and christened Baroness of Castle Gloom, she transferred leadership of the Order to Baldric Pyecroft, knight of Torm. Tragically, Sir Baldric was murdered by a Warlock of the Demon Lord Paush, Neli Ore, who was a known plague upon the isle. This pacted one was later defeated.

[157 AR] Founding of The Gauntlet:
With the loss of Sir Pyecroft, leadership passed to Aura Bigstep and the half-orc Tug. Under their direction, the "Order of the Stranger" was rebranded the "Order of the Open Hand" and changed their fundamental direction. Emma Young and Jensen Whisper, both former members of the Order of the Stranger, founded "The Gauntlet" together to continue the original principles of Sadie Hasper under the Church of Helm.

[159 AR] Assault on Castle Gloom (Fourth Sharran War)
The Mystran Inquisition stationed at Castle Gloom executed a daring rescue mission to free Diana Nerelith from the clutches of Maalafess "Keph" Enkephalon within the Abyssal Citadel. Exploiting an opportunity presented by a man named Sergor, who opened Castle Gloom's door to depart, agents of the Void Cult infiltrated the fortress. In the following chaos, the former Mayor of Guldorand, Mather Allias, and Order of the Stranger member Aura Bigstep were captured.

[159 AR] The Merging:
"The Order of the Open Hand" and "The Gauntlet" merged Around 159 AR as the Open Hand’s membership had mostly diminished.

[165 AR] Crusade of the Gauntlet (Fourth Sharran War)
High Watcher Emma Young of Helm, leading the Order of the Gauntlet, declared a Crusade against the Church of All-Shadow in 165 AR. The ensuing conflict unfolded intermittently over the next five years, featuring numerous skirmishes across various locations. Significant engagements occurred in Kholingen, the Minimir Region, Bendir Dale, Cordor, Shadow Wharftown, Sibayad, and within the depths of the Underdark.

[173 AR] The Division:
Emma Young, before retiring to Waterdeep with her family, ordained Konstantin Helbrecht as the new High Watcher of Helm. Afterward the Church of Helm and Gauntlet separated due to disagreements. The Gauntlet relocated its Headquarters to the Radiant Heart Keep near Nexus Falls under the leadership of Knight Commander Tristan Wilkinsen and Knight-Captain Coralee Fairbrook, while the Church of Helm remained in Cordor under the leadership of Konstantin Helbrecht.

[173 AR] Fourth Sharran War Ends
After over two decades of conflict and campaigns, the leaders of the Void Cult decided, circa 173 AR, to demobilize and sequester the Church of All-Shadow. In a final ritual, they opened several waygates at an undisclosed location within the Shadow Plane, into which many cult members vanished towards unknown destinations. High Priestess "Herald" Merwyn assumed the role of Nightseer within the Church of Shar from Mortenthir and, alongside Lilian "Lalassu" Williams, Zith, and Quirina, continued the Goddess' work.

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Re: Placeholder

Post by Edens_Fall » Mon Jan 10, 2022 3:28 am

Arcane Tower

[23 BR] Discovery of the Arcane Tower:
The wild mage Allestrius Thoramind discovers the Arcane Tower in the Forest of Despair. Along with the existence of ancient devices, the island’s people were able to attune with the Arelith Leylines and use them as teleportation gates.

[06 AR] The Seven Seals:
The first Conclave is formed by the tower's first Archmages; Halen Van, Shane Gamble, and the Drow Zoral Baenre. While under their care, the Arcane Tower is expanded from a single hall structure into a multi-leveled tower. These new additions include a library and living quarters. During this time the Arcane Tower was magically moved within the boundaries of Cordor and Thoramind's influence was reduced to domestic duties and limited research. While a part of Cordor, the Arcane Tower will become embroiled in local politics and schemes.

Archmage Thoramind continues his wild magic experiments with the new library. During this time, Thoramind meets a Gnome who, in exchange for knowledge, agrees to be his 'assistant' for wild magic experiments. During one such failed experiment in which Thoramind attempted to create a new spell that would allow an arcanist to quickly absorb knowledge from books, the Gnome was accidentally transformed into an Ethereal Gyrosphinx. This new being took on the name of Aniseph, and was soul bound to many of the books in the library. Aniseph was able to jump from book to book but was never able to return to the gnome form he once was. Aniseph now speaks in riddles and rarely appears to anyone but the Conclave. Aniseph is considered to be the guardian of the library and lives in symbiosis with the books there. The Newly made Arcane Tower Library is officially given the name 'The Library of Aniseph'. This name would continue as a tradition throughout every enclave until the last. Though eventually, the namesake would be lost to time and lack of recording in but only a handful of books.

[08 AR] Era of Shadows:
The Arcane Tower falls under the influence and control of Zedeln and the sharran Allana.

[09 AR] The First Sharran War:
In a conflict that lasted several weeks, the streets of Cordor are transformed into a battlefield as partisans led by Aristotlus, Sway Sand, and Kaeshan Se'Lhane force the now self-proclaimed Black Witch Allana and her Sharran supporters from the Arcane Tower. At the end of the struggle, Allana is beheaded in a public execution.

[10 AR] Arcane Tower Relocates to Bramble Woods:
The elven Archmage Kaeshan Se'Lhane, ending the Sharran influence of Allana "The Black Witch" and buying the Tower from Cordor city authorities, relocated it through a great magical gate to the northern regions of Bramble Woods.

[15 AR] Arcane Tower Independance:
After the Archmage Kaeshan Se’Lhane achieved political neutrality, they focused on rebuilding the Order and the laws of the Arcane Tower. Once independence from outside influences was achieved the original Conclave was restored.

[20 AR] Arcane Tower mages create magical mirrors that can be used to change clothes and color them while still being worn. Soon every settlement acquires many of these mirrors. (Appearance Customization mirrors are added to the server)

[37 AR] The wizard Duran is appointed the Archmage of Illusions for the Arcane Tower by Archmage Swift.

[40 AR] Ayin Mesmer, a Thayvian wizard, becomes Archmage of the Arcane Tower.

[41 AR] The wizard Enserric Aerlias is appointed the Archmage of Enchantments for the Arcane Tower.

[43 AR] The Aasimar sorceress Valiney is appointed the Archmage of Evocation.

[47 AR] The wizard Thompson Trent-Hawkesbie, apprentice of Enserric Aerlias, is appointed the Archmage of Conjuration.

[48 AR] After a dispute with Ayin Mesmer and Duran Sane, Archmage Kathele Se'lhane leaves the Arcane Tower and attempts to establish a "Tower in Exile" just outside of the Campsite to the East. The remains of which still stand known as the Myart Shrine

[50 AR] Shäalira the Younger, a paladin, becomes involved with the Arcane Tower and goes on to organize a Grand Mage Fair.

[52 AR] The wizard Sandrhir Leonas is appointed the Archmage of Abjuration.

[53 AR] Arcane Tower Relocates to Bendir Trade Road:
Under the guidance of the Archmages, the Tower is magically relocated once more, next to the Bendir Trade Road, close to the Mayfields' Inn. The Thayan Ayin Mesmer claimed involvement in this decision.

(Tower was relocated by Admin team without prior warning)

[53 AR] The Mayfield Resolution:
The sudden relocation of the Arcane Tower into lands claimed by Bendir sparks a short conflict, in which Sasha Silverscales leads the Hawk'in to kill a pair of students who violated Bendir law on Tower Grounds. This leads to a mediation at Soulhaven Monastery where Bendir relinquishes the land to the Arcane Tower.

[56 AR] Nadia Wilkens, a student of the tower, takes over after the Thayan Conclave disappearance. Under her hand the Tower’s organization is restructured with an Archmage being assigned to lead each branch of magic school.

[58 AR] The alchemists of the Arcane Tower discover the recipe for attunement potions and share it with the island. (Attunement potions are added to the server)

[60 AR] The Mage Hounds:
Valden Stombright, a cleric and suspected Infernalist takes control over the Arcane Tower and founded the 'Mage Hounds'. A dangerous and evil group of exiled mages.

[60 AR] The Abel Uprising:
Many members of the Arcane Tower revolted against the mage Abel, accusing him of being a Sharran. The group called the "Wardens" was founded, led by Yule, as an additional force for defending against Sharran influence. The followers of Shar resisted but were eventually defeated.

[63 AR] The leadership of the Tower is left to the Lady Seer, who then quickly turns it over to Peony Bagley of Bendir.

[69 AR] The Wharftown Clash:
During the mayorship of Valorie Slades Infernal followers, who at the time controlled the Arcane Tower, attempted to subjugate the fishing village with a massive assault. During the onset of this battle the Tower’s tiefling Archmage Houndgot was captured by Sando Saikoro of the Sea Leopard. As the engagement continued, Abyssal reinforcements from the Black Citadel assailed the flanks of the besieging Infernal army and routed the enemy. This timely intervention saved Wharftown and caused a great many casualties among the Arcane Tower’s forces.

[70 AR] Terry Hayer takes the position of an Archmage approximately three times on varying occasions.

[130 AR] The alchemists of the Arcane Tower discover new and deadly poison recipes. (Craftable Potions are added to the server)

[135 AR] The Arcane Tower undergoes reconstruction to no longer be a closed guildhall, but open to all magi of Arelith. (New Area/Feature added to Server)

[137 AR] Mages from the Arcane Tower unlock the esoteric art of runecrafting. (Runecrafting added to Server)

[148 AR] The Second Great War
Tensions between the settlements and several minor skirmishes across the island culminated in a Brogendenstein led ambush, under Kuldarn Gotriik of clan Vintergard, against a Cordor & Banite joint Drow hunting force at the Nexus Falls Portal. The allied host was soundly defeated in the surprise attack, with Chancellor Emily Azuretide and Vice-Chancellor Rick Snyder of Cordor falling in the engagement. War was officially declared after the battle by Cordor Chancellor Emily Azuretide and Coronal Vaylani Moontear of Myon against the newly signed Axehold Accord members of Guldorand, the Arcane Tower Conclave, Sencliff, and the Dominion of Brogendenstein on 25 Nightall, 148 AR. Minmir would unofficially join the conflict on Cordor's side. However, King Edward of Cordor would intervene on the 5th of Hammer, 149 AR by calling for an end to hostilities. An armistice would be signed on the 18th of Ches, 149 AR, with the Arcane Tower issuing a formal apology for their part in the conflict and Myon ceding the territory from the dam in the Nexus Falls to the Thousand Stairs to Brogendenstein. Reasons for the conflict are debated by both sides, with justifications ranging from territorial border claims and personal vendettas to Instigating settlement insurrections.

[154 AR] The alchemists of the Arcane Tower discover how to trap Wisps in a bottle for use as messengers. (Wisp Bottles are added to the server)

[163 AR] The area around the Arcane Tower, Mayfield's Junction, sees the addition of a fairground and rebuilt tavern. (New Area/Feature added to Server)

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Re: Placeholder

Post by Edens_Fall » Mon Jan 10, 2022 3:29 am

Bendir Dale

[10 AR] Foundation of Bendir:
The hin settlement of Bendir is founded as a strategically located fort along the island's central trade roads. The hin Maliss Silverfist is chosen as the first mayor.

[13 AR] The Battle for Bendir:
The hin village is brutally attacked by a Banite force from Stonehold. When runners are sent for aid, it arrives in the form of a small dwarven army led by the Thane Belrun. This alone is not enough to counter the Banite army and Bendir suffers a crippling defeat. The hin settlement is pillaged and numerous halflings are taken as slaves.

[20 AR] Succeeding Maliss Silverfist as Mayor was Lincoln Ambliss.

[25 AR] As the mayor Amblish retired, Regrin Highhill was elected and ruled Bendir for approximately a decade.

[35 AR] Ritz Dizonne becomes Mayor of Bendir. He was replaced only a few years later by Feste Fizzlebiscuits.

[39 AR] The Gnome Biad Scheppen takes the mantle of Mayor from Narcisia the Svirfneblin monk.

[40 AR] Half-Orc bandits under the leadership of Morguhn the Black encamp in the Bendir Hills as the Bloodmoon Tribe.

[40 AR] Queen of Bendir:
After a brutal murder of the gnome Mayor Biad Scheppen, Sadamara rises to power in Bendir, taking the title of Queen after her coronation by Azrael Athing. Later the new Queen Sadamara would be implicated as the mastermind behind Biad Scheppen’s unfortunate end.

[41 AR] Birth of Reform:
Attending Queen Sadamara's Coronation was Feste Fizzlebiscuits, Goran 'Scar' Bloodletter, and Sasha Silverscales. After the Coronation the trio return to Sasha's mansion in Cordor, in which Feste and Scar speak of re-establishing the Earthkin Alliance. Sasha offers her home as the new headquarters for the movement.

[42 AR] The Reformed Earthkin Alliance:
To increase membership the Alliance launches a recruitment drive aimed towards Hin, Dwarves, and Gnomes new to the island. Statues of past Earthkin heroes are put on display in Sasha's Cordor home, now the movement's headquarters, and Feste begins teaching about the faction’s traditions. Sasha soon becomes Feste's most ardent student. Aramentia Sendia, a Priestess of Yondalla, returns to the isle and upon seeing the state of Bendir joins Feste in Cordor to begin the teaching of Yondalla.

[42 AR] After a conflict between High Sonnlinor Hera Braidstone, Thane Bloodletter, and a group of Banites in which Sasha chose to remain neutral, as a Waukeenar views all sides as customers, she felt incredible guilt and began, with Aramentia's guidance, on her path towards becoming a Priestess of Yondalla

[45 AR] Aramentia Sendia follows Queen Sadamara as Bendir's leader, adopting the older title of Mayor, and ruling for two years.

[48 AR] Sasha Silverscales, who married Ritz Dizonne, takes over as Mayor from Aramentia in the late '40s. She would rule for the next ten years.

[53 AR] The Mayfield Resolution:
The sudden relocation of the Arcane Tower into lands claimed by Bendir sparks a short conflict, in which Sasha Silverscales leads the Hawk'in to kill a pair of students who violated Bendir law on Tower Grounds. This leads to mediation at Soulhaven Monestary where Bendir relinquishes the land to the Arcane Tower.

[57 AR] Myon, Bendir, Brogendenstein, & Light Keep - Wharftown War:
As a result of Caster's mayorship, Myon, Bendir, Lightkeep, and Brogdestein declared war on Wharftown. Mayor Caster then stepped down as a Banite mayor was elected. A peace treaty is signed, leaving Wharftown as a vassal under Myon. Sometime later, the Church of Bane was able to break the vassalage.

[59 AR] Sasha Silverscales-Dizonne hands leadership of Bendir over to Peroigrin Rodoc who rules for the next 3 to 4 years.

[64 AR] Peroigrin Rodoc hands leadership over to Arlan Swordhill.

[65 AR] A New Priestess:
Sasha Silverscales-Dizonne, now Priestess of Yondalla, returns to the isle and sets up shop in the trade hall. When Burrowhome is later constructed, she relocates to the Temple as Priestess. From here she continues to serve the people of Bendir to this day. (PC awarded NPC status)

[68 AR] Mayor Arlan Swordhill hands leadership of Bendir over to Amy Silverscales-Dizonne, Daughter of Sasha Silverscales and Ritz Dizonne.

[80 AR] Rosa Dapple ruled Bendir as mayor until 98 AR.

[86 AR] A Banite faction under the leadership of Ramirez MacLeoud controls Wharftown with the settlement of Bendir Dale as Vassal.

[98 AR] The Dominion:
The Guldorand Mayor Gil'thilak, The Wharftown Mayor Khayal Khamsin, and Bendir’s Mayor Elanor form a coalition known as the Dominion. This partnership would last less than a year.

[101 AR] Founding of Greyhammer:
The village of Greyhammer was founded by Gragor and approved by Bendir's Mayor Andriarna Dirtytoes. While primarily created as a defensive outpost for the hin lands, it also serves as a home for non-halfling citizens of Bendir.

[101 AR] Greyhammer Sacked:
Shortly after its founding, Greyhammer was assaulted and sacked by a Drow Raiding party under the command of Matron Va'sarra's weapon Master Strythio Xun'viir.

[112 AR] Construction of the Earthkin Garrison and improved fortifications is finished. (New Area/Feature added to Server)

[124 AR] Under Thane Ghestaldt, Brogendenstein held Bendir as vassal until the election of Lyra Littleshadow in 125 AR.

[128 AR] Renovations to Burrowhome evolve Bendir into a Major Earthkin settlement and home to all members of the alliance. (New Area/Feature added to Server)

[148 AR] The Second Great War
Tensions between the settlements and several minor skirmishes across the island culminated in a Brogendenstein led ambush, under Kuldarn Gotriik of clan Vintergard, against a Cordor & Banite joint Drow hunting force at the Nexus Falls Portal. The allied host was soundly defeated in the surprise attack, with Chancellor Emily Azuretide and Vice-Chancellor Rick Snyder of Cordor falling in the engagement. War was officially declared after the battle by Cordor Chancellor Emily Azuretide and Coronal Vaylani Moontear of Myon against the newly signed Axehold Accord members of Guldorand, the Arcane Tower Conclave, Sencliff, and the Dominion of Brogendenstein on 25 Nightall, 148 AR. Minmir would unofficially join the conflict on Cordor's side. However, King Edward of Cordor would intervene on the 5th of Hammer, 149 AR by calling for an end to hostilities. An armistice would be signed on the 18th of Ches, 149 AR, with the Arcane Tower issuing a formal apology for their part in the conflict and Myon ceding the territory from the dam in the Nexus Falls to the Thousand Stairs to Brogendenstein. Reasons for the conflict are debated by both sides, with justifications ranging from territorial border claims and personal vendettas to Instigating settlement insurrections.

[153 AR] The Beast:
A shadow creature of incredible power was released from the Arcane Tower’s Spellhold prison. All the surface settlements united to face this threat which ended with a great battle in the halls of Brogdenstein, the ransacking of Bendir, and the sacrifice of Cordor's Guard Commander Gertrude Gawain to return The Beast back into its prison. The wizard Xavier, who released The Beast, is slain and secretly buried in a tomb outside the Arcane Tower in what will become the Windershin Cemetery. The wizard’s second in command and traitor Warden Gordon survives to escape to a location unknown.

[153 AR] The Farmstead:
Bendir expands its borders with the construction of a large Farmstead and claiming the surrounding area as the Upper Shyr. (New Area added to Server)

[172 AR] Miatza Cranstone is appointed Mayor of Bendir Dale.

[174 AR] Minto Fuzzypaw becomes Alderkin of Faith, Sarah Rosewind transitions from Alderkin of Trade to Head Alderkin, Esterhaven Brightburst is promoted to Hawk alongside Sebastian Jasper as he prepares to transition to Alderkin of Trade.

Abyssal Summoning ritual was performed outside of Bendir, with an assault upon the gates due to an elf named Thancred.

Ceremony of Protection in Yondalla's Temple held to ward off the foul omens, it is interrupted by a "Mabel", a fey-pacted, but she is slain in the attempt.

Izzy "Golden" attacked Alderkin of Faith Minto Fuzzypaw in Yondalla's temple in the name of a demon prince.

[175 AR] Digo Hillofies becomes Alderkin of Festivities. Minto Fuzzypaw becomes Alderkin of Archives. Digo Hillofies and Minto Fuzzypaw share responsibilities of Alderkin of Faith while pending a new priest or priestess. Chirper Yardbarrier transitions from Alderkin of Archives to Alderkin of Diplomacy. Sarah Rosewind steps down as Head Alderkin, with Esterhaven taking on some of these responsibilities. Fainda becomes an Alderkin of Trade trainee.

Bendir wins the bid on Darrowdeep, after which Timber Trickfoot is named High Warden of the castle.

The half orc Gorvakk is captured and executed for his murderous crimes against hin.

[175 AR] Bendir - Myon War:
Tensions with Myon escalate after an attack on Guldorand Sheriff Myzzrin Brightburst within the home of her sister Hawkin Aigyr, while targeting Evemere Dundragon. This escalated further when the unwarded Elite Defender Nathaniel Brightburst is attacked by Myon Bladekeeper Valtarion due to Nathaniel's draconic heritage when he sought answers for the attack on his daughter, the Sheriff Myzzrin Brightburst. In response, Bendir and Brogendenstein banish all Myonian officials from their lands. Attempts at diplomacy with the Evermeet Consul and Myon fail, with no resolution or punitive action taken. Vaeryll Aistra, Lorekeeper of Myon, is given a writ to enter Bendir for events and Festivities in Bendir. Elite Defender Nathaniel Brightburst is promoted to War Time Colonel in wake of the rising tensions with Myon. Darrowdeep Castle hosts a War Summit to discuss the escalating tensions with Myon and possibility of war due to their violence against Bendiran citizens and failed diplomatic efforts. Myon replies to this gathering by banishing all Bendirian officials from Myon lands. As both settlements prepared for war, an uneasy peace was suddenly reached. Bendir and Brogendenstein lifted the ban on Myonian officials except for Bladekeeper Valtarion for his attack upon Nathaniel. Morwin and Lleron remained only able to enter under guard for their attack upon Myzzrin. Likewise, Myon lifted their ban on all Bendiran officials, except for those of the Brightburst family.

[176 AR] Chaos Reigns
The Syndicate, a well-known Abyssal cult, attacks a festival held at the Shyr Farm. As a result, the organization is made pariahs for their actions. Some months later, Greyhammer would be attacked by The Syndicate, with many people slaughtered and an unknown abyssal ritual taking place. Shortly after, the Axehold member settlements meet with the Hawkin, Earthkin Arcanum, Brogendenstein, and Skull Crags Rangers to determine how they'll respond to the threats of Minmir and the Syndicate. Within the year, all traces and signs of the cult would fade. Leaving many to believe the group had retreated to their Abyssal fortress.

[176 AR] The Witch Mother
The Witch Mother Monica begins to appear around the Dale. By the third sighting, Bendir forces survey the Forest of Despair from which they believe the threat originates. After this patrol, a large force of undead following "The Master" raids the Dale and is repelled by its defenders. When Bendir attempts to cure the curse of lycanthrope with the aid of the celestial Mother, Malarites and lycanthropes attack the village and disrupt the attempt. Leaving a gruesome illusionary pillar of heads with an ominous aura outside the gates. Months later, a White Dragon under the control of the Witch Mother attacks Bendir and then the Heartwood Grove before being freed from the Witch's power.

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Re: Placeholder

Post by Edens_Fall » Mon Jan 10, 2022 3:29 am

Benwick / Light Keep

[15 BR] Foundation of Benwick:
Galahad the Builder establishes the settlement of Benwick in the eastern Arelith Forest after negotiations with the elf’s living there. Upon its completion, he is proclaimed King and marries the elven druidess Xyndral.

[14 BR] Benwick - Stonehold War:
Benwick fights against the Dragon Cult located within Stonehold. During the war, a rift was created between the followers of Queen Xyndral and the followers of Duke Darius Tristam, culminating in the leaving of Darius and all his followers to Kohlingen. The War takes place sometime between 15 BR and 10 BR.

[02 AR] Destruction of Kohlingen:
The duke Tristam and the last of the Kohlingenites make their way back to Galahad the Builder in Benwick after Earl Manfried's attempts to open a rift to the Negative plane result in the complete destruction of the city. The island upon which the nation was built sinking into the sea.

[03 AR] Benwick - Stonehold War:
After a year of conflict, Benwick joins Cordor in the war against the Banite Stonehold.

[11 AR] Death of a King:
King Galahad the Builder passes away, leaving Queen Xyndral to rule his chivalric realm.

[12 AR] Lady Meegat is appointed the right hand of the Queen and given the title of the "First Lady Protector of the Keep of Light''. Duty Bond, a former knight of Benwick, marries the Lady Protector Meegat and is granted the title "The Queen's Champion". Sir Frand, the Frowning Knight, is slain by assassins. Queen Xyndral takes Lord Severian as her second husband and grants him the title "Master of the Praetorian Order and Commander of the Army.

[13 AR] The Council of Benwick:
Rae Lexius Blackmour joins Light Keep as the High Priestess of Tyr. With her influence Light Keep is ruled by a council composed of Meegat, Duty, and Lexius while Queen Xyndral serves largely as a figurehead.

Baltak Brinson and his followers arrive in Benwick with the ambition of reigning though their efforts fail, and they soon leave.

[13 AR] The Destruction of Stonehold:
After the brutal attack on Bendir, Benwick mustered a large army under the command of Queen Xyndral’s husband, the Praetorian Grandmaster Severian. Along with Councilman Duty the gathering marched against the Stronghold. Knowing the Banites employed large numbers of Devils in their ranks, the Benwick clerics called upon the heavens for aid and a host of celestials descended. Together the army of mortals and gods assaulted the Bane Fortress. Though gravely wounded, Praetorian Severian defeated the infernal army of Dreadmaster Ryan Valtheran and his Drow Mistress, bringing the Stonehold to ruin. After its destruction, Banite forces remaining retreat into exile.

Praetorian Grandmaster Severian would later die from the wounds suffered.

[15 AR] Death of Queen Xyndral:
An attempt to destroy Benwick fails, though at the cost of Queen Xyndral’s life. With the death of the Queen, the monarchy was formally replaced by a ruling council. The High Priestess Lexius presides over this ruling body whose members were: Meegat, Lexius and the Archmage Sway Sand."

[15 AR] Berichance Arnesen of the "Order of Purity" ascends to the Council with the life imprisonment of Lady Protector Megaat who was found to have been responsible for hiring the assassin that killed Sir Frand.

[15 AR] Siege of Benwick:
Quimelya besieges Benwick to save her imprisoned sister from execution.

[16 AR] An Autocrat Arises:
Lexius becomes the absolute ruler of Light Keep, though in practice it was still under the control of a council. Erik Silverarms, fiercely loyal to Lexius, is appointed Duke of Light Keep and the Commander of the Army.

[20 AR] Luna Strata, Godfrey, and Rowan Willows rule as a Council of three over Light Keep.

[30 AR] Construction of Light Keep’s Royal Quarters begins, but is quickly abandoned.

[40 AR] Myon & Benwick - Minmir War:
Myon forces joined with an army from Benwick to attack the Church of Bane in Minmir. The Alliance of Elves and Knights will suffer high casualties and defeat.

The reason for this conflict and its outcome have been lost to time.

[40 AR] Dionne:
Dionne was said to be a drowish demi-power that attacked the Keep as far back as AR 40. It is believed that she had a connection with First Lady Protector Meegat and Anisha. Although the purpose of her attacks have been lost in time, she was sealed within an artifact, but escaped as she has been seen haunting Light Keep on separate occasions.

[46 AR] Lord Arlan Garrinson is slain during a Banite attack on Benwick.

[47 AR] Rae Lexius Blackmour passes away among friends in Light Keep.

[52 AR] The Last Bastion:
A gate to the Nine Hells is discovered beneath Light Keep and the Last Bastion is created to defend its entrance.

[57 AR] Myon, Bendir, Brogendenstein, & Light Keep - Wharftown War:
As a result of Caster's mayorship, Myon, Bendir, Lightkeep, and Brogdestein declared war on Wharftown. Mayor Caster then stepped down as a Banite mayor was elected. A peace treaty is signed, leaving Wharftown as a vassal under Myon. Sometime later, the Church of Bane was able to break the vassalage.

[70 AR] The Forsworn:
Lord James Malhinde attempts to restore the monarchy of Benwick, but with opposition from half the keeps population and the ruling Council his plan fails. After the setback, Malhinde and his followers leave Benwick to create “The Forsworn” in Westcliff. An independent regiment whose goal was to serve the Light, without the bureaucracy of the Keep. Oria Mavekix would serve as the organization's second in command, eventually taking over leadership when Malhinde later stepped down. The faction, which lasted until 78 AR, was largely triadist based, though they welcomed anyone who wanted to take the oaths: "Protect the weak and innocent." "Avenge the oppressed." "Dispense punishment to those who cruelly harm others." During its operation, the group was involved in many conflicts, primarily against the Internalist Vippin who attempted to plant a bomb into Oria Mavekix’s chest cavity to destroy the logging village from which the group was based.

[72 AR] A year after the Forsworn left the Keep, Shaalira the Younger, Aria Sweetwater, and Luna Strata will sit upon the Council and rule Benwick with Rowan Willows serving as the High Priestess of Tyr.

[86 AR] The Battle of Benwick:
Using the planar rifts caused by the Islandwide crisis, infernal forces besiege Benwick to destroy the Keep of Light. The assault is frustrated in the last moments by the defends stoic defense.

[87 AR] Vassal of Baator:
In a last attempt to save the settlement of Benwick, Captain of the Keep Thomas Miller, last leader of Benwick vassals the city to the Infernalist Vippin and Jel who ruled Guldorand.

[88 AR] Last Battle and Destruction of Benwick:
With the political defeat of being a vassal to Guldorand Infernalists, the mortal followers of Hell were able to step inside Light Keep sanctum without resistance for the first time. These Infernalists, acting quickly on their fortune, wreathed "The Light" in shadows, preventing it from being used as a weapon against the devils before conducting a dark ritual at "The Gate" itself, altering the very nature of the portal. This allowed Baatezu to pass through unhindered, as they were previously barred entry, and an army of the Nine descended upon the town of Benwick, razing it to the ground despite the defender's desperate defense.

[88 AR] The remains of Benwick’s military establish a camp in the former tournament fields east of the settlement from which they attempt to retake the city to no avail.

[89 AR] The Last Queen:
The daughter of Benwick’s last matriarch, Ophelia Blackheart, claims the title of queen after the city’s destruction. She lives as a ruler in exile until her death in an unspecified year from mysterious causes, having never been coronated. Years later, her tomb would be discovered empty, with the belief she transformed into a Demilich with the power of her own vengeful spirit. After her reawakening in death, she connected with the Twisted Rune to settle her grudge against those that saw fit to have Light Keep and her family destroyed. (This is a DM created backstory for a later event plotline "Curse of the Last Queen" and was not a player action in the original timeline)

[157 AR] The Day Star:
Ezekiel Klennald led a large force into the devil-infested ruins to retrieve Daystar, a divine sword and lost relic of Torm. Upon entering however, the group learned the sword had already been claimed by a powerful Devil. Through clever negotiation, Ezekiel’s adopted tiefling daughter Teriana managed to convince the creature to trade her own weapon for the blade.

[163 AR] Curse of the Last Queen:
With the aid of the Twisted Rune the last queen of Benwick, Ophelia Blackheart, returned to Arelith years after her death. Her aspiration was the creation of an undead army to protect Arelith, never to allow the tragedy that was her home to be repeated. Her invasion began with the Twisted Rune’s successful plot to kill Mila Brown, greatest student of the Archmage Thoramind, and defacto leader of the Arcane Tower with a magical bomb. Based out of the ruins of her old kingdom, a series of battles took place in Bendir, Arelith Forest, Arcane Tower, Minmir, Guldorand, and Brogendenstein over the next year. The long conflict came to a culmination with the establishment of Camp Young west of Benwick and the long siege of Light Keep. During the final assault Vance Gravelle, having publicly repented for his evil ways, sacrificed his life to seal the Demilich Ophelia and ended the threat.

[177 AR, Month 9] Lake Benwick
Sky Druids, Clarissa, and Daelithe of the Heartwood Grove work together to carry out a ritual using the Weatherstone. This rite created a powerful storm that broke a natural dam high up in the crags and unleashed a torrent of water toward Arelith Forrest. With the area flooded, a second group of Sky Druids protected by brave adventures, used ritual magic to sink Benwick beneath the newly created lake and revitalize the local forest from corruption. After so many years, these two factions finally pushed back the infernal tide from Avernus that had taken up residence beneath the fallen Keep of Benwick by flooding the forest and sealing Light Keep beneath a large lake.

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Re: Placeholder

Post by Edens_Fall » Mon Jan 10, 2022 3:29 am

Black Citadel / Abyssal Fortress

[10 AR] Founding of the Black Citadel & TheSecond Sharran War:
The Black Citadel, a Stronghold in the Abyss, is discovered and ruled over by the sorcerer Keth Naburis, Sharran successor to the Black Witch Allana and leader of The Forsaken. During his reign the Second Sharran War starts, lasting several years as the remote stronghold allowed the forces of Darkness to strike out against the material plane from relative safety. Eventually the Lord Necromancer Tijies Majirie, Archmage Deiter Heydrich, and the Witch Sisters would leave the sorcerer Keth within his fortress to form a small cult in Wharftown due to ideological differences. The age of Keth's reign over the Fortress ended abruptly in 13 AR with some believing that after a failed assault on the Grove he was imprisoned in an old oak. Others would speculate that Keth went to attack the traitor Lord Necromancer Tijies Majirie and was slain during the assault. With his demise the Witch Sisters claimed control of the Black Citadel and continued the war until 15 AR when the pair mysteriously vanished from the archipelago and the conflict ended.

[13 AR] The Witch Twins:
The Black Citadel falls in turmoil as the Witch Sisters, Quimelya and Venmelya Greltâkae, with a majority of The Forsaken claim the throne from the Sorcerer Keth Naburis who was slain. Under there leadership the Second Sharran War continues.

[15 AR] Siege of Benwick:
Venmelya Greltâkae, the younger and less calculating of the twins is captured alone with others of The Forsaken during a raid upon the material plane. To free her sister and many of their forces, Quimelya Greltâkae and her men descended upon Light Keep. Even though Venmelya was freed and therefore escaped execution, the assault on the heavily fortified castle cost many of their men. Soon afterwards the Witch Sisters vanished and the Second Sharran War came to an end.

[17 AR] Third Sharran War:
The Sharrans Cameo Giovanni and Zeer, exiled from Cordor, fled to the Abyss where they inhabited the abandoned Black Citadel. From this base the Third Sharran War is instigated against the city of Cordor with a large attack. Trynn'delynn Eldafire leads the settlement's defense in absence of any other baron. During the reigning confusion the Duke Galverson is kidnapped and kept in captivity. The War would last the next nine years.

[17 AR] The Grove Enters the Third Sharran War:
The Sharran’s of the Black Citadel launch a surprise attack against the Heartwood Grove, killing Clarissa and the forest dryads. The Grove under the leadership of Archdruid Wilm, which had taken a neutral stance in the war, formally joins the conflict.

[19 AR] Retaking the Black Citadel:
The Witch Sisters return to the isle of Arelith and reclaim the Black Citadel after the death of Zeer and Cameo Giovanni, establishing a longstanding control. Many infamous names were forged in that black anvil: Lordaryn, Daric, Storm, Jachard, Roman Kelm and Morke. The Lady Nelyata builds and secures her influence for many decades under the shadow of many rulers to come.

[35 AR] Kâ'thea Anêph, who was the mayoress of Wharftown and Apprentice to Lady Quimelya of the Abyss, resigned from her position to become the Lady of the Black Citadel. She would later succeed the throne to Lordaryn.

[38 AR] Third Sorcerer King:
The sorcerer Lordaryn claims the shadow throne of the Black Citadel from Kâ'thea Anêph, as its third Sorcerer-King. Lady Nelyata, his First Knight, renews the Citadel's old alliances with Udos Dro'xun and the Banites.

[40 AR] Tor Unthal rules the fortress and Kâ'thea returns to inhabit the citadel.

[40 AR] Damieth Morpheus, lieutenant under Kâ'thea, deposes her in a coup, taking control over the Black Citadel. Afterward Damieth Morpheus soon vanishes, his fate unknown.

[50 AR] Lordaryn returns from a long absence to again rule over the Black Citadel.

[58 AR] Battle at the Balor Maw Lake:
The Black Citadel is besieged by the united army of Cordor, the Arcane Tower, and Benwick to free several captives taken from the Arcane Tower. The Abyssal forces managed a victory, defeating the combined army surface army.

[61 AR] Death of a King:
After a long and hard battle, the Third Sorcerer-King is defeated by the Sorceress Valaryé "the White Witch of Benwick" who destroys the sorcerer Lordaryn essence, banishing his influence from the island.

[61 AR] Roman Kelm and Morke rule the Black Citadel before succeeding the throne to the Eldritch Mistress Selene.

[62 AR] Selene, the Eldritch Mistress and powerful minion of the Archdemon Paush claims the Black Throne.

[69 AR] Queen of the Abyss Lillia Aylows, with the support of the eternal First Knight Lady Nelyata Wennarnes, aids the Wharftonians during the Wharftown Clash. Her reign will be characterized by her continual war against the Baatorians and her control over Wharftown through Nelyata.

[69 AR] The Wharftown Clash:
During the mayorship of Valorie Slades Infernal followers, who at the time controlled the Arcane Tower, attempted to subjugate the fishing village with a massive assault. During the onset of this battle the Tower’s tiefling Archmage Houndgot was captured by Sando Saikoro of the Sea Leopard. As the engagement continued, Abyssal reinforcements from the Black Citadel assailed the flanks of the besieging Infernal army and routed the enemy. This timely intervention saved Wharftown and caused a great many casualties among the Arcane Tower’s forces.

[80 AR] Jacob Arving held the Black Citadel until 82 AR.

[86 AR] Kyrios Spectre ruled the Black Throne during the age of the Rift Crisis.

[160 AR] 363rd Layer of the Abyss Under Siege:
Paush the Overlord, ruler of the 363rd Layer of the Abyss, suffers a defeat at the hands of Jarl Bjorn Frostcloak of the Iron Citadel and his cohorts. With the Overlord's disappearance, the Layer is beset by Devils, foreign Demons, and Celestials who, driven by their own agendas, invade the weakened realm. Unable to fend off the endless Outsider hordes, the Jarl offers a drop of his own blood to the Handmaidens of Paush. A humbling act that brings an end to the siege of the Balor Maw Lake as the Overlord himself returns in triumphal fashion, driving away invaders and once more claiming the 363rd Layer as his, while also reaffirming his status as suzerain of the Jarl and the Iron Citadel.

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Re: Placeholder

Post by Edens_Fall » Mon Jan 10, 2022 3:30 am


[13 AR] The Battle for Bendir:
The hin village is brutally attacked by a Banite force from Stonehold. When runners are sent for aid, it arrives in the form of a small dwarven army led by the Thane Belrun. This alone is not enough to counter the Banite army and Bendir suffers a crippling defeat. The hin settlement is pillaged and numerous halflings are taken as slaves.

[28 AR] Brogendenstein - Myon War:
Brogendenstein declares war on Myon over a diplomatic incident. The war will last half a year, without any blood being spilled.

[57 AR] Myon, Bendir, Brogendenstein, & Light Keep - Wharftown War:
As a result of Caster's mayorship, Myon, Bendir, Lightkeep, and Brogdestein declared war on Wharftown. Mayor Caster then stepped down as a Banite mayor was elected. A peace treaty is signed, leaving Wharftown as a vassal under Myon. Sometime later, the Church of Bane was able to break the vassalage.

[76 AR] The first meeting between Blingstonhold and Brogendenstein takes place as representatives try to renew the Earthkin Pact between them.

[11 AR] Coastal Fortifications:
The dwarf city undergoes expansion to include the construction of coastal defense fortifications that allow shore batteries to fire on approaching sea vessels. (New Area/Feature added to Server)

[124 AR] Under Thane Ghestaldt, Brogendenstein held Bendir as vassal until the election of Lyra Littleshadow in 125 AR.

[131 AR] The Kuldarn:
The Thane's "Kuldarn" is established by Ghestaldt Blimth with seven stout defenders of the hold. Their number includes future Thane Falgrim.

[131 AR] The Battle of Liberty’s Axe:
In the first major Battle of the Thane's Kuldarn, a campaign was launched against a Duergar Warband to reclaim a relic known as "The Liberty Axe". The simple, yet magical axe was being used by the Duergar as an emblem to rally behind. The confrontation took place in the Abyss and saw the destruction of the relic, the death of the Duergar Chieftain, with his warbands disbanding.

[134 AR] A Spriggan vassal to Brogendenstein, who held court in the Grotto and famously banned gnomish religions, is executed in the Golden Halls. His crimes now lost to time.

[135 AR] The ancient rubrics are satisfied in a high rite within the Temple of the Morndinsamman. Dalin Braidstone is anointed as the High Sonlinnor.

[136 AR] The Purser's Ring and Warden's Ring are forged and passed to the occupants of those positions.

[136 AR] Dominion – Sencliff War:
The first major naval victory of the Dominion is against the dread pirate Bloodbeard who was slain, and the pirate’s two ships seized, to be interred in Guldorand's Harbor.

[136 AR] While attempting to craft a golem for the defense of the Golden Halls, an accident causes The Ulstevard to lose their life.

[137 AR] The Memory Stone:
An expedition to the Dark Spires is launched to retrieve information about the first king of Brogendenstein, Belrun Battlehammer, and the "Memory Stone" relic. Retrieval was eventually successful.

[137 AR] Elven Discord:
Myon, under Coronal Zathlan Fen’ar, ends their settlement's alliance with Brogendenstein over their allowance of labor as punishment for a captured kobold.

[140 AR] Construction is completed on settlement improvements with a new barracks, extra housing, and port expansion. (New Area/Feature added to Server)

[142 AR] Dominion – Andunor War:
The final years of Thane Ghestaldt's rule was marked with open war against cyricists and allies led by Ezra and Vance Gravelle operating out of Andunor. Several campaigns were fought during the breath of the conflict, with the Dominion suffering a defeat at the Battle of Minmir Bridge, but ultimately claiming victory as Vance Gravelle’s efforts were halted. A later assault on Andunor by Dominion forces successfully ended the war in Brogendenstein’s favor.

[143 AR] Guldorand’s Reward:
For their service in the Dominion - Andunor War Guldorand, under Mayor Alice Highfen, is released from the village by Thane Ghestaldt and leaves the Brogendenstein Dominion.

[144 AR] Thane Ghestaldt dies.

[146 AR] Falgrim was made Thane

[150 AR] Axehold Accord – Minmir, Myon, Cordor War:
Tensions between the settlements and several small skirmishes across the island culminated in a Brogendenstein led ambush, under Kuldarn Gotriik of clan Vintergard, against a Cordor & Banite joint Drow hunting force at the Nexus Falls Portal. The allied host was soundly defeated in the surprise attack, with Chancellor Emily Azuretide and Vice-Chancellor Rick Snyder of Cordor falling in the engagement. War was officially declared after the battle against the newly signed Axehold Accord members of Bendir Dale, Guldorand, the Arcane Tower Conclave, and the Dominion of Brogendenstein. However, King Edward would intervene to call for an end to hostilities. An armistice was signed, with the Arcane Tower issuing a formal apology for their part in the conflict and Myon ceding the territory from the dam in the Nexus Falls to the Thousand Stairs to Brogendenstein.

Reasons for the conflict are debated by both sides, with justifications ranging from territorial border claims and personal vendettas, to Instigating settlement insurrections.

[153 AR] The Beast:
A shadow creature of incredible power was released from the Arcane Tower’s Spellhold prison. All the surface settlements united to face this threat which ended with a great battle in the halls of Brogdenstein, the ransacking of Bendir, and the sacrifice of Cordor's Guard Commander Gertrude Gawain to return The Beast back into its prison. The wizard Xavier, who released The Beast, is slain and secretly buried in a tomb outside the Arcane Tower in what will become the Windershin Cemetery. The wizard’s second in command and traitor Warden Gordon survives to escape to a location unknown.

[159 AR] Dark Spires Annexation:
The Temple of the Morndinsamman, in the name of Gorm, Moradin, and Clangeddin, annexes the Dark Spires Mountain range into the Dominion by proclamation of divine right.

[161 AR] Loss of Darrowdeep Castle:
The lease to Darrowdeep Castle is lost to Cordor. The Knights of Darrowdeep, forced to vacate the keep, remain loyal to the Dominion and take on a new name – "Order of the White Stag". The result of this lease change and the manner in which it occurred would lead to a diplomatic rift in the Axehold Accords, the formation of new organizations, and near-war friction between settlements. Ultimately an amendment to the Accords would be drafted as a result, requiring Accord members to openly declare their intent to bid on a castle if owned by another Accords member.

[163 AR] Grenfeld Treespeaker, later Vintergard, is appointed the Iraunlor of Castle Gloom.

[163 AR] The Hall of Legends, Meeting Hall, and Clan Hall undergo renovation. (New Area/Feature added to Server)

[176 AR] Oak Vintergard becomes Thane of Brogendenstein, welcomed by the entire Earthkin Alliance and dozens of people from around the isle.

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Re: Placeholder

Post by Edens_Fall » Mon Jan 10, 2022 3:30 am

Crows Nest / Half Breed Camp

[141 AR] Founding of the Halfbreed Camp:
Established on the Southern Peninsula by a tribe of Orc Bloods calling themselves "The Horde", this encampment offers shelter for the half breeds of Arelith. (New Area/Feature added to Server)

[154 AR] Major reconstruction of Crow’s Nest brings the addition of many new shops and housing. (New Area/Feature added to Server)
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Re: Placeholder

Post by Edens_Fall » Mon Jan 10, 2022 3:30 am


[23 BR] Foundation of Cordor:
The village of Cordor is established on the southern coast of Arelith by the nation of Amn and ruled by a senatorial system. Over time the village grows into city as new adventures begin arriving by sea. The time under this form of government would later be referred to as the "Senate Era".

[20'S BR] Law of the Land:
Senator Tifa "Theopania" Nguyen drafted the first codified laws of Cordor during the Senate era. This first codification was the basis of all Cordor law, outlasting the Senate and surviving well up through Vetinari's early reign.

[20'S BR] The Silent Hand:
The "Silent Hand", a criminal organization primarily guided by Mask, but never spoken of openly, is established in Cordor by convert entities. Using recruitment, bribery, blackmail, secrecy and intimidation, they monopolize all illegal activities within the settlement, but also trade under the guise of legitimacy.

[08 BR] Cordor Triumvirate:
A political triumvirate between the senators Aristotlus Bibliophilus the Fifth, Luthien Norquar, and Allanna Coloana forms. They managed to institute and enforce new laws to maintain order.

[02 AR] Cordor - Stonehold War:
Cordor declares war against Stonehold. Within a year later, Benwick joins the hostilities against the Banites. The reason for the conflict was lost to time.

[05 AR] Destruction of Cordor Library:
Drow agents from House Claddath set fire to the Cordor Library during a raid. Aristotlus Bibliophilius leads a counter raid that ends at the gates of Udos Dro'Xun.

[06 AR] End of the Triumvirate:
The political triumvirate between the senators Aristotlus Bibliophilus the Fifth, Luthien Norquar, and Allanna Coloana comes to an end.

[08 AR] The Illusion of the Fall of The Silent Hand:
Either through natural attrition or Cordor’s policies the prominence of the criminal organization comes to an end. Members remain and continue activities. While some perceive that the threat is gone, the secrecy of the organization makes it difficult to determine what impact or influence they may have within the city.

[09 AR] The First Sharran War:
Councilwoman, Leader of the Silent Hand, Archmage of the Arcane Tower, and "Black Witch" of Shar Allanna Coloana manipulated the politics of Cordor for many years. Her reign ultimately ending when a coup led by Aristotlus, Sway Sand, and Kaeshan Se'Lhane overcame the rule of her Silent Hand cabal, which had corrupted the city government for nearly a decade. This bloody conflict against The Black Witch and her arcanist supporters in 09 AR would later be known as the First Sharran War. An urban confrontation that stretched for weeks until revolutionary forces drove the agents of shadow back, with brutal street-to-street fighting, into the Arcane Tower. The Black Witch was apprehended, and her Sharran partisans were defeated in a final standoff battle on the Tower's upper floor. Allanna Coloana was placed on trial for her crimes and found guilty. Her sentence of death was carried out in full view of Cordor's citizens with a public beheading.

[12 AR] Cordor - Stonehold War:
An Army led by the Cordorian Aristotlus marches against Ryan Valtheran, the Dreadmaster of Stonehold. The reason for the conflict was lost to time.

[13 AR] Cordor Conflagration:
Thailand Archon and his compatriots burn down the Social Club in lower Cordor to flush out the remaining members of the Silent Hand, banish them from the city.

[15 AR] The Fall and Rebirth of the Silent Hand:
Some remnants of the old regime of the Silent Hand not captured during the Cordor Conflagration are banished, and Cordor believes itself free from the menace. However, new leadership of the Hand remains covert enough to be undiscovered. Members still run the merchant trade, but under a structure that makes it nearly impossible to detect who is connected to whom. The high priestess of Mask remains undiscovered even by those close to her while working for the city in what would appear to be a legitimate business. After the last senate election, A plot is drawn between Simone Giovanni, Rask Under-river, and the newly elected Cameo Giovanni to convince Galverson to take control of Cordor and establish a feudal system, citing years of conflict within the Cordor Senate. This removes other senators from their seats, allowing the Silent Hand more widespread control over Cordor.

[15 AR] The Baronial Age:
The Cordor Senate is dissolved as Galverson ascends to rule as Duke of Cordor with the support of the Cordorian Guard, and secretly, the Silent Hand. Kedrin Falk, a priest of Mask, discovers that he has been deceived by Simone Giovanni and that the leadership of both the church and the Silent Hand has been running outside of his knowledge. The feudal system in which a baron rules a district of Cordor on behalf of the duke is established as planned. Unbeknownst to the Duke, streets such as Manes, Norquar, Giovanni, are all named for Silent Hand members in order, covertly cementing their place in Cordor. In a political move to keep herself in power behind the scenes and to appease the angered Falk, Simone Giovanni places Falk over the Lower District, her partner, Rask Under-river as Baron of the Temple District, and her cousin Camio Giovanni as Baroness of the Merchant District. Each baron is responsible for maintaining their own district guard force, with the settlement's Cordor Guard under the direct control of Duke Galverson.

[15 AR] Cameo Giovanni leaves her family ties to pursue Zeer, joining the Sharran Church and becoming disowned by Giovanni crime family. Kedrin Falk employs the Banite Orogs known as the "Hounds of War" to guard Lower Cordor and hires them to use propaganda to undermine his rival, Simone Giovanni, calling her "The Puppetmaster of Cordor.

[16 AR] Cordor Riots:
Kedrin Falk and the Hounds of War incite riots in the city over the public execution of Erok, a beloved local half-orc and former senator.

[16 AR] As the Baron of the Outskirts District Gabriel passes away, Dame Hufiira White-Rose is appointed as his replacement. Sir Thal Oakenheart, who had been a squire for Dame Eldafire, baroness of the Merchant District, becomes baron of the Temple District.

[17 AR] Lady Trynn'delynn Eldafire, baroness of The Merchant District, instituted martial law for almost a year after an abduction.

[17 AR] Pogrom in the Gypsy Camp:
As the citizens of Cordor accuse the gypsies camping outside the city’s walls of committing execrable crimes, a band of off-duty Cordorian Guards assault the camp with murderous intent. The resulting deaths caused the amount of people living in the camp to decrease.

[17 AR] Founding of the Rosewind Troupe:
The Brinson Family moves into the isolated Gypsy Camp, outside the Cordor Walls, founding the Rosewind Troupe. A short time after the foundation, a Great Fair was hosted to celebrate the event.

[17 AR] Third Sharran War:
Barons Cameo Giovanni and Zeer Giovanni are discovered to be active Sharrans and exiled from Cordor by Judge Carrion after having their revoked. Fleeing to the Abyss, the pair inhabits the abandoned Black Citadel. From this base the Third Sharran War is instigated against the city of Cordor. Zeer Giovanni begins development on Doom Golems and, to acquire the necessary model for the work, enlists the aid of the Black Widow barbarian tribe to assault Cordor and kidnap Duke Galverson. This was done so the ex-baron could exchange the Duke's life for one of the kingdom's Mithril Defenders. Trynn'delynn Eldafire leads the defense of the settlement in the absence of any other baron. During the reigning confusion, Duke Galverson is kidnapped and kept in captivity.

[19 AR] Dissolution of the Helm’s Watch:
After an internal fight over the group's leadership causes severe damage to their Headquarters, Helm’s Watch was dissolved as Cordor's guard force.

[19 AR] Death of Duke Galverson:
Capitulating to the Sharrans demands a group of adventurers led by baroness Trynn'delynn Eldafire and future commander of the New Cordor Guard, Graash Zorgar, escort a Mithril Defender to the Black Citadel to exchange for Duke Galverson. However during the trade, in a last moment of Sharran trickery, Cameo Giovanni stabs Duke Galverson with a corrupted dagger and kills him. Combat ensues and Cameo Giovanni is captured by Majordomo Jacob Swift while and Zeer Giovanni is slain by Professor Melphele. Cameo Giovanni is executed and her head is put on a pike as a reminder of the consequences of betrayal. At the same time, the Giovanni name is removed from Cordor street signs and replaced by the Galverson name. With the death of both leaders, the Third Sharran War comes to an end. The Baronial age would continue; however, with the death of the Duke, doubt is placed on how effective this system is.

[20 AR] The former Cordor Guard Johnathan Diastole is resurrected and helps consolidate the settlement’s security force.

[20 AR] Cordor Unified Guard:
The Guard Headquarters are repaired and the new Cordor Unified Guard is forged under the leadership of Graash Zorgar with the support of Barons Oakenheart, Salik and White-Rose. Baroness Eldafire would later accept their jurisdiction in the Merchant District.

[20 AR] The Speedy messenger service is established in Cordor.

[22 AR] Second Stonehold - Cordor War:
Zeer is revived by the Banites of Stonehold, and shortly after Cordor is set aflame in a surprise attack. Stonehold forces would then begin a search for the orb of creation, but the relic is destroyed by the Beetroots Kobolds.

[22 AR] Rise of Pax Cordoria:
Lord Havelock Vetinari, a Cordorian Patrician who possessed deeds to most of the major settlements on the island, takes the control of Cordor with the “agreement” of all the remaining barons and the leadership of the Silent Hand. Amnians arrive on a ship at the behest of Vetinari, establishing the Amnian Embassy in Cordor. Lord Vetinarii creates a Council to serve as his advisors to replace the baronial system, Tifa Amolyn is appointed as well alongside others. The City Guard command passes from Graash Zorgar to Rask Under-river, his close lieutenant. Vetinari use his network of spies to discover the truth about the Giovanni family, putting Simone Giovanni's family in Telflamm under the knife and threatening to expose her as the High Priestess of Mask if she doesn't accept the change, forcing her to become a council member as a show of support for his legitimacy and mandates an end to the Silent Hand. (Server updated to allow the mechanical rule of Cordor by players via the voting system.)

[23 AR] Law Reform:
The Cordor Guard worked with Vetinari's council to refine and expand the law system during most of the early Pax Cordoria period.

[40 AR] Lord Vetinari formalizes the Council of Cordor. Stephen Hull, Dante Lyons, and Natasha Davids hold seats on the assembly until the sorceress Natasha resigns, sparking a second election.

[40 AR] Sasha Silverscales, a Waukeenar Hinnish Priestess joins the Cordorian Council. Her agenda saw the treasury grow exponentially, until one unknown on the Council of five stole it. Lord Vetinari reduced the Council from five to three as a result.

[45 AR] Sasha Silverscales resigns from the Cordor Council following a suspected slander campaign directed against her by the Red Wizard Ayin Mesmer who then is able to control the Council.

[50 AR] Cordor - Wharftown War:
Another war is declared between the settlements of Cordor and Wharftown. The reason and results are now lost to time.

[51 AR] During Herial Ghalen’s term on the council, Cordor formally annexed Bramble Wood.

[58 AR] The Cull:
The Talonian faction within the Heartwood Grove made a blight and unleashed it on Cordor in an effort to "Cull" its population. The plague manifested itself in the form of diseased cloth items and carrier vermin. The plague would eventually be countered.

[70 AR] Firsala, Jolly Fiddlesticks, and Havardr Steinsson dominate the Cordorian political scene for the next three years. This was accomplished by arguing for a state of emergence to fight the generic decay and corruption within the administration of both the City Guard and the Council itself.

[71 AR] The First Banite War / The Second Mistican War:
A skirmish between Myon and Wharftown forces resulted in a full-scale war between Wharftown, which was under Banite control, and Cordor. Ser Ubaldo Ferraz of The Knights of the Road, while aiding the Forsworn, was killed during an engagement near Guldorand by Dredoc Khraa.

[74 AR] Giogi Silveroak replaces the Councilor Havardr Steinsson, who was accused of stealing the city’s cloth supply. Until 79 AR, the Council is comprised of the gnome Jolly Fiddlestick, the elf Giogi Silveroak and the halfling Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai.

[90 AR] The Nebankh Plague:
A series of individual plagues stemming from a single curse is placed upon on Cordor

[105 AR] Exile of Sencliff:
Cordor exiles all citizens of Sencliff from its borders over rising tensions between the two powers.

[115 AR] The First Great War:
War is declared when a former Wharftown official flees to Guldorand with the town’s treasury. This conflict draws Cordor, Sencliff, Myon, Minmir, and Sibayad into the struggle as treaties of alliance between settlements are called upon.

[118 AR] Armistice:
The First Great War comes to an end as the city-states involved meet at the Myart Shrine to finalize a peace treaty.

[119 AR] Cordor undergoes major renovations with the construction of the Expedition House, City Arena, and Cordor Press. (New Area/Feature added to Server)

[113 AR] The Grand Temple of Cordor:
Following the events of Wharftown, the city sees a shift away from the guidance of the Red Knight's disciples to the Lawful Good of the Triad, which now oversee the temple.

[135 AR] The Cordor Archives:
A vast labyrinth of abandoned tomes and documents is uncovered and opened to the city's adventures. (New Area/Feature added to Server)

[136 AR] The Queen's Event
Jennifer Eldren, daughter of Telris Esteban, arrives in Cordor and participates in "The Queen's Event." A contest to select King Edward's future wife. Winning by popular vote, she would become the King's consort and future Queen.

[139 AR] During a life day celebration in Cordor, a warband led by Bisik Willows arrives and a battle ensues. The warband is driven off, but the battle results in a large number of civilian casualties.

[142 AR] Construction of the Property Registry building is completed. (New Area/Feature added to Server)

[142 AR] Quintino Visconti is elected Chancellor of Cordor. Using his position, the clandestine Shadow Mage, Erudite Arcanum member, and Sharran lured darker aspects out of for personal study. He would later recruit Vance Gravelle, then worshiper of the Black Sun, to assist in a strategy of Cordor expansion to remove the Brogendenstein’s Dominion from power over the island.

[148 AR] The Second Great War
Tensions between the settlements and several minor skirmishes across the island culminated in a Brogendenstein led ambush, under Kuldarn Gotriik of clan Vintergard, against a Cordor & Banite joint Drow hunting force at the Nexus Falls Portal. The allied host was soundly defeated in the surprise attack, with Chancellor Emily Azuretide and Vice-Chancellor Rick Snyder of Cordor falling in the engagement. War was officially declared after the battle by Cordor Chancellor Emily Azuretide and Coronal Vaylani Moontear of Myon against the newly signed Axehold Accord members of Guldorand, the Arcane Tower Conclave, Sencliff, and the Dominion of Brogendenstein on 25 Nightall, 148 AR. Minmir would unofficially join the conflict on Cordor's side. However, King Edward of Cordor would intervene on the 5th of Hammer, 149 AR by calling for an end to hostilities. An armistice would be signed on the 18th of Ches, 149 AR, with the Arcane Tower issuing a formal apology for their part in the conflict and Myon ceding the territory from the dam in the Nexus Falls to the Thousand Stairs to Brogendenstein. Reasons for the conflict are debated by both sides, with justifications ranging from territorial border claims and personal vendettas to Instigating settlement insurrections.

Reasons for the conflict are debated by both sides, with justifications ranging from territorial border claims and personal vendettas, to Instigating settlement insurrections.

[153 AR] Katernin Bersk elected Chancellor of Cordor on a platform of change.

[154 AR] Cordor Magocracy:
Chancellor Bersk installs the First Lodestar Observational Device in Cordor to monitor the settlement 24/7. She later declares the nation a Magocracy, giving special rights to spell casters. The group known as "The Harpers" are prohibited in Cordor after reports they attempted to interfere with Bersk’s administration. Cordor soon leaves the Axehold Accords when the other settlements apply political pressure to shape Cordor policy.

[115 AR] Magocracy Ends:
Chancellor Bersk is slain while attempting to pilfer a portion of the god Savras’ power through use of a looking glass, though the public report is that of an assassin’s blade ending her life. Failing in her plan, her soul was trapped within the shattered shards of the now broken mirror. The city's new leader Peram Flint moves to undo the Magocracy. Cordor would soon dismantle the Lodestar Network and return to the Axehold Accords.

[159 AR] The Unblinking:
Four years later, in 159 AR, shortly prior to the State Magi of Cordor establishing themselves as a ruling faction, a ritual was performed by unknown persons to reforge the shards of the shattered looking glass into a sentient greatsword. With bulging eyes all over its length, the maddened and hungry weapon which now housed the soul of Katernin Bersk almost managed to slay Emma Young before escaping to the Plane of Shadows.

Afterwards, the sword would be known as 'The Unblinking' and seen in the company of the island's Void Cult. A large sect of various dark faiths united to convey Arelith into Darkness. Rumors would whisper of the weapon’s spirit being betrothed to the Sharran Cult's Nightseer. While with the cult, The Unblinking would consume several of their seers, for the weapon showed a great hatred towards any with the talents. Its preferred tactic in such events was to entrap the diviners within a labyrinth of visions centered on their possible future deaths until, drowning in despair, they took their own lives.

After the Third Iteration of Shadow Wharftown in 168 AR and the following conflict between Andunor and the Void Cult, the whereabouts of ‘The Unblinking’ soul sword of Katernin Bersk remains unknown.

[160 AR] Trial of House von Brandt:
Using a spy, Chancellor Elspeth Derlson of Cordor uncovered the crimes of the von Brandt family and held a trial in absentia as none of the noble house agreed to attend. The family was charged with the crimes of Necromancy, Slavery, working with Viktor West" (a Velsharoon priest) and Lora Gallenson (an Abyssal leader), as well as supporting the Underdark City of Andunor through trade. The trial found House von Brandt guilty, with a sentence of exile for blood family members and Pariah for their servants.

The conclusion of this trial would later be altered after a secret meeting between Chancellor Derlson and family head Emilia Sabine von Brandt, effectively declaring a neutral peace between Cordor and Sibayad.

[161 AR] Loss of Darrowdeep Castle:
The lease to Darrowdeep Castle is lost to Cordor. The Knights of Darrowdeep, forced to vacate the keep, remain loyal to the Dominion and take on a new name – "Order of the White Stag". The result of this lease change and the manner in which it occurred would lead to a diplomatic rift in the Axehold Accords, the formation of new organizations, and near-war friction between settlements. Ultimately an amendment to the Accords would be drafted as a result, requiring Accord members to openly declare their intent to bid on a castle if owned by another Accords member.

[166 AR] Open the Tenth Gate:
Cordor Museum Plot (Redacted until involved PC's are no longer active)

[171 AR] Visions:
Two sibling silver dragons show visions of Cordor in ruins, its people defeated and killed. Tristan Wilkinsen leads the investigation.

[171 AR] Death Knight (Fourth Sharran War)
The Church of All-Shadow extended its influence to establish connections with the Lost Legion of the shadowlands and, in collaboration with an Alhoon merchant who mingled in the different planes, acquired a void stone. This stone was then embedded into the chest of a Lost Legion sergeant by High Priestess "Herald" Merwyn, transforming him into a Death Knight with enhanced powers in undeath. The newly minted Death Knight emerged as the vanguard of an impending invasion on Cordor, assuming the role of its commanding general. Upon reaching Cordor, the Death Knight summoned an undead army, only to face swift opposition from the city's defenders, who managed to defeat the assaulting forces. Amidst this turmoil, an unnamed yet heroic female stepped forward, drawing her blade to swiftly sever the twisted bush. She ended the corruption with a single sword strike, eliminating the tainted root system beneath Cordor, from which the undead had emerged.

[174 AR] Lodestar Network Mk.II:
The Lodestar Network originally developed by Katernin Bersk is restored and positioned throughout the city by decree of King Edward’s Bane worshipping Queen. The improved Lodestar Network is received with criticism from Cordor citizens and concern from the island's many settlements. (Lodestar Surveillance Network is added to Cordor Settlement)

[174 AR] Death of Theodor Helbrecht:
The notorious Theodor Helbrecht is captured by his brother Konstantin Helbrecht and held in prison until his trial. Found guilty for numerous crimes including murder, torture, animation, corruption, and kidnappings he is sentenced to Death. The execution was overseen by Chancellor Providence and his brother Konstantin. However, Theodor would conduct a ritual sacrifice of himself before his judgment could be carried out. Tearing his own soul from its body and ending his life. With this payment a rift to the 113th layer of the Abyss is opened, conjuring forth minions of Orcus in an attempt to claim his brother’s life. With the efforts of The Gauntlet, The Rivorndir Wardens, and City Guard, Orcus' minions were slain, and the rift closed. Theodor remains coated in sanctified oil and purified. His final ultimate goal to kill his brother was unfulfilled.

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Dis / Baator

Post by Edens_Fall » Mon Jan 10, 2022 3:31 am


[62 AR] Fall of Spire Freth:
Having upset the Goddess Lolth, The Freth controlled spire located in Baator's third layer is destroyed when the statue of the Spider Queen, located in the tower’s foyer, comes alive to vent its displeasure upon the Drow before falling to rubble. After such large scale destruction, Spire Freth lost the power needed for its scry magics to function. Thus, those mundanes who could utter the phrase "Lolth Tlu Malla" and enter the tower to scry without access to the weave were denied their greatest boon.

[167 AR] The city of Dis opens its portals to the adventures of Arelith, sending out their infernal transporters to offer passage for the small price of a soul or gold. (New Area/Feature added to Server)
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The Grove

Post by Edens_Fall » Mon Jan 10, 2022 3:31 am

The Grove

[01 AR] Foundation of the Heartwood Grove:
Founding of the druid Grove in Arelith Forest

[10 AR] Throughout the reign of Arch Druidess Dacey Calhopun, the Grove maintained absolute neutrality concerning the politics of the island's various factions.

[14 AR] After Colav Arnisen, Dacey Calhoun is elected archdruid of the Grove. During his tenure, the Grove was attacked during the Third Sharran War.

[17 AR] The Grove Enters the Third Sharran War:
The Sharran’s of the Black Citadel launch a surprise attack against the Heartwood Grove, killing Clarissa and the forest dryads. The Grove under the leadership of Archdruid Wilm, which had taken a neutral stance in the war, formally joins the conflict.

[58 AR] The Cull:
The Talonian faction within the Heartwood Grove made a blight and unleashed it on Cordor in an effort to "Cull" its population. The plague manifested itself in the form of diseased cloth items and carrier vermin. The plague would eventually be countered.

[60 AR] Anenden the Archdruid passes away and Evelynyha Verawyn is elected the new Archdruid of the Grove.

[88 AR] Navira ended her first tenure as Archdruid to return to the mainland, but not before being introduced to Kregor who was a squire to the Knight Sir Caelyn of the Broken Circle, which was itself a homage to the Forsworn.

[89 AR] Yana (Mother Bear) becomes Archdruidess, until the coup attempt by Cassima in 94 AR.

[94 AR] Grove Coup:
Cassima attempted a coup of the Grove during the Underdarks Flood Crisis of which she sought to take advantage by citing the Heartwood inaction in regards to the event. Initially she approached the Bramble Watch as likely allies, but their leader Kregor rejected her proposition. Cassima instead counted upon her known allies in the power grab, the Malarite Tamarie and the Black Archer Asherrin La'farra. In a reign that lasted two tendays, she declared herself Archdruid during her so-called moot, and spilled the blood of a dissenter to her claim. However, the Bramble Watch and Heartwood factions convened a second moot to officially name a new Archdruid. While Mila was the initial pick of Yana as an appointment to the position, the resounding voice from the Bramble Watch called for Navira to reclaim the mantle. Thus, she was named and Yana officially stepped down from the title. Cassima was conspicuously absent from the moot with rumors spreading that she had met an untimely end at the hand of some unknown circumstance. The truth, as is often the case, is lost to time.

[176 AR] Grove's Corruption
After reaching the Grove's Heartstone through a portal, The criminal organization known as The Syndicate temporarily corrupted it with the black blood of undeath, a willing sacrifice, and twisted necromantic magic.

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Post by Edens_Fall » Mon Jan 10, 2022 3:31 am



[23 BR] Foundation of Guldorand Logging Camp (Westcliff):
Foundation of a small logging camp in the Skull Crags Mountains that would later grow into the nation of Guldorand.

[50 AR] Alyssa Darkwind is elected Mayoress of Guldorand.

[73 AR] Kiyat Zadrimme is mayor of Guldorand for the next year.

[75 AR] Gavaine d'Amorte becomes mayor of Guldorand.

[76 AR] Yvaine Aeglieriel, Gavaine's romantic partner, becomes mayoress of Guldorand for the next nine years, until 85 AR.

[83 AR] Gavaine d'Amorte becomes Mayor of Guldorand after the disappearance of Yvaine.

[86 AR] The Sencliff Institute:
A cabal of various infamous individuals formed with the purpose of colonizing and subjugating the local populace of Sencliff around 86 AR. Most infamous among them was Archmalefactrix Jel, who would become Lord Governess of Guldorand and leader of Sencliff. This faction would eventually annex Benwick as a vassal city before leading the settlement to ultimate destruction in 88 AR.

The organization would also collaborate with the renowned monk Amadeo Pnuema in the creation of the Astrolabe in 89 AR.

[89 AR] Raunrai, Vonevar's former slave, becomes mayor of Guldorand with Caige Ridre serving as Commander of the Guldorand Militia until 92 AR.

[92 AR] The High Watch:
Mayrien di Dolcemaria becomes Mayor and under the new leadership, The High Watch is created. Serving as the first Commanders are Khayal Khamsin, Gaelmesh Rhun and Alhambra.

[93 AR] Layla Rashmi is appointed as the new Commander of the High Watch.

[94 AR] Layla Rashmi rises to the position of Mayor and rules until 97 AR. Ariel Vankova is appointed the new Commander of the High Watch.

[95 AR] The Speedy Message Company establishes a representative in the Guldorand Logging Camp.

[98 AR] The Dominion:
The Guldorand Mayor Gil'thilak, The Wharftown Mayor Khayal Khamsin, and Bendir’s Mayor Elanor form a coalition known as the Dominion. This partnership would last less than a year.

[98 AR] Aeyl'kin is elected Mayor of Guldorand and quickly moves to exile several former citizens, including Layla Rashmi. Torvas Harlan, abyssalist assassin, is appointed as Commander of the High Watch.

[99 AR] After the resignation of Aeyl'kin The Tempite Elzi, who was secretly a Cyricist, is elected as Mayor of Guldorand. Torvas Harlan, aware of Elzi's cyricist nature, continues to serve as commander of the High Watch until he eventually quit/retired.

[100 AR] Fort Guldorand:
Kouto Wemblethen is elected as Mayor of Guldorand. Under her leadership, work commenced to turn the logging Camp into a fort with improved defenses. Green, leader of the Tempites, is appointed Commander of the High Watch.

[101 AR] Sillina Hall, Commander of the High Watch, resigns after the election of Modéro Starker as Mayor.

[102 AR] Kouto Wemblenthen is elected Mayor of Guldorand and appoints Layla Rashmy, a former Mayor herself, to the position of Commander of the High Watch.

[115 AR] The First Great War:
War is declared when a former Wharftown official flees to Guldorand with the town’s treasury. This conflict draws Cordor, Sencliff, Myon, Minmir, and Sibayad into the struggle as treaties of alliance between settlements are called upon.

[118 AR] Armistice:
The First Great War comes to an end as the city-states involved meet at the Myart Shrine to finalize a peace treaty.

[142 AR] Dominion – Andunor War:
The final years of Thane Ghestaldt's rule was marked with open war against cyricists and allies led by Ezra and Vance Gravelle operating out of Andunor. Several campaigns were fought during the breath of the conflict, with the Dominion suffering a defeat at the Battle of Minmir Bridge, but ultimately claiming victory as Vance Gravelle’s efforts were halted. A later assault on Andunor by Dominion forces successfully ended the war in Brogendenstein’s favor.

[143 AR] Guldorand’s Reward:
For their service in the Dominion - Andunor War Guldorand, under Mayor Alice Highfen, is released from the village by Thane Ghestaldt and leaves the Brogendenstein Dominion.

[148 AR] The Second Great War
Tensions between the settlements and several minor skirmishes across the island culminated in a Brogendenstein led ambush, under Kuldarn Gotriik of clan Vintergard, against a Cordor & Banite joint Drow hunting force at the Nexus Falls Portal. The allied host was soundly defeated in the surprise attack, with Chancellor Emily Azuretide and Vice-Chancellor Rick Snyder of Cordor falling in the engagement. War was officially declared after the battle by Cordor Chancellor Emily Azuretide and Coronal Vaylani Moontear of Myon against the newly signed Axehold Accord members of Guldorand, the Arcane Tower Conclave, Sencliff, and the Dominion of Brogendenstein on 25 Nightall, 148 AR. Minmir would unofficially join the conflict on Cordor's side. However, King Edward of Cordor would intervene on the 5th of Hammer, 149 AR by calling for an end to hostilities. An armistice would be signed on the 18th of Ches, 149 AR, with the Arcane Tower issuing a formal apology for their part in the conflict and Myon ceding the territory from the dam in the Nexus Falls to the Thousand Stairs to Brogendenstein. Reasons for the conflict are debated by both sides, with justifications ranging from territorial border claims and personal vendettas to Instigating settlement insurrections.

[153 AR] Bonfire of Insanity (Fourth Sharran War)
The Church of All-Shadow, in collaboration with their allies from the Pirate's Union and Andunor, temporarily seized control of the Skull Craig Weather Stone to enact a powerful magical ritual known as the Bonfire of Insanity. Numerous attempts by a coalition of surface settlements to dislodge the group and halt the ceremony failed. Upon the ritual's conclusion, a cursed Stormfront was created and driven by fierce winds, settled over the logging camp of Westcliff. Tainted rainfall soaked the earth, causing long-dormant corpses to arise and terrorize the living. With the ritual fulfilled, the forces of the Church of All-Shadow withdrew from the Weatherstone.

[155 AR] Heart of the Mountain:
The logging town of Westcliff received an ultimatum from the Archfey named "The Heart of the Mountain", warning the settlement it would be destroyed within the year and that its people should flee with all their belongings. From the time of the prophecy to the day of judgement factions from across the island worked in some fashion to affect the omens' outcome. Sharrans and Pirates worked with the Vampire Queen of the Skull Craigs to free her children for the attack, while the members of the Accords tried to find a peaceful solution. Ultimately it was decided by vote that Westcliff would stand, accepting help from the Underdark, as they fortified the town and awaited the Archfey’s arrival. On the Day of Judgment the village was leveled by fire, raided by monks of the Viper Sect, and attacked by Undead from the mountains. There was no hope of victory. Buildings were destroyed and the defenders slain. However the Archfeys warning that the town would be destroyed, never to rise again, proved false. Over time the logging camp was rebuilt and still stands to this day. (The event is believed to have been a settlement destruction plotline to accommodate the soon-to-come Fortress City. However, plans likely changed and Westcliff remained after the destruction to be a vassal town to the Fortress City)

[158 AR] The longstanding mayor Ezekiel Klennald holds his last moot before retiring.

[167 AR] Westcliff Burns:
An Underdark army under the command of Matron O'annir of House Z'ress raids the logging village of Westcliff to free the captured Orge Warchief Ikarus. The Republic of Guldorand experiences a major defeat with the rescue of the prisoner, a large number of casualties, and vandalizing of the settlement."


[170 AR] The Fortress City of Guldorand:
The Founder's Council, a collection of various new leaders that now rule over Guldorand, opens the gates on the newly constructed Fortress City. With their rule comes the Founder's Charter, a set of new laws and decrees for Guldorand to follow. (New Area Added to Server)

[172 AR] Blood Rain:
The necromancer Etmn opened the skies above Guldorand’s Fortress City through a totemic ritual, causing blood and leeches to rain down upon the citizens in an effort to free Holly Holtz from captivity. However Etmn was misinformed, as Holly was not a prisoner of Guldorand, and instead the event was used as a graduation test from her master Theodor Helbrecht of whom she was an apprentice.

[174 AR] The United Republic of Guldorand:
The Firbolg Kesa Hillside is elected as High Sheriff of Guldorand. Under her leadership the settlement’s laws were clarified and the Expanded Warehouse economy was reworked. Two Landed Nobles, Aliana Drake & Samatha Goodman are replaced by Veisha Calan and the Thayan Red Wizard Nishkir Uskura. The Republic’s military Garrison's Lord Marshal of many years, Derristan Barley retired and Avalri DeLocke was appointed to his position. Guldorand would then move to formally withdraw from the Axehold Accords and end formal Trade with Cordor in protest over King Edward's revival of the Lodestar Network Mk. II. Trade with Myon would be the next to end when the elven nation refused to make any formal agreements in writing. During her two terms the Republic saw a shift towards the Founder's Council goals, until the High Sheriff's death at the hands of two unknown guild assassins.

[174 AR] Veisha Calan is elected High Sheriff after the death of Kesa Hillside.

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Re: Placeholder

Post by Edens_Fall » Mon Jan 10, 2022 3:32 am


[23 BR] Foundation of Kohlingen:
The small coastal town of Kohlingen is established on the northern coast of Minmir by the nation of Amn.

[14 BR] A Nation Rises:
Lord Darius Tristam and his followers arrive in the small coastal town of Kohlingen after leaving Benwick. Lord Tristam earns the title of "First Justicar" and is granted rule of the city-state and surrounding lands. Under his guidance, the small settlement expands into a fortress city.

[02 AR] Destruction of Kohlingen:
Under siege from the traitor Earl's undead forces, Duke Darius Tristam calls upon Kohlingen mages to blow the leylines they have been studying around the kingdom. This action effectively separates the Kohlingen kingdom of Upper Minmir from the lands of Southern Minmir and sinks the city-state to the bottom of the ocean. Duke Tristam and the Kohlingen survivors, who evacuated before the city's destruction, return to Galahad the Builder in Benwick. The city sinks on the same night Earl Manfried's curse is cast.

[76 AR] The War of Horns:
The twisted Rune’s attempt to claim an ancient artifact called, "The Crown of Horns" by hiring a pirate lord to intercept an elven transport ship near Arelith fails when, after claiming the Crown, the pirate lord is seduced by its power and keeps it for himself. Thus, a great conflict envelopes all of Arelith, with multiple factions vying for control of the relic. After many events that see the island infested with Undead and the Lost City of Kohlingen risen from the ocean’s depths, the adventures of Arelith defeated the Pirate Lord and reclaimed the Crown. (New Dungeon added to Server)

[166 AR] Battle of Kohlingen (Fourth Sharran War)
In 166 AR, the Church of All-Shadow endeavored to forge a formal pact with the Twisted Rune, seeking aid for their machinations across the archipelago. However, word of this plot reached various surface factions, leading to the mobilization of a significant force determined to thwart the Void Cult's ambitious alliance. Despite their utmost efforts, the assaulting force was unsuccessful in severing the ties between the Void Cult and the Twisted Rune.

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Re: Placeholder

Post by Edens_Fall » Mon Jan 10, 2022 3:32 am


[Ancient Years] Founding of the Elven Realm of Southern Minmir:
Elves immigrating by boat established a nation in the middle and southern lands of Minmir. The Elven Council of Minmir, appointed by Evermeet, would govern this new nation. Of the clans that relocated to the archipelago, the Wild Elves would establish a tribe in the Forest of Despair before the woodland's corruption by the mage Thoramind's wild magic.

[23 BR] Earldom of Minmir:
Having earned the friendship of the elven people by serving the Council of Minmir as an advisor in matters relating to humanity/Cordor, the human Manfried is granted the title of Earl and gifted lands in middle Minmir, along the border between Southern Elven Minmir and Kohlingen located in Northern Minmir. Many elves continue to live alongside the humans within the newly established earldom.

[20 BR] The recently arrived merchant family House Eldren, which had grown successful in a few short years, migrates from Kohlingen to Earl Manfried's lands as commerce between the settlements increase. (NPC House Lore)

[20 BR to 10 BR] Formation of House Eldren:
The Elven Council of Southern Minmir grants the Eldren family a Patent of Nobility in recognition of their labors in developing the realm's regional commerce. This acknowledgment is reciprocated by Earl Manfried, with confirmation of their Noble status within his own lands. (NPC House Lore)

[11 BR] Eleanor Manfried, a cousin of Earl Manfried, defied social norms by marrying the minor Lord Roddric Eldren, a move that greatly displeased the Earl. As a consequence, he ordered Eleanor's banishment from the Château. However, the Earl's wife, Isabella, intervened and used her influence to settle the dispute, ultimately allowing Eleanor to remain in Minmir at the estate of her new husband. She would soon give birth to a child with Roddric named Friedrich. (NPC House Lore)

[02 AR] The Earl's Gambit:
Tempted with Forbidden Knowledge, Earl Manfried succumbs to the corrupting influence of the Twisted Rune, a secret cabal that sought to use the lands of Southern Minmir for their designs. Seeking an eternal kingdom to reign over and eternal life, the Earl casts a dark ritual during a night of revelry. This ritual would curse the lands of Minmir to live in eternal undeath. As Payment for their assistance, The Twisted Rune directs the Earl's newly risen undead forces to Kohlingen and siege the city in search of an ancient artifact. This ancient artifact is lost in the ruins after the leylines are destroyed and the city falls to the sea. This artifact, unknown to many, was a secretly bound aspect called 'Nightfall'. Nightfall was once a moon elven woman warlock during the Netherese age. However, she gained so much power that she overcame and absorbed the entity she was bound to. In absorbing the entity, she was overcome by the creature's base hungry rage and proceeded to try to destroy everything. Netherese mages sealed her away utilizing a Selune ritual that would bind her in a pocket dimension curated to mirror that of Selune's divine realm.

[02 AR] A Family Survives:
As a result of Earl Manfried's betrayal, a dark blight befalls the lands of Minmir, leading to its eventual destruction. Among the afflicted are Elienor and her husband, who are transformed into undead creatures. Fortunately, their son Friedrich is rescued by Banite Monks from a nearby Monastery and taken to the safety of his paternal grandparents, James and Helen Eldren, who had retired to Waterdeep and started a successful textile business. Friedrich would maintain a close connection to Arelith and the Banites who had saved him, eventually converting to the Faith. Later he would marry Kassandra Hunabar* at his grandparents' insistence. (NPC House Lore. Great Grandfather of Jennifer Eldren, Queen of Cordor)

[02 AR] Fall of the Elven Realm of Southern Minmir:
Following Earl Manfried's treacherous actions, the Council was faced with a difficult decision and ultimately resolved to abandon Minmir, including the traitorous Earl, to their fate. As a precautionary measure, the elves placed the Earl's Manor and estate under a potent magical stasis field, thereby ensuring that the realm would be perpetually trapped in its final day. This measure was undertaken to contain the corruption that had taken root in those lands, which were deemed beyond redemption.

[26 AR] The Destroyer’s Coup:
Tzila ascends to Dreadmistress of Stonehold, and becomes the sixth to hold the title, with the support of the Talossians. Shortly after the followers of the Storm Lord stage a coup, pushing the Banites out and claiming the Fortress for themselves. Dreadmistress Tzila and her supporters relocate to the temple of Bane constructed in Minmir by 40 AR. (New Dungeon added to Server)

[40 AR] Vistigor Torkill becomes the seventh Dreadmaster and unites the Church of Bane with the support of Grendal Bloodwater and Sanctra.

[40 AR] Myon & Benwick - Minmir War:
Myon forces join with an army from Benwick to attack the Church of Bane in Minmir. The Alliance of Elves and Knights will suffer high casualties and defeat. The reason for this conflict and its outcome have been lost to time.

[41 AR] Day of Upheaval:
Sanctra incites a coup, claiming the title of the eighth Dreadmistress. Her reign lasts all of a day before Kastion takes over with a second coup, becoming the new ninth Dreadmaster.

[42 AR] Reconstruction of the Bane Temple:
The Temple of Bane undergoes restructuring in an effort to restore their power upon the island while under the tenth Dreadmaster Gorgath Deathcrush.

[42 AR] Minmir & Wharftown Treaty:
A treaty of neutrality and mutual military aid is signed between Wharftown’s Mayor Jheramaine Naethandreil and the Temple of Bane’s Dreadmaster Gorgath Deathcrush.

[62 AR] The Stained Paw Gnoll Tribe migrates from their temporary camp in the ruins of Old Stonehold to Minmir.

[98 AR] Minmir – Andunor War:
Dread Lord Vistigor Torkill of the Church of Bane attempts to take the Sharps District by moving large numbers of voters into the city for an approaching election. His plan is disputed by Matron Va'sarra Xun’viir and the two forces collide in a colossal battle within Andunor’s Hub. Upon its conclusion, the Drow forces held the field, and the Banites bid for power failed.

[112 AR] With the death of Impreceptor Pelaguis, First Chaplain Rosenkranz Ezekiel III assumes leadership over the Church of Bane.

[115 AR] The First Great War:
War is declared when a former Wharftown official flees to Guldorand with the town’s treasury. This conflict draws Cordor, Sencliff, Myon, Minmir, and Sibayad into the struggle as treaties of alliance between settlements are called upon.

[117 AR] The Second Dominion:
Rosenkranz III declares the official formation of "The Second Dominion". A new empire that includes the Emirate of Sibayad, Minmir, and the Duchy of Sencliff.

[118 AR] Armistice:
The First Great War comes to an end as the city-states involved meet at the Myart Shrine to finalize a peace treaty.

[122 AR] Kieros Olethros, The Vaunted Swordsman, rules as Dreadlord of the Church of Bane from 122 AR to 138 AR.

[122 AR] Enragess Cleansnow, the Ragging Fist of Bane, serves from 122 AR to 150 AR.

[122 AR] Aowyn Olethros serves as Trade Maiden and Wife to Dreadlord Kieros Olethros from 122 AR to 138 AR.

[123 AR] Dissolution:
The Second Dominion Disbands when Rosenkranz III and his closest followers leave the island of Arelith.

[132 AR] The Church of Bane is remodeled in Minmir. (New Area/Feature added to Server)

[133 AR] The Endless Battlefield:
Earl Manfried incites the dead of Minmir to march relentlessly on Southern Arelith. This undead army is kept in check by the brave knights and adventures who fight upon the battlefield of endless conflict. (New Area/Feature added to Server)

[135 AR] The Order of the Radiant Heart:
Representatives from the Knightly Order establish a stronghold near Nexus Falls in an apparent attempt to counter the influence of the neighboring Church of Bane. (New Area/Feature added to Server)

[138 AR] Bisik Willows, The Crazed Tyrant & Despoiler of Skal, accesnds to Dreadlord of the Church of Bane.

[138 AR] Enragess Cleansnow, first subordinate to Dreadlord Willows, accepts the position of High Impereceptor.

[139 AR] During a life day celebration in Cordor, a warband led by Bisik Willows arrives and a battle ensues. The warband is driven off but the battle results in a large number of civilian casualties.

[140 AR] A Warband led by Dreadlord Bisik Willows sails to Skal and takes control of the isle. His forces occupy the frozen village for six months before eventually being driven off of Skal by a Mercenary company hired by the township.

[142 AR] Dreadmagus Jerry Fendon serves the Church of Bane from 142 AR to 151 AR.

[144 AR] Dreadlord Bisik is driven temporarily insane by Arcane Tower Wardens sneaking into his stronghold and putting googly eyes on the many portraits of him.

[145 AR] Dreadlord Bisik Willows is slain at the peak of the Arcane Tower by Mach Fryar after a failed attempt to destroy the structure.

[145 AR] Impereceptor Alexis Le'Roux, second to the Bisik Willows, ascends to Dreadlord after the former's death.

[148 AR] The Second Great War
Tensions between the settlements and several minor skirmishes across the island culminated in a Brogendenstein led ambush, under Kuldarn Gotriik of clan Vintergard, against a Cordor & Banite joint Drow hunting force at the Nexus Falls Portal. The allied host was soundly defeated in the surprise attack, with Chancellor Emily Azuretide and Vice-Chancellor Rick Snyder of Cordor falling in the engagement. War was officially declared after the battle by Cordor Chancellor Emily Azuretide and Coronal Vaylani Moontear of Myon against the newly signed Axehold Accord members of Guldorand, the Arcane Tower Conclave, Sencliff, and the Dominion of Brogendenstein on 25 Nightall, 148 AR. Minmir would unofficially join the conflict on Cordor's side. However, King Edward of Cordor would intervene on the 5th of Hammer, 149 AR by calling for an end to hostilities. An armistice would be signed on the 18th of Ches, 149 AR, with the Arcane Tower issuing a formal apology for their part in the conflict and Myon ceding the territory from the dam in the Nexus Falls to the Thousand Stairs to Brogendenstein. Reasons for the conflict are debated by both sides, with justifications ranging from territorial border claims and personal vendettas to Instigating settlement insurrections.

[148 AR] Dreadlord Alexis Le'Roux retires to the sword coast and the Banite Orthodox Tyros Laret ascends to power as Dreadlord.

[152 AR] Adenious the Wise, and agent of the Zhentarim, ascends to the title of Dreadlord.

[158 AR] Knight-Commander Kain the Vanguard serves from 158 AR to 159 AR until his death in conflict against the elves of Myon.

[158 AR] Melina Willows, daughter of the late Dreadlord Bisik Willows ascends to the rank of Impereceptor.

[158 AR] Jennifer Eldren’s Gift:
A magical beacon fire is gifted to the fortress monastery of Minmir by the consort of King Edward of Cordor.

[159 AR] The Battle of Minmir Falls:
A large Underdark Warband led by "The Witch of Lies" Sydney Harrow engaged a Surface force led by Myon’s Coronal Anaria Liamytholen in the high grounds around the Nexus Falls portal. The battle ended in a victory for the Underdark Warband, which withdrew to Treadstone after with many prisoners, including Myon’s Coronal and Lord Zathlan Fen'ar.

[159 AR] Essie Cruz serves as Knight-Commander for the Church of Bane from 159 AR to 161 AR.

[161 AR] Dreadlord Adenious disappears without a trace and the Church is left in the hands of a Dread Council consisting of Deminon Deathcrush, Erzsebet Aganos, Lucius the Ambitious, and Mordred Kane.

[162 AR] Lucius the Ambitious forcibly claims the Seat of Dreadlord and dissolves the Dread Council.

[162 AR] Minmir Schism (Fourth Sharran War)
In 162 AR, the enigmatic Zhentarim Banethurge Dimitra unexpectedly appeared at the Church of Bane within the accursed territories of Minmir with the goal of dismantling the Harpers' influence on Arelith. During this era, the Church of Bane, under the leadership of Lucius Blackhand and Melina Willows, enjoyed the support of the Church of All-Shadow through a simple alliance. However, tensions flared over the alleged misappropriation of seven million coins gifted by agents of the Void Cult to aid Banethurge Dimitra's endeavors on Arelith. The financial setback sparked internal discord, escalating into a civil war between the Banethurge backed forces led by Lucius Blackhand and those supported by the Church of All-Shadow, commanded by Dreadknight Tarrick Armand. The conflict would continue until an accord was reached within the Church of Bane. Dreadknight Armand restructured his followers into the Blackwyrm Company mercenary group and refrained from further attempts to seize control of the Church of Bane. Although the issues of stolen funds and Banite leadership were resolved, the enduring rivalry between the Church of All-Shadow and the Church of Bane persisted for years to come.

[163 AR] Deminon Deathcrush, Dreadknight of the Church of Bane, is killed by dark magics while opening a rift to the Negative Energy plane. Adenious the wise re-appears and takes a position as Advisor within the church.

[166 AR] Mordred Kane Ascends to the seat of Dreadlord under the advisement of Adenious the Wise and reigns until 180 AR.

[178 AR] Kathryn Eldren, niece to the Queen of Cordor, completes her education with the Church of Bane and private tutors in Waterdeep. Upon graduation to adulthood, she travels to Arelith to visit the family's long lost lands in Minmir, as tradition dictates.

[179 AR] Baroness of Minmir
In the month of Flamerule in the year 179 AR, the Church of Bane in Minmir officially recognizes Kathryn Eldren's lineage as a displaced descendant of the Earl Manfried, endorsing her heraldry. The same year, she ascends to the position of Baroness of the Earldom of Minmir, being formally coronated during a ceremonial event held within the confines of the Church.

[180 AR] Kathryn Eldren relinquishes her title of Baroness to assume the role of Deadlady of Minmir Keep following Dreadlord Kane's abdication.

[180 AR] Battle of Andunor
Banite forces under Dreadlady Kathryn Eldren advanced towards Andunor in Uktar, 180 AR, only to face defeat in combat against the forces commanded by Sharp's Tyrant Drachbhor. From this loss, a tribute of coin is paid, and an uneasy truce is declared.

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Post by Edens_Fall » Mon Jan 10, 2022 3:32 am


[Ancient Years] Formation of the Mythal:
In an unknown date before the Arelith Reckoning a floating city protected by the Mythal is created in the heart of the Arelith Forest by Four High Mages from the founding expedition. The Four, whose names are lost to time, sacrificed their lives in the creation of the Mythal. Its warding and protective sentience all that remains of their now combined spirits.

[14 BR] Scouts of Southern Minmir rediscover the ruins of Myth Myon, but the city is not fully settled at first. The Council of Minmir continues to lead the elven people on the island from within the southern region of Minmir.

[02 AR] Founding of Myon:
The Council of Minmir and the rest of the elven realm of Minmir migrate to the explored, but unsettled, ruin of Myth Myon. After facing the 'wickedness of the East', eventually, the last council members left permanently for Evermeet. Having been a cousin to Queen Amlaruil Moonflower of Evermeet by marriage, Prince Elren Ramnister was appointed from Evermeet to be the Steward of Myon. He was the first King of Myth Myon past the Council's leaving. Once appointed, Queen Moonflower would gift the Silver Chalice to Prince Elren as a sign of favor. This chalice would come to be a relic of Myon and represent the official office of the royal family there. The Silver Chalice was called the Cup of Sehanine and was said to be a divinely blessed artifact of Sehanine Moonbow. Each Coronal would have this chalice passed down until Karathas Morathil - where a surge of Wild magic would cause it to be lost forever. (Server crash wiped storage). It was thought that the cup of Sehanine was a symbol of divine approval of the person who held it as Coronal or Steward. Because of this, Several coups throughout Myon's history would be made to steal the Silver Chalice and claim the divine right to rule the elven nation.

[07 AR] The Second King
After King Elren Ramnister left, Vestool Moonarrow would take up the reigns of rule. Vestool was chosen not just for his leadership, but also because he had married Elren's sister, Camiwneg. This appointment was to ensure the royal family of Evermeet stayed in control of Myth Myon as it was originally an Evermeet settlement. This refounding of the city firmly established Evermeet ties.

[19 AR] Vestool Moonarrow steps down as Steward of Myon. The third to rule as a proxy for the Evermeet's royal family, serving as Steward of Myon, was Lord Rarylduil Siannodel. The end of Lord Rarylduil Siannodel's rule came about due to a greater desire by the kindred of Myon to have independence from Evermeet's rule. Wren Geltafer would succeed Lord Rarylduil as Steward of Myon and establish an independent rule outside of Evermeet influence.

[20 AR] *Wren Elraiendel and her consort Trintiren succeed as the Elven Sovereigns of Myon after Forlindel. The former Steward of Myon will remain as a member of the Council for some more time, contesting the power and influence of Wren and Trintiren. Wren Elraiendel and Trintiren Elraiendel would go on to establish the first official government of Myon outside of Evermeet influence. This established government would use an electoral voting system that is still used in modern day Myon. (Establishment of IG election mechanic. Before this time, there was no established government mechanical system that allowed people to vote. Establishment of Coronals would be done via DM event before now. This would soon be implemented into other settlements like Cordor in 22 AR when Vetinari took over and the tri-councilor system was put in.)

[20 AR] Corruption of Coronal Trintiren Elraiendel:
The Blue Dragon Grix prays upon the King of Myon's worry, fear, and paranoia for the safety of his people against the Drow with an offer of power. Accepting the offer, the Myon Coronal sees himself slowly turned into a winged half-dragon disciple of Grix. While the pact did make Myon's leader powerful, it also witnessed his corruption to Evil towards non-elves over the course of his rule. Eventually, Myon's King would leave the island to a fate unknown.

[25 AR] Sword of One Thousand Souls:
Another of dwarven smith Xantor Stromgate weapons, was a katana used to trap the souls of powerful demons, devils and other evils so they could not be reborn and plague the Prime Material Plane again. Over time the blade became stained with the blood of those it had slain. And began to glow a deep, dark red. The blade, though made of simple bronze, turned as black as onyx. Just holding the blade would bring a shock. Not only did the edge never dull, it became sharper and would drain the very soul from its victim. So vile did the blade become that the King of Myon at the time, Trintiren Elraiendel, ordered the blade sealed within the Kingsd Vault of Myon itself.

[28 AR] Brogendenstein - Myon War:
Brogendenstein declares war on Myon over a diplomatic incident. The war will last half a year, without any blood being spilled.

[35 AR] Reformation of the Myon Army Corp known as The Vela'lateu or "The Blades of the Crescent Moon".

[38 AR] Xanatos' is exiled from Myon after trying to murder Daedin Angthalion for replacing him as Commander of the Vela'lateu.

[40 AR] Myon & Benwick - Minmir War:
Myon forces joined with an army from Benwick to attack the Church of Bane in Minmir. The Alliance of Elves and Knights will suffer high casualties and defeat.

The reason for this conflict and its outcome have been lost to time.

[50 AR] Elven rangers discover new paths into the Shadow Woods of the eastern forest. (New server areas added)

[60 AR] Mae'lee is appointed as Steward of Myon during the Elraiendel reign.

[65 AR] Princess Esta'rithrilla Elraiendel serves as Steward of Myon for a brief time in place of her parents. Sylwyn Gallyn also serves as Steward of Myon in Trintiren's absence.

[68 AR] Airk Dar'Danowin also serves as Steward of Myon during Trintiren's absence.

[69 AR] The Priestess' Revolt
High Priestess Mae'lee and the previous Steward of Myon attempt a coup to steal the Silver Chalice (Cup of Sehanine) in order to gain Regency over Myth Myon. This time period was extremely restless for Myon as Queen Wren Elraiendel was often too bedridden and sick to serve, while King Trintiren was absent on other business. This coup fails.

[69 AR] After many decades of rule, the Elraiendel's reign began to decline. The reason for this was blamed on what was perceived as selectiveness in whom Trintiren showed favor. He would often choose Dark Avengers of the Black Archer as his elite knights and warriors. This, coupled with a general great absence of many of The People at this time, is what led to a large vacuum of power being created in Myth Myon.

[70 AR] A Knight of Revolution
An ambitious knight and high priest of Solonor Thelandira successfully wrestled the title of King from the Elraiendel family. King Carebril is noted to be an Absent Lord and described as an easily angered, petty man. Carebril deposes most of the previous appointments made by Wren and Trintiren due to deep-set grudges held against them. Carebril goes on to cause problems for Myon due to having a war-mongering attitude. Carebril often would take long trips to Evereska on the mainland and disappear for months on end. Because of the times he would travel to the mainland, King Carebril appointed three regents to rule in his stead. His three regents were Sirin Amalin "Friend of the Forest"; Azurra Sel'ky'a and Sir Alladon Beryl.

[71 AR] The First Banite War / The Second Mistican War:
A skirmish between Myon and Wharftown forces resulted in a full-scale war between Wharftown, which was under Banite control, and Cordor. Ser Ubaldo Ferraz of The Knights of the Road, while aiding the Forsworn, was killed during an engagement near Guldorand by Dredoc Khraa.

[73 AR] The elven Cav'raj Ameldior is elected as Coranal of Myon and rules until 76 AR.

[76 AR] The Lady Ari'anna Corbael is elected as Queen of Myon, reigning untill 98 AR. Queen Ari'anna would have one of the longest reigns besides the Elraiendel family. Queen Ari'anna was a favored of Corellon and was the last monarch of Myth Myon to go by any royal title or Steward. Regents after Queen Ari'anna would take on the name Coronal as Myon began to move even more away from the tradition of Evermeet influence.

[115 AR] The First Great War:
War is declared when a former Wharftown official flees to Guldorand with the town’s treasury. This conflict draws Cordor, Sencliff, Myon, Minmir, and Sibayad into the struggle as treaties of alliance between settlements are called upon.

[118 AR] Armistice:
The First Great War comes to an end as the city-states involved meet at the Myart Shrine to finalize a peace treaty.

[137 AR] Elven Discord:
Myon, under Coronal Zathlan Fen’ar, ends their settlement's alliance with Brogendenstein over their allowance of labor as punishment for a captured kobold.

[148 AR] The Second Great War
Tensions between the settlements and several minor skirmishes across the island culminated in a Brogendenstein led ambush, under Kuldarn Gotriik of clan Vintergard, against a Cordor & Banite joint Drow hunting force at the Nexus Falls Portal. The allied host was soundly defeated in the surprise attack, with Chancellor Emily Azuretide and Vice-Chancellor Rick Snyder of Cordor falling in the engagement. War was officially declared after the battle by Cordor Chancellor Emily Azuretide and Coronal Vaylani Moontear of Myon against the newly signed Axehold Accord members of Guldorand, the Arcane Tower Conclave, Sencliff, and the Dominion of Brogendenstein on 25 Nightall, 148 AR. Minmir would unofficially join the conflict on Cordor's side. However, King Edward of Cordor would intervene on the 5th of Hammer, 149 AR by calling for an end to hostilities. An armistice would be signed on the 18th of Ches, 149 AR, with the Arcane Tower issuing a formal apology for their part in the conflict and Myon ceding the territory from the dam in the Nexus Falls to the Thousand Stairs to Brogendenstein. Reasons for the conflict are debated by both sides, with justifications ranging from territorial border claims and personal vendettas to Instigating settlement insurrections.

[159 AR] The Battle of Minmir Falls:
A large Underdark Warband led by "The Witch of Lies" Sydney Harrow engaged a Surface force led by Myon’s Coronal Anaria Liamytholen in the high grounds around the Nexus Falls portal. The battle ended in a victory for the Underdark Warband, which withdrew to Treadstone after with many prisoners, including Myon’s Coronal and Lord Zathlan Fen'ar.

[170 AR] The Deep Wells:
The Deep Wells Beneath the Fortress City of Guldorand, under the dictate of Myon, open to the adventures of Arelith. (New Area/Feature added to Server)

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Re: Placeholder

Post by Edens_Fall » Mon Jan 10, 2022 3:33 am


[84 AR] Sailing explorations discover new routes and isles in the Archipelago. Sencliff is discovered. (New areas added to Server)

[86 AR] The Sencliff Institute:
A cabal of various infamous individuals formed with the purpose of colonizing and subjugating the local populace of Sencliff around 86 AR. Most infamous among them was Archmalefactrix Jel, who would become Lord Governess of Guldorand and leader of Sencliff. This faction would eventually annex Benwick as a vassal city before leading the settlement to ultimate destruction in 88 AR.

The organization would also collaborate with the renowned monk Amadeo Pnuema in the creation of the Astrolabe in 89 AR.

[90 AR] High Lord of Sencliff:
Captain Jovanni ‘Joron’ di Dolcemarea of the Liberator and High Priest of Umberlee ruled Sencliff as High Lord until his death in Guldorand 94 AR.

[103 AR] Dutchy of Sencliff:
Duchess Ann I of House Thrule reigns over Sencliff after leaving Andunor, bringing the small isle onto the political stage of Arelith.

[115 AR] The First Great War:
War is declared when a former Wharftown official flees to Guldorand with the town’s treasury. This conflict draws Cordor, Sencliff, Myon, Minmir, and Sibayad into the struggle as treaties of alliance between settlements are called upon.

[117 AR] The Second Dominion:
Rosenkranz III declares the official formation of "The Second Dominion". A new empire that includes the Emirate of Sibayad, Minmir, and the Duchy of Sencliff.

[118 AR] Armistice:
The First Great War comes to an end as the city-states involved meet at the Myart Shrine to finalize a peace treaty."

[123 AR] Dissolution:
The Second Dominion Disbands when Rosenkranz III and his closest followers leave the island of Arelith.

[123 AR] Duchess Ann I of House Thrule was soon persuaded, after the Dominions dissolution, to relocate and serve as the Captain of Cordor’s city guard. Eventually, she would leave the island of Arelith altogether and return to her place of birth.

[125 AR] Duchess Arianne de Fleur:
Former Captain and leader of the Hellebore company, Arianne de Fleur, ousts the then owner of the Sencliff Estate and claims the title of Duchess, becoming the island's new matriarch.

[127 AR] Duchess Sarina Dragonsong:
Seeking to retire to the mainland, Duchess Arianne de Fleur sells her holdings in Sencliff to Sydney Harrow who then installs Sarina Dragonsong as Duchess to rule as her proxy.

[124 AR] The Sencliff Estate:
With the retirement of Duchess Sarina Dragonsong, Sydney Harrow took active control of Sencliff. Under her leadership, Sencliff as a Dutchy ends and instead the "Sencliff Estate" was formed with the goal of restoring the small islands' criminal past of piracy.

[139 AR] A large influx of immigrants see's the island of Sencliff expand with many new changes. (Major redesign of the island)

[139 AR] End of the Sencliff Estate:
Sydney Harrow departed Sencliff to facilitate the establishment of "The Erudite Arcanum" in Andunor. With her departure the isle of pirate’s loses any structure of leadership and devolves into small sip crews ever vying for power.

[144 AR] Angie "The Carver" Yonner sets up in Sencliff, controlling the island’s slave trade. (NPC Slave Master added to the island)

[148 AR] The Second Great War
Tensions between the settlements and several minor skirmishes across the island culminated in a Brogendenstein led ambush, under Kuldarn Gotriik of clan Vintergard, against a Cordor & Banite joint Drow hunting force at the Nexus Falls Portal. The allied host was soundly defeated in the surprise attack, with Chancellor Emily Azuretide and Vice-Chancellor Rick Snyder of Cordor falling in the engagement. War was officially declared after the battle by Cordor Chancellor Emily Azuretide and Coronal Vaylani Moontear of Myon against the newly signed Axehold Accord members of Guldorand, the Arcane Tower Conclave, Sencliff, and the Dominion of Brogendenstein on 25 Nightall, 148 AR. Minmir would unofficially join the conflict on Cordor's side. However, King Edward of Cordor would intervene on the 5th of Hammer, 149 AR by calling for an end to hostilities. An armistice would be signed on the 18th of Ches, 149 AR, with the Arcane Tower issuing a formal apology for their part in the conflict and Myon ceding the territory from the dam in the Nexus Falls to the Thousand Stairs to Brogendenstein. Reasons for the conflict are debated by both sides, with justifications ranging from territorial border claims and personal vendettas to Instigating settlement insurrections.

[152 AR] Tales of Sencliff:
(Update added storage vaults and new dungeons)

[152 AR] Struggle for Sencliff (Fourth Sharran War)
Drossaico, a pirate with a distinct vision, proposed comprehensive reforms within a new Charter for the Isle of Sencliff circa 152 AR. His proposal aimed at abolishing slavery, ending alliances with the Underdark, and curbing violence among pirates by establishing a ruling council of Dread Captains to oversee The Cliff. His efforts encountered resistance from "The Pirate's Union," a disparate assembly of captains and unsavory allies adhering to loose governing rules. His endeavors eventually yielded results, causing the Pirate's Union and its Sharran accomplices to relinquish dominance and gradually fade into obscurity. However, in the year 163 AR, a crew led by Captain Jackie emerged on Sencliff, supported by the Church of All-Shadow and the drow House Dro'Vaalvaz. This fresh crew harbored a lofty ambition - to resurrect the bygone era and reinstate the Pirate's Union and its values. News quickly circulated about the Sencliff situation, prompting the mobilization of surface forces, a typical response to such events. A brutal campaign unfolded as opposing sides sought to impose their agendas on the island of free people. Ultimately, the conflict would grind into an unresolved stalemate, with neither being able to truly control the isle.

[174 AR] The Great Reform:
A revitalization of Sencliff thanks to an unidentified investor funding the reconstruction of the island's many facilities. With these improvements, a new heavy warship can now be moored at Sencliff's docks to rival the flagship of any current major settlement. Along with this change came the abolishment of Angie "The Carver" Yonner's slave trade, construction of a modern bank with vaults, additional shops, and a direct ferry from the atoll to the Free Port of Guldorand's Fortress City. Several large barracks are built to house the island's crews and great strides in naval technology spur a new pirate renaissance for Sencliff. (Massive updates to Sencliff and the Servers Sailing systems)

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Re: Placeholder

Post by Edens_Fall » Mon Jan 10, 2022 3:34 am

Shadow Plane

[115 AR] The Shadow Plane develops its influence on the material plane, forming many more doorways into its dark realm. (New Area/Feature added to Server)

[117 AR] The Guild of Assassins opens its doors in the Shadow Plane’s echo of Cordor. (New Area/Feature added to Server)

[155 AR] Shadovar Trade Post:
The Shadovar people create a neutral Trade Post in an effort to draw customers to their domain. (No PvP Shadovar Trade Post is added to Server)

[159 AR] The Insanity Engine (Fourth Sharran War)
The Church of All-Shadow, in collaboration with the Erudite Arcanum of Andunor, embarks on experiments utilizing the Shadow Asylum's Insanity Engine. This initiative was led by Maalafess "Keph" Enkephalon, Pontiff Ya'iil, Aurin Guirain, and Mauve Lusieri. The intention was to develop a new torture device and induce nightmares across Arelith. Upon learning of this, the Helmites organized an assault against the Shadow Asylum with their allies to thwart the experiment. However, they inadvertently fell into a carefully laid trap and suffered significant losses in the ensuing confrontation. Over time, the Church of All-Shadow crafted a duplicate of the Insanity Engine, a device designed to materialize an individual's profound fears, nightmares, anxieties, and paranoias. This served as a torture device utilized by the cult in their activities across Arelith.

[168 AR] Shadow Wharftown: Third Iteration (Fourth Sharran War)
Sudden changes within the Shadow plane's version of Wharftown see the third iteration of the fishing village's famous destruction. Several groups, including the Church of All-Shadow and the Erudite Arcanum, attempt to interfere with the outcome, resulting in a devastating metamorphosis of the shadow village's form.

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Post by Edens_Fall » Mon Jan 10, 2022 3:34 am


[23 BR] Foundation of Zanishibon:
An evil settlement in the deserted isle of Sibayad, ruled by abyssal acolytes in opposition to the Baatorian controled Stonehold.

[10 BR] Fall of Zanishibon:
The settlement of Zanishibon is dragged into the 363rd layer of the Abyss by a terrifying dark ritual of massive teleportation, performed by the abyssal arcanists inhabitants. Due to the strength of the magics involved, what ruins remain and the sands surrounding them become a confusing maze for travelers. The area later being know by locals as "The Lost Desert".

[110 AR] The speedy messenger service establishes a Representative in Sibayad. (New Area/Feature added to Server)

[115 AR] The First Great War:
War is declared when a former Wharftown official flees to Guldorand with the town’s treasury. This conflict draws Cordor, Sencliff, Myon, Minmir, and Sibayad into the struggle as treaties of alliance between settlements are called upon.

[117 AR] The Second Dominion:
Rosenkranz III declares the official formation of "The Second Dominion". A new empire that includes the Emirate of Sibayad, Minmir, and the Duchy of Sencliff.

[118 AR] Armistice:
The First Great War comes to an end as the city-states involved meet at the Myart Shrine to finalize a peace treaty.

[122 AR] The slave guild establishes an outpost in Sibayad. (New Area/Feature added to Server)

[123 AR] Dissolution:
The Second Dominion Disbands when Rosenkranz III and his closest followers leave the island of Arelith.

[140 AR] The Manzil:
Construction of the Manzil is completed, bringing extravagant homes to the town. (New Area/Feature added to Server)

[142 AR] The Merchant League:
The Merchant League is established in Sibayad, opening their doors to visiting adventures. (New Area/Feature added to Server)

[142 AR] Tomb of the Three Kings:
Local scholars uncover three great tombs in the Canyon of Lost Kings, opening them up for exploration. (New Area/Feature added to Server)

[153 AR] The Sandstorm Syndicate:
Zaravella established the "Sandstorm Syndicate" in the desert town of Sibayad. The faction is based out of the Garden of Respite with the goal of maintaining order in the desert town. They involve themselves in espionage and trade, while trying to maintain a natural posture with both the surface and Underdark to various degrees of success.

[155 AR] After two years of operation, the group known as the Sandstorm Syndicate fades into shadow. The reason for the group's dissolution lost to time.

[159 AR] The Articles of Union: (Fourth Sharran War)
Establishing a manor in Sibayad, the von Brandt family moves to consolidate the town's trade and identity. After conducting a census and establishing a militia for the town, they introduce "The Articles of Union" which is voted on by all property holders. This agreement, which passed by popular vote, transforms Sibayad into a semi-functioning settlement under their control.

[160 AR] Brandt Charter: (Fourth Sharran War)
The von Brandt's "Articles of Union" attracted the attention of the Merchant League and their representative, Talmar. After negotiations the von Brandt's agreed to relinquish efforts at direct control of the town in exchange for status as a Merchant House of Sibayad. Supplementary bargains are made for improvements to the town’s market and the addition of new placards clarifying the town's laws.

[161 AR] Curse of the Vampire:
The town of Sibayad found itself the target of a child vampire by the name of Elizabeth who had taken to assaulting random citizens each night in a search for her "mother". Through persuasion, Emilia Sabine von Brandt was able to convince the undead child she was the creature’s mother and provided her a safe home to lair while they investigated Elizabeth's origins.

[161 AR] Battle for Sibayad: (Fourth Sharran War)
Various forces were marshaled against Sibayad after the death of one Laecca Vemc. Her death at the hand of assassins was believed to be ordered by the von Brandt family in retaliation for Vemc’s attack on Garinox Isley, an Andunor Necromancer, within the town of Sibayad. This led to a series of pitched battles and ambushes in the Sibayad’s market and bathhouse against the Brandt family and their supporters.

[161 AR] Death of a Matriarch: (Fourth Sharran War)
After gathering volunteers from the local population of Sibayad, the von Brandt family attempted to resolve the curse of the Vampire Elizabeth by aiding the child in confronting her estranged father. However, their band was intercepted by a large group led by one Vance Gravelle. In the battle that followed, the Sibayad force suffered a major defeat and the family’s Matron Emilia was slain along with the child vampire Elizabeth.

[162 AR] Fall of House von Brandt: (Fourth Sharran War)
With the loss of their matriarch and pressure from outside forces, the Merchant House von Brandt slid into a steady decline. Within a year nothing of their noble line remained. Its various members either scattering or leaving the island completely.

[164 AR] The Alluring Lily:
Opening in Sibayad, the Alluring Lily serves as a meeting place, guest house, tea room, and gambling den. Managed by the courtesan Naseelah Sai Nair and her staff, it served as the town's social club until its closure in 165 AR.

[165 AR] Sibayad Occupation (Fourth Sharran War)
The mercenary organization known as the Blackwyrm Company, backed by the Church of All-Shadow and led by Tarrick Armand, emerged as a formidable presence in Sibayad around 165 AR. Details of their activities during this period are scarce, but subsequent events strongly suggest that their endeavors to seize control of the town ultimately proved unsuccessful.

[167 AR] Second Sibayad Occupation (Fourth Sharran War)
The Black Host, a breakaway group from the regional Church of Bane faith in Minmir, made its way to Arelith through Skal in 167 AR and endeavored to establish their presence in Sibayad. Suspected of receiving support from the Church of All-Shadow, the forces of Darrowdeep Castle, alongside others, engaged in a brief yet ruthless conflict against their occupation. This campaign ultimately led to their expulsion from Sibayad, forcing them to retreat into the depths of the Underdark. Taking refuge in the Sharps District of Andunor, The Black Host continued supporting the Void Cult until gradually disappearing from historical accounts after 169 AR.

[169 AR] The Merchant League’s builders complete an intensive reconstruction of the town's open market. Adding more shops and installing new obelisks to present the town’s laws. (New Area/Feature added to Server)

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Re: Placeholder

Post by Edens_Fall » Mon Jan 10, 2022 3:34 am


[140 AR] A Warband led by Dreadlord Bisik Willows sails to Skal and takes control of the isle. His forces occupy the frozen village for six months before being driven off Skal by a Mercenary company hired by the township.

[152 AR] Tunnels connected to the Underdark are discovered. (New Area/Feature added to Server)

[160 AR] The Kaird Alastair of Castle Dunmarle:
From the restored Castle of Dunmarle The Kaird Alastair, backed by a large force of mercenaries, establishes his presence in the frozen island of Skal. (New Area/Feature added to Server)

[178 AR] The Looming Shadow That Was (Month 3)
The vile Victoria Helbrecht and her wicked husband, Andras, arrived on Skaljard circa 177 AR, Month 11 and began taking control over the small town while facilitating pacting to Orcus. Over the coming months, Victoria would build a large following and make regular sojourns to the crypts of Dun Marle, where she bathed the mummified remains of the first Laird in the essence of Thanatos. Once the remains had been adequately prepared, she led her fellow cultists in bringing the heart to the surface, where they raised the Laird under Victoria's command and ordered him to destroy Skaljard.

In Skaljard, adventurers were caught unawares as they sat in merriment around the village's central campfire. The first wave of the Laird's forces assaulted the village, resulting in a massive battle as legions of the undead poured from the mountains into the town. Wave after wave of skeletons, zombies, flesh abominations, and skeletal giants came in the scores until, finally, the village defenders managed to repel the assault.

Gaining the advantage, the village defenders pushed outward to follow the hoards of undead toward their origin at the cultist's ritual site. Once the adventurers found the cultists, Victoria destroyed the Laird's vessel in a final effort to curse the land. Soon after, a skirmish ensued, and the cultists were overwhelmed and fled the island of Skal. Meanwhile, the adventurers managed to create a new vessel and purify the Laird's remains, returning him to rest once more.

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Re: Placeholder

Post by Edens_Fall » Mon Jan 10, 2022 3:35 am



[23 BR] Foundation of Stonehold:
Morghun the Black founded Stonehold as a fortress for Baator and his infernal allies, becoming its first ruler.

[20 BE] Dra'Klaw Emberblaze succeeds Morghun the Black as the second ruler of Stonehold.

[14 BR] Benwick - Stonehold War:
Benwick fights against the Dragon Cult located within Stonehold. During the war, a rift was created between the followers of Queen Xyndral and the followers of Duke Darius Tristam, culminating in the leaving of Darius and all his followers to Kohlingen. The War takes place sometime between 15 BR and 10 BR.

[01 AR] Banite's Stonehold Takeover:
Among those swallowed by the Great Rift was count Dra'Klaw Emberblaze, creating a power vacuum in Stonehold. This situation was seized upon by Daller Mange who claimed the citadel for the Banites and proclaimed himself as the First Dreadmaster.

[02 AR] Cordor - Stonehold War:
Cordor declares war against Stonehold. Within a year later, Benwick joins the hostilities against the Banites. The reason for the conflict was lost to time.

[03 AR] Benwick - Stonehold War:
After a year of conflict, Benwick joins Cordor in the war against the Banite Stonehold.

[11 AR] Ryan Valtheran deposes and exiles Daller Mange, becoming the second Dreadmaster of Stonehold.

[12 AR] Cordor - Stonehold War:
An Army led by the Cordorian Aristotlus marches against Ryan Valtheran, the Dreadmaster of Stonehold. The reason for the conflict was lost to time.

[13 AR] The Battle for Bendir:
The hin village is brutally attacked by a Banite force from Stonehold under the command of Dreadmaster Ryan Valtheran. When runners are sent for aid, it arrives in the form of a small dwarven army led by the Thane Belrun. This alone is not enough to counter the Banite army and Bendir suffers a crippling defeat. The hin settlement is pillaged and numerous halflings are taken as slaves.

[13 AR] The Destruction of Stonehold:
After the brutal attack on Bendir, Benwick mustered a large army under the command of Queen Xyndral’s husband, the Praetorian Grandmaster Severian. Along with Councilman Duty the gathering marched against the Stronghold. Knowing the Banites employed large numbers of Devils in their ranks, the Benwick clerics called upon the heavens for aid and a host of celestials descended. Together the army of mortals and gods assaulted the Bane Fortress. Though gravely wounded, Praetorian Severian defeated the infernal army of Dreadmaster Ryan Valtheran and his Drow Mistress, bringing the Stonehold to ruin. After its destruction, what Banite forces remaining retreat into exile.

Praetorian Grandmaster Severian would later die from the wounds suffered.

[26 AR] The "Stained Paw" Gnoll tribe takes up camp outside of Old Stonehold

[40 AR] The elven Commander Daedin Angthalion and Airk Dar’danowin die fighting the Drow near the Stonehold Ruins.

[50 AR] The activity of Dark Cults is confirmed in the ruins of old Stonehold.

[141 AR] Stonehold's connecting tunnel into the Underdark collapses from instability, sealing off the once commonly used path.

[174 AR] Return to Stonehold:
Herbert the Gatekeeper Plot (Redacted until involved PC's are no longer Active)

STONEHOLD (Skull Craigs)

[18 AR] The Stonehold Reform:
Dreadmaster Ryan Valtheran, with the remnant Banite forces, retreated to the Skull Crags after the terrible defeat in the battle of Stonehold. Here they constructed a new Second Stonehold atop Mount Valtheran in the Skull Craigs using the halflings slaves taken from Bendir. Upon completion of the new structure the slaves were ordered to dig a great pit, in which they were thrown and buried alive by the followers of Bane. A reform to the organization, structure, hierarchy, and laws of the Banite Church would be completely changed as a result of their defeat.
[19 AR] Rizzen Coloana claims the title of Dreadmaster after the mysterious disappearance of Ryan Valtheran.

[21 AR] Rizzen Coloana mysteriously vanishes, and after Stonehold stands leaderless until Lothar the Steelsworn claimed the title of Dreadmaster. The fourth person to hold the position.

[22 AR] Second Stonehold - Cordor War:
Zeer is revived by the Banites of Stonehold, and shortly after Cordor is set aflame in a surprise attack. Stonehold forces would then begin a search for the orb of creation, but the relic is destroyed by the Beetroots Kobolds.

[25 AR] Lothar the Steelsworn is banished and Tarok claims the title to become the fifth Dreadmaster.

[36 AR] The Destroyer’s Coup:
Tzila ascends to Dreadmistress of Stonehold, and becomes the sixth to hold the title, with the support of the Talossians. Shortly after the followers of the Storm Lord stage a coup, pushing the Banites out and claiming the Fortress for themselves. Dreadmistress Tzila and her supporters relocate to the temple of Bane constructed in Minmir by 40 AR. (New Dungeon added to Server)
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Re: Placeholder

Post by Edens_Fall » Mon Jan 10, 2022 3:35 am

Tungsten Turret

[134 AR] The Tungstun Turret:
An ambitious gnome completes construction of the "Tungstun Turret", providing a new enclave for tiny inventors everywhere. (New Area/Feature added to Server)

[158 AR] The human Revyn Pelaios becomes administrator of the Turret, and Piosi takes the position as assistant administrator. He continued a previous administrator’s passion of creating, filling the turret with inventions until his death in 161 AR.

[161 AR] Administrator Revyn Pelaios was revealed to be a pacted warlock of Elmoran, a servant of Levistus, and working secretly to break his soul contract by performing three terrible tasks for his patron. In the end however, he chose to challenge his Patron to a duel to secure his soul and lost at the cost of his life.

[161 AR] Soippiosinnieszu Clibetyaddae'trûno takes over as Administrator.
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Re: Placeholder

Post by Edens_Fall » Mon Jan 10, 2022 3:35 am


[10 BR] Foundation of Wharftown:
The fishing village of Wharftown is founded by refugees under the leadership of Cordor’s First Knight Lenore

[10 AR] Aristotlus Bibliophilius V, leaves the Cordor to become mayor of Wharftown.

[10 AR] The Waymen of Wharftown:
The Waymen of Wharftown are established as the settlement's guard force by Aristotlus Bibliophilus and Rune Degrem.

[15 AR] The Death of Aristotlus Bibliophilius:
Aristotlus Bibliophilius V, passes away after serving as Mayor of Wharftown.

[30 AR] The bandits known as the Wharftown Boys expand their Hideout along the Bitter Coast. (New server dungeon added)

[35 AR] Urblexis Grond-Wharftown War:
Skeflock, The Tyrant of Urblexis Grond, sends an army against Wharftown. Bendir’s Captain Biad launches a counterattack which forces the svirfneblin army to retreat.

[40 AR] Lucard Cousland is elected mayor, who then appoints Chess Mae'ryn as the Waymen Commander.

[40 AR] The Thayan, Ayin Mesmer, wins the next election and becomes Mayor of the fishing village.

[41 AR] Massacre of Wharftown:
The "Wharftown Liberation Movement" led by Herial Ghalen, Magil Mahr, and Kathele Se'Lhane launched a bloody purge against Wharftown’s Thayan influence, killing the Red Wizard Ayin and almost every male defender in the town. After the carnage, the settlement's guard remained mostly female under the village's new Anti-Thayan leadership.

[41 AR] After the massacre which marked the end of Thayan control over Wharftown, Jheramaine Naethandreil is elected the new mayoress.

[42 AR] Minmir & Wharftown Treaty:
A treaty of neutrality and mutual military aid is signed between Wharftown’s Mayor Jheramaine Naethandreil and the Temple of Bane’s Dreadmaster Gorgath Deathcrush.

[50 AR] Cordor - Wharftown War:
Another war is declared between the settlements of Cordor and Wharftown. The reason and results are now lost to time.

[50 AR] The Clown:
A Cyricist caster known simply as "The Clown" campaigned for mayorship against the Paladin Zamiel, winning support from the Banites, Abyssals and Velsharrans by promising to remove those exiles loyal to these factions.

[50 AR] The paladin Zamiel Rythos is elected Mayor of Wharftown.

[57 AR] Myon, Bendir, Brogendenstein, & Light Keep - Wharftown War:

As result of Caster's mayorship, Myon, Bendir, Lightkeep, and Brogdestein declared war on Wharftown. Mayor Caster then stepped down as a Banite mayor was elected. A peace treaty is signed, leaving Wharftown as a vassal under Myon. Sometime later, the Church of Bane was able to break the vassalage.

[69 AR] The Wharftown Clash:
During the mayorship of Valorie Slades Infernal followers, who at the time controlled the Arcane Tower, attempted to subjugate the fishing village with a massive assault. During the onset of this battle the Tower’s tiefling Archmage Houndgot was captured by Sando Saikoro of the Sea Leopard. As the engagement continued, Abyssal reinforcements from the Black Citadel assailed the flanks of the besieging Infernal army and routed the enemy. This timely intervention saved Wharftown and caused a great many casualties among the Arcane Tower’s forces.

[71 AR] The First Banite War / The Second Mistican War:
A skirmish between Myon and Wharftown forces resulted in a full-scale war between Wharftown, which was under Banite control, and Cordor. Ser Ubaldo Ferraz of The Knights of the Road, while aiding the Forsworn, was killed during an engagement near Guldorand by Dredoc Khraa.

[86 AR] A Banite faction under the leadership of Ramirez MacLeoud controls Wharftown with the settlement of Bendir Dale as Vassal.

[98 AR] The Dominion:
The Guldorand Mayor Gil'thilak, The Wharftown Mayor Khayal Khamsin, and Bendir’s Mayor Elanor form a coalition known as the Dominion. This partnership would last less than a year.

[111 AR] Coastal Fortifications:
Wharftown undergoes reconstruction to include the construction of coastal defense fortifications that allow shore batteries to fire on approaching sea vessels. (New Area/Feature added to Server)

[115 AR] The First Great War:
War is declared when a former Wharftown official flees to Guldorand with the town’s treasury. This conflict draws Cordor, Sencliff, Myon, Minmir, and Sibayad into the struggle as treaties of alliance between settlements are called upon.

[117 AR] Rosenkranz III is elected Mayor of Wharftown through a campaign of violence and intimidation.

[117 AR] The Second Dominion:
Rosenkranz III declares the official formation of "The Second Dominion". A new empire that includes the Emirate of Sibayad, Minmir, and the Duchy of Sencliff.

[117 AR] Setting An Example:

After the assault on a Dominion legionnaire by the blue wyrm Zeshyrr'kalik'straza, Rosenkranz III led his army to Andunor where they crucified the High Priest of the offending faction.

[118 AR] Armistice:
The First Great War comes to an end as the city-states involved meet at the Myart Shrine to finalize a peace treaty.

[123 AR] Dissolution:
The Second Dominion Disbands when Rosenkranz III and his closest followers leave the island of Arelith.

[129 AR] Armenius Caedare is elected Mayor of Wharftown on a platform of transforming the town into a neutral port for both Underdarkers and Surfacer races.

[129 AR] Wharftown Sacked:
The small village is sacked several times by raiding forces from Andunor

[129 AR] Fleet of Three:
A pirate armada under the black orc Urelesh docks in Wharftown, cutting a deal with Mayor Caedare for protection to the great concern of the other settlements.

[129 AR] Wharftown Declares War:
Wharftown declares war on Cordor and attempts to besiege the city, which ultimately fails.

[130 AR] The Final Year:
As the conflict increases in scale and bloodshed, a final attempt at peace with Wharftown is attempted. It ends with a vase filled with the ashes of Cordor’s dead being sent to King Edward. With little choice, the King of Cordor reaches out to Amn for aid. An Expeditionary Fleet is dispatched to Arelith to quell the conflict.

[130 AR] Destruction of Wharftown:
With a final offer to surrender and become a vassal to Cordor refused, the Amn Expeditionary Fleet bombards Wharftown. The fishing village is leveled and the Amn Admiral orders it to remain abandoned, serving as an example to the rest of the island.

Last edited by Edens_Fall on Mon Apr 29, 2024 9:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Placeholder

Post by Edens_Fall » Mon Jan 10, 2022 3:36 am


[Antiquity] The Mind Flyers of Izlude's Torment are hegemonic in the Arelith, ruling a large subterranean kingdom in the deepest part of the Lowerdark.

[Antiquity] The Shadow Dragon Mllikiek'zztts was recorded to have ruled over a city of splendors in the Lowerdark. The city would grow decadent and cancerous as her enemies grew in power and wormed their way into positions of influence. The dragon was ultimately betrayed from within. The conflict destroyed the city, seeing the Dragon banished and her remaining loyalists fleeing into the plane of shadow.

[Antiquity]House Freth and House Claddath are exiled from Udos Dro’xun and declared renegade. The two Houses establish their new holdings below the ruins of Tollidor in the singular regional ingress point to a major juncture of various caverns in the Lowerdark, known locally as "the Vault."

[Antiquity] Hundreds of years before its discovery by Urblexis Grond, the Liches Jhaerem and Mohrk would spend half a millennium playing "Blue Orbs" in the area known as the Bonefields. In this game, two blue orbs were placed at opposite ends of a giant cavern to be fought over by undead armies. The magics in the orbs compelling the dead to defend them. While now just a barren field of bones, the Blue Orbs have dimmed over time to be nearly harmless. The pair eventually grew tired of this and relocated to the deep Lowerdark beneath the Vault for unknown reasons. However before leaving they built the Obsidian Asylum, a sadistic puzzle housing forbidden secrets to tempt the brave and desperate. A parting gift from a pair known to enjoy such sadist games.

[420 BR] The town of Tollidor is brutally assaulted by the Mind Flayers of Izlude's Torment. The Flayers rupture the earth below the town using Umber Hulks, collapsing the settlement and all of its inhabitants into the Underdark, where its population is enslaved.


[10 BR] Foundation of Udos:
Dro’Xun Lithana Elg'Carin establishes and rules Udos Dro'xun as the Il'haress of House Elg'Carin Quellar.

[05 AR] Destruction of Cordor Library:
Drow agents from House Claddath set fire to the Cordor Library during a raid. Aristotlus Bibliophilius leads a counter raid that ends at the gates of Udos Dro'Xun.

[10 AR] Chath Z'ress ascends to Matron of the First House and leader of the Drow.

[16 AR] Shairin Dria'fiend, matron mother of house Dria'fiend. manages to destroy all rival houses and merge her house with house Elg'Carin to rule Udos Dro'Xun.

[25 AR] Jahn'lara of House V'raevir ascended to the position of First Matron with the assassination of Fluxsin. Under her leadership an event known as "The Rippers" took place. Sometime later, House V'raevir would be absorbed by House Dy'nin and Phyr'lene Dy'nin would become First Matron.

[30 AR] Oblodra Dra'Kaa rose to the position of Il'haress of the Quellar Dra'Kaa.

[33 AR] Oblodra Drak'aa ascends to become Matron of House Drak'aa.

[33 AR] The Dark Bazaar:
A great trade fair was held in the city of Udos Dro’Xun by the Urblexis Trade Guild.

[33 AR] Obsidian Asylum:
The secrets of the Obsidian Asylum are uncovered with the location's discovery.

[35 AR] The Z'Kath:
Ami'anthrade set herself up as Il’lharess of a new Qu'ellar, a council of Matron Mothers in the order of their House, which she named Z'Kath.

[39 AR] Mllikiek'zztts' Revenge:
The Shadow Dragon, disguised as the gnome Zedeln, aids a traitorous Drow in building a golem army to destroy the Lloth controlled city of Udos Dro'Xun and install a Sorcery led government. However the plot is under-covered by the Urblexis Grond Tyrant Skeflock. Working together with the First Ilharess Ulath'Taller, the two settlements confront and defeat the threat.

[40 AR] Fadriatta Nillphukiir & La'vel Letanien establish the School of Fine Arts named El'lar d'Ssinssrigg.

[42 AR] Second Grondian War:
The drow matron Oblodra Dra'Kaa declares war against Urblexis Grond after tensions between the two settlements boil over.

[42 AR] As the war progresses with no end in sight, Murag resigns and the kobold Orn Gixi reluctantly comes to power as Tyrant. The war quickly ends with Urblexis’ surrender and vassalage to Udos Dro'Xun.

[43 AE] The First Matron Oblodra Drak'aa becomes absent after locking herself in her manor. House Xymox takes advantage of this situation and resolves the Urblexis Grond rebellion with diplomacy. Qilztra Xymox would then assume the role of First Matron of Udos Dro'Xun.

[43 AR] Rebellion’s End:
Political turmoil within the Drow city of Udos Dro’Xun, mixed with the population's general fatigue over the conflict, leads to an armistice between the Drow Houses and the rebel insurgents. Unfortunately for Urblexis Grond, the agreement did little to change the settlement's subjugation to the Drow, and only managed to end the bloodshed. Afterwards, the rebel leader Satho Cradfoot and close allies were exiled from the settlement for their part in the revolt by the newly elected Svirfneblin Mirdikis.

[46 AR] Oblodra Drak'aa exits her self-imposed exile to challenge First Matron Qilztra Xymox. Qilztra is defeated and Oblodra reclaims her role as the First Matron of Udos Dro'Xun. House Xymox would be hunted to be eradicated.

[47 AR] Conflict breaks out between the Second House of Udos Dro'Xun, Z'kath, and the First Matron Oblodra Drak'aa.

[53 AR] Baator's Second Awakening:
The First Matron of Udos Dro’Xun, Oblodra of House Drak’aa, mobilized a combined force in an attempt to breach the eight scattered gates into Baator. Her plan to forever seal the ways was sabotaged from within by the kobolds Vippin and Orn Gixi who instead desired the gates remain open. The Matron’s attempt ultimately failed as a result.

[56 AR] The Ulath'tallar Nives Zar'Rocc defeats First Matron Oblodra Drak'aa, taking her place as the First Matron of Udos Dro'xun. She renamed House Drak'aa to House Zar'Rocc after her victory.

[61 AR] The Cataclysm:
In a deliberate act of war and prelude to invasion committed by the Elder Mind in control of Izlude's Torment, sited within the Lowerdark "Vault" Mind flayers from the colony launch an enormous psionic attack against the settlements of Urblexis Grond and Udos Dro’xun. Great tremors, the result of the two cities' death, pummel the Underdark, destroying or modifying many under passages and caverns.

After the cataclysm, a large number would return to the ruins of the settlements in an attempt to rebuild their lost empires. (Massive Server change to Underdark Areas)

[76 AR] Pit Town - Udos Dro'Xun War:
Udos Dro’Xun and Pit Town enter into a conflict which results in the fall of the Drow House Zar’Rocc.

[77 AR] First Udos Dro'Xun-Bligstonhold War:
First War between Udos Dro’Xun and Bligstonhold, where the Svirneflin led by Regent Fraya Stensamler managed to use diplomatic maneuvering to end the conflict in an armistice.

[78 AR] Second Udos Dro'Xun-Bligstonhold War:
Second War between Udos Dro’Xun and Bligstonhold, where the Svirneflin led by Regent Fraya Stensamler managed to use diplomatic maneuvering to end the conflict in an armistice."

[95 AR] The Deluge:
In a catastrophic event believed to have been caused by the migration of a large aboleth brood, floodwaters from the deep rise to swallow the Lowerdark. The settlements of Udos Dro’Xun, Urblexis Grond, and Pit Town are submerged. The denizens of the dark scramble up out of the nearing danger to higher ground. The noble House’s Freth and Claddath evacuate The Vault, but not before sealing its entrance to the Deep Lowerdark and trapping the Mind Flayers of Izlude's Torment below to a likely death.

[101 AR] The Great Bombard:
In order to gain leverage in dealing with Andunor, Duergar from the Ice Road Fortress construct a huge cannon capable of destroying the Underdark city. However, when they attempted to use the weapon, it misfires and explodes thus ending the threat.

[126 AR] First Illithid War:
House Freth and Claddath face off against each other in an ever-increasing arms race from their respective Districts. Several small skirmishes break out between their forces as Peacekeeper presence in the Hub doubles. Civil War is imminent. Scouts from the Iron Order of Elven Death bring word the floodwaters have receded, revealing the ruins of Udo Dro’xun. Arakh, Son of Mog and leader of the Sharps District spearheads an investigation. Forces from House Freth and Claddath annihilate each other in a large battle over control of the ruins. When the dust settles, the city's adventurers discover Illithid from the Izlude's Torment colony sifting over the remains. The Great Threat has returned from the "Vault".

Over the course of events, it learned the Elder Brain of the colony is a young one, as the previous Elder Brain is thought to have died in the "Deluge" which flooded the Lowerdark. After defeating a psionic projection of the Illithid Brain, Princess May'riina Xun'viir recovered a crystalline shard which she later fashioned into a device known as the "Mind Shard". With this greater threat discovered the Houses of Freth and Claddath de-escalated their conflict to better defeat the city. No further contact was made with the Mind Flayer colony until the Second Illithid War. (New Area/Feature added to Server)


[20 AR] The Great Banishment:
Goblins and Orcs are driven from the surface of Arelith and into the Underdark. (Monster races are no longer allowed to live on the surface)

[20 AR] Foundation of Urblexis Grond:
Founded following the "The Great Banishment", an event when the Goblins, orcs, and other monstrous races are driven from the surface of Arelith and into the Underdark.

[21 AR] Formation of the Oogooboogoo Clan:
A goblin shaman worshipping Oogooboogoo arrives in Grond and founded the goblin tribe known as Clan Oogooboogoo.

[24 AR] The kobold dragonshaper Cha'ox was elected ruler of Urblexis Grond.

[25 AR] Order of the Black Depth:
The Order of the Black Depth, a cabal of Kobolds founded by Nastakanoth Meknon, with the Sorcerer Lejir as his lieutenant. Lejir would later assume leadership of the order upon Meknon’s death. The order served as Grond's Militia under the Tyrant Skeflock. However, later struggles between the Kobolds and Goblins within the settlement began to occur frequently. Due to the constant issues, the Drow Oblodra was tasked with creating a magical bond between the kobold Lejir and the goblin Godo. Now bound by magic, the act worked to settle hostilities between the two races.

[29 AR] The First Tyrant:
The svirfneblin Skeflock becomes Urblexis Grond's first Tyrant.

[30 AR] The Goblin's claim the caves adjacent to Grond as separate from the city's rule and under their direct control.

[32 AR] The orog Hadushuk is removed from his position as Overseer and exiled from the city. The Obsidian Asylum remains off-limits and under the protection of the city.

[34 AR] Independence:
Urblexis Grond, under the Tyrant Skeflock, negotiates its independence from Udos Dro’Xun’s vassalage and relinquishes control of the Obsidian Asylum to the Order of the Black Depths. The Order officially separates from Urblexis influence, and with the agreement of Udos Dro’Xun, takes a neutral stance in the two settlements politics.

[35 AR] Urblexis Grond - Wharftown War:
Skeflock, The Tyrant of Urblexis Grond, sends an army against Wharftown. Bendir’s Captain Biad Scheppen launches a counterattack which forces the svirfneblin army to retreat.

[35 AR] Battle of Gambler's Bluff:
A large Underdark army, led by the svirfneblin Tyrant of Urblexis Grond Skeflock, seizes the small palisade fort on Gambler’s Bluff for nearly a week. The Underdark force eventually withdraws after repeated counterattacks from a Cordorian coalition army, but not before causing much havoc upon the surface.

[36 AR] The Tyrant Skeflock is rumored to be under the manipulation of the Drow Ust’ilharess Oblodra Dra'Kaa by his opponents, though in truth the svirfneblin is hostile to any form of Drow dominance over the Underdark.

[38 AR] The Oogooboogoo Clan Chief Frubbo creates a well-known spy network..

[39 AR] Mllikiek'zztts' Revenge:
The Shadow Dragon, disguised as the gnome Zedeln, aids a traitorous Drow in building a golem army to destroy the Lloth controlled city of Udos Dro'Xun and install a Sorcery led government. However the plot is under-covered by the Urblexis Grond Tyrant Skeflock. Working together with the First Ilharess Ulath'Taller, the two settlements confront and defeat the threat.

[40 AR] Those found to be infected with Lycanthropy are exiled from the city, while the act of slave taking in the city by Drow is outlawed by the Tyrannt Skeflock.

[41 AR] The Orog Murag takes the position of the Tyrant after Skeflock. He would take on the kobold Vippin as his personal scribe.

[42 AR] Second Grondian War:
The drow matron Oblodra Dra'Kaa declares war against Urblexis Grond after tensions between the two settlements boil over.

[42 AR] As the war progresses with no end in sight, Murag resigns and the kobold Orn Gixi reluctantly comes to power as Tyrant. The war quickly ends with Urblexis’ surrender and vassalage to Udos Dro'Xun.

[43 AR] Rebellion:
A rebellion led by the svirfneblin Satho Cradfoot, who is elected Tyrant after Orn Gixi, rises to free the city from Drow control. Hostilities again resume as the insurrection takes hold.

[43 AR] Siege of Urblexis Grond:
A large force from Udo Dro'Xun assaults the city, forcing their way inside the gates after a bloody battle to ransack the settlement and put down the city's revolt.

[43 AR] Rebellion’s End:
Political turmoil within the Drow city of Udos Dro’Xun, mixed with the population's general fatigue over the conflict, leads to an armistice between the Drow Houses and the rebel insurgents. Unfortunately for Urblexis Grond, the agreement did little to change the settlement's subjugation to the Drow, and only managed to end the bloodshed. Afterward, the rebel leader Satho Cradfoot and close allies were exiled from the settlement for their part in the revolt by the newly elected Svirfneblin Mirdikis.

[45 AR] After the svirfneblin Mirdikis rule as Tyrant ends, the Orog Golg would rise to power.

[48 AR] The Badlands are explored and settled. (New Are added)

[53 AR] Baator's Second Awakening:
The First Matron of Udos Dro’Xun, Oblodra of House Drak’aa, mobilized a combined force in an attempt to breach the eight scattered gates into Baator. Her plan to forever seal the ways was sabotaged from within by the kobolds Vippin and Orn Gixi who instead desired the gates remain open. The Matron’s attempt ultimately failed as a result.

[57 AR] Merago Sapple becomes the new Chief of Clan Oogooboogoo, after Oboo steps down.

[58 AR] The goblin Bugga Knowz becomes the new Chief of Clan Oogooboogoo after Merago Sapple.

[61 AR] The Cataclysm:
In a deliberate act of war and prelude to invasion committed by the Elder Mind in control of Izlude's Torment, sited within the Lowerdark "Vault" Mind flayers from the colony launch an enormous psionic attack against the settlements of Urblexis Grond and Udos Dro’xun. Great tremors, the result of the two cities' death, pummel the Underdark, destroying or modifying many under passages and caverns.

After the cataclysm, a large number would return to the ruins of the settlements in an attempt to rebuild their lost empires. (Massive Server change to Underdark Areas)

[62 AR] The goblin chieftain of Clan Oogooboogoo, Bugga Knowz, claims the ruins of Urblexis Grond.

[65 AR] Spets becomes the chieftain of Clan Oogooboogoo and "Queen of the Goblin Kingdom" in the ruins of Urblexis Grond.

[69 AR] Eyeless Witch:
The goblin Bugga Knowz recovers a powerful artifact called the "Psychotic Necklace" after defeating the Eyeless Witch.

[95 AR] The Deluge:
In a catastrophic event believed to have been caused by the migration of a large aboleth brood, floodwaters from the deep rise to swallow the Lowerdark. The settlements of Udos Dro’Xun, Urblexis Grond, and Pit Town are submerged. The denizens of the dark scramble up out of the nearing danger to higher ground. The noble House’s Freth and Claddath evacuate The Vault, but not before sealing its entrance to the Deep Lowerdark and trapping the Mind Flayers of Izlude's Torment below to a likely death.


[62 AR] Founding of Pit Town:
After the great collapse of the two settlements, survivors gathered in the Pit of a Thousand Sorrows due to the discovery of a latent anti-psionic anomaly in the area. A Drak’aa Mage with help from others managed to establish an advanced psionic shield further protecting the region. Refugees soon flooded into the newly forming town and the Ninth Tyrant of Urblexis Grond, Vippin, calm the title of Regent.

[65 AR] The insane svirfneblin Zabara Crimsonsoul becomes Regent of Pit Town. Her unreasonable actions lead to a treaty between Blingston and the First Matron Xunmice to remove her from power by supporting Drow Athiuk in the next election.

[76 AR] The Hunters Guild, a faction made to counter the Illithid menace, relocates to Pit Town on call from Overseer Nakal who rules as Regent.

[76 AR] Pit Town - Udos Dro'Xun War:
Udos Dro’Xun and Pit Town enter into a conflict which results in the fall of the Drow House Zar’Rocc.

[78 AR] Pit Town Overseer Nakal departs leaving the rule in hands of the Drow Damien Tagnik'Zurr who claimed the position of Regent, Renaming it to Governor of the Pit, and under the control of Udos Dro'Xun.

[79 AR] A Council of Races from the Underdark is gathered to deal with the Mind flayer threat.

[95 AR] The Deluge:
In a catastrophic event believed to have been caused by the migration of a large aboleth brood, floodwaters from the deep rise to swallow the Lowerdark. The settlements of Udos Dro’Xun, Urblexis Grond, and Pit Town are submerged. The denizens of the dark scramble up out of the nearing danger to higher ground. The noble House’s Freth and Claddath evacuate The Vault, but not before sealing its entrance to the Deep Lowerdark and trapping the Mind Flayers of Izlude's Torment below to a likely death.


[62 AR] Foundation of Blingstonhold:
After the Cataclysm, Permistone led the Svirneflin survivors from Urblexis Grond to the entrance of Blingstonhold which was uncovered by the great event.

[66 AR] The goblin clans offer many gifts to the leaders of Blingston in an effort to gain their support through an alliance with little success.

[67 AR] Blingston begins secret trade with the surface races.

[70 AR] Blingstonhold signs a mutual defense agreement with the First House Zar'Rocc.

[75 AR] Fraya Stensamler arrives in Blingston

[76 AR] The first meeting between Blingstonhold and Brogendenstein takes place as representatives try to renew the Earthkin Pact between them.

[76 AR] The librarian Fraya Stensamler becomes Regent of Blingston.

[77 AR] First Udos Dro'Xun-Bligstonhold War:
First War between Udos Dro’Xun and Bligstonhold, where the Svirneflin led by Regent Fraya Stensamler managed to use diplomatic maneuvering to end the conflict in an armistice.

[78 AR] Second Udos Dro'Xun-Bligstonhold War:
Second War between Udos Dro’Xun and Bligstonhold, where the Svirneflin led by Regent Fraya Stensamler managed to use diplomatic maneuvering to end the conflict in an armistice."

[79 AR] The Almost War:
The Ust’ilharess of Udos gives an ultimatum to Bligstonhold. Submit or be destroyed. However for a third time the Regent Fraya avoids a war through successful and definitive diplomacy.

[79 AR] As a result of the recent Drow hostilities, a plan to secure Blingston by destroying the cave entrance which allowed the other races entrance into the settlement was carried out by Regent Fraya Stensamler using explosives from Pit Town. While the plan was a success, and thus securing Blingston for only svirfneblins, the resulting political fallout resulted in Fraya stepping down. She would later dedicate her life to the Library of Andunor.

[11 AR] The Great Grotto:
The city of Blingston undergoes renovation and is renamed to "The Great Grotto".


[96 AR] Founding of Andunor:
Following "The Deluge" refugees follow the remnants of Noble Houses Freth and Claddath higher in the twisting caverns of Arelith to establish a new city in the Middledark. It’s decided this new settlement would be a trade city, from which relations with the surface could be tempered enough to prevent an immediate climax of total war. The city is built in districts around a central neutral trade hub controlled by the mysterious Hub Master and his Peacekeepers.
(New Area/Feature added to Server)

[97 AR] Houses Fuma'vhid, Drak'aa, Zarr'roc, and Vh'larra via for control over the new Devil's Table District. Nives Zar'Rocc would be elected first leader of the District.

[97 AR] Founding of House Xun'viir in Andunor:
Having first arrived in Andunor to hunt the first Cordorian exile to call the city home, Roland Asen, the Loviataran human slave of House Vh'larra named Karla Fateheart, fallen paladin of kelemvor, uses the delusions of the recently arrived Taly’rae Xun’viir to establish a Drow House and claim the title of Matriarch. Masquerading as a half drow albino, the former slave reinvents herself as Va’sarra Xun’viir, earning the title of “The Blood Queen” and Priestess of La'laskra. It is never known if the Goddess La’laskra is Loviatar or Lloth merely taking advantage of the situation. Together with Talyrre, she rules over The Devils District as Matron of House Xun’viir.

[97 AR] Notable humans such as Azuilah, Roland, Merovech, and Ann Thrule form the anchor head in the Sharps District against the former Udos Houses. Backed into a corner by Drow expansionism and violence, the outcasts band together and match the Drow aggression. The streets often running red.

[98 AR] Minmir – Andunor War:
Dread Lord Vistigor Torkill of the Church of Bane attempts to take the Sharps District by moving large numbers of voters into the city for an approaching election. His plan is disputed by Matron Va'sarra Xun’viir and the two forces collide in a colossal battle within Andunor’s Hub. Upon its conclusion, the Drow forces held the field, and the Banites bid for power failed.

[108 AR] Construction of Andunor's Bell Tower is completed. (New Area/Feature added to Server)

[117 AR] Construction of Andunor's new city gate is completed. (New Area/Feature added to Server)

[117 AR] Setting An Example:
After the assault on a Dominion legionnaire by the blue wyrm Zeshyrr'kalik'straza, Rosenkranz III led his army to Andunor where they crucified the High Priest of the offending faction.

[118 AR] The slaves of Andunor form a secret guild within the city of Andunor in the ever-elusive quest for freedom. (New Area/Feature added to Server)

[126 AR] First Illithid War:
House Freth and Claddath face off against each other in an ever-increasing arms race from their respective Districts. Several small skirmishes break out between their forces as Peacekeeper presence in the Hub doubles. Civil War is imminent. Scouts from the Iron Order of Elven Death bring word the floodwaters have receded, revealing the ruins of Udo Dro’xun. Arakh, Son of Mog and leader of the Sharps District spearheads an investigation. Forces from House Freth and Claddath annihilate each other in a large battle over control of the ruins. When the dust settles, the city's adventurers discover Illithid from the Izlude's Torment colony sifting over the remains. The Great Threat has returned from the "Vault".

Over the course of events, it learned the Elder Brain of the colony is a young one, as the previous Elder Brain is thought to have died in the "Deluge" which flooded the Lowerdark. After defeating a psionic projection of the Illithid Brain, Princess May'riina Xun'viir recovered a crystalline shard which she later fashioned into a device known as the "Mind Shard". With this greater threat discovered the Houses of Freth and Claddath de-escalated their conflict to better defeat the city. No further contact was made with the Mind Flayer colony until the Second Illithid War. (New Area/Feature added to Server)

[126 AR] House Xal'rae rules the Devil's Table under House Freth.

[126 AR] Arakh, Son of Mog, administrates the Sharps District under House Claddath with his militaristic "Iron Order of Elven Death".

[137 AR] Founding of Greyport:
Construction of Andunor's new port district is complete, with the addition of an embassy. This marks the first time a foreign power has taken an interest in the affairs of the Andunor.

[141 AR] Treadstone Locks, known before as the Underdark Shipyard, see's major reconstruction with the addition of shops, a Tenement building, private homes, and a portal.

[141 AR] Boreal Keep:
Construction on Boreal Keep is completed, making it the new center for the Underdark's Arcane learning.

[141 AR] Trade Post:
The Ogre Fist Trading Company establishes a new Trading Post in the Upperdark.

[142 AR] Dominion – Andunor War:
The final years of Thane Ghestaldt's rule was marked with open war against cyricists and allies led by Ezra and Vance Gravelle operating out of Andunor. Several campaigns were fought during the breath of the conflict, with the Dominion suffering a defeat at the Battle of Minmir Bridge, but ultimately claiming victory as Vance Gravelle’s efforts were halted. A later assault on Andunor by Dominion forces successfully ended the war in Brogendenstein’s favor.

[152 AR] Greyport officially becomes a District, holding its first elections.

[157 AR] The kobold Shadowclaw tribe is established in Andunor.

[159 AR] The Battle of Minmir Falls:
A large Underdark Warband led by "The Which of Lies" Sydney Harrow engaged a Surface force led by Myon’s Coronal Anaria Liamytholen in the high grounds around the Nexus Falls portal. The battle ended in a victory for the Underdark Warband, which withdrew to Treadstone after with many prisoners, including Myon’s Coronal and Lord Fen’ar Fen'ar.

[159 AR] The Hub Master refurbishes his domain by adding a bar and more shops to Andunor’s central gathering spot. (Area reworked by staff)

[160 AR] Second Illithid War:
A massive flotilla of duergar ships arrive in Greyport carrying The Seventh Legion of Gracklstugh with the intent to battle the Illithid of Izlude's Torment.

An invisible Psionic Resonance consumes Andunor, forcing the settlement to wage war on itself as the city's inhabitants’ minds are seized, altered, or destroyed. This is the opening attack to a large assault on Andunor's Northern gate by mentally dominated creatures of all kinds. The attack is repelled by the combined effort of the city's defenders.

Keeper May'riina of the Arcanum, and survivor of the First Illithid War, develops a series of Resonance Dampening devices which are placed in all the key Districts. Greyport and the Devil's Table are attacked by Mind Flayers under the control of a "Think Tank", An Illithid brain in containment.

No other battles occur leading to an end to the Second Illithid War.

Vance Gravelle, former Tyrant of the Sharps District, returns the "Mind Shard" to Keeper May'riina which was stolen decades ago after the First Illithid War.

[160 AR] House Xun'viir, Maivert, Mori'hyanda, Dro'Vaalvaz, and Drv'ymyr via for control of the District.

[160 AR] Hilda of the Dwarf-Smashers and leader of Greyport wars with the Sharps District until assassinated by Bjorn of the Black Citadel.

[160 AR] Controlling the District the Warlord Arak and Karstaag lead the Sharps in a war against Greyport District.

[162 AR] Judgement:
Arak and The Scourge faction hold a gathering of judgment over its leader Karstaag as its members feel he had been overstepping his bounds by angering Andunor’s other districts through general incompetence. The result of the congregation was to reform the warband's leadership from that of a single chieftain to one of a tribal council, which effectively removed Karstaag from power. Later he would be exiled from the Sharps District entirely and relocated to Sencliff. Here Karstaag would attempt to raise a new force with little success until ultimately fading from history.

[167 AR] Skull Crag Schism:
The Ogre Elder Ikarus of Andunor gathers a Warband to fight a conflict against the settlement of Guldorand in defense of the Skull Craigs Ogre tribes.

[168 AR] The former Outpost undergoes massive reconstruction thanks to the donations of the local citizens, becoming a major holding of Andunor with the building of a prison and Ocoulus Station. (Area is redesigned based on IG player donations to determine what general theme the area will take.)

[169 AR] The Great Moot:
After several years of ongoing warfare, the Jarl of the Skull Craig Giants and other clan chiefs declared Warchief Ikarus outcast from the Skull Craigs. With his reason for war no longer valid, peace between the Andunor Warband and Guldorand is reached. Elder Ikarus' life comes to an end in ritual combat upon the sands of Andunor's colosseum.

[169 AR] Andunor Civil War (Fourth Sharran War)
The Church of All-Shadow expands its influence by garnering the Sharps District leadership's support following the Beastking Karstaag's dethronement. The cult's power in the city would grow until 169 AR when High Priestess "Herald" Merwyn was ensnared by the machinations of Myon's Black Archers. Being blackmailed, Merwyn would organize a string of intricately planned traps, disguising them as innocent adventures to ensnare resident dark elves from Andunor and delivering them to The Black Archers. This cycle persisted until Merwyn persuaded Awcvaza, a daughter of the Devil Table's ruling House Xel'vraxa, to venture with her to the shadow plane for the next ambush. Her death would expose Merwyn's role in the orchestrated murders under the name "Herald." This revelation of treachery involving a faithful of Shar and a high-ranking member of the Church of All-Shadow triggered a response from those in Andunor opposed to the cult's influence in the Underdark. Bloodshed followed as the rival factions in separate city districts exchanged blows among their members with an ever-increasing body count and disruption to the Hub Masters trade. This contest continued for the next two months until, dismayed by the prolonged discord and shifting public sentiment, the Church of All-Shadow officially announced its departure from Andunor's greater community. Simultaneously, the Sharp's District government, ardent backers of the Void Cult, opted to withdraw their district from the War Council of Andunor. This council, a collective military alliance involving all districts of Andunor, had been collaborating in a combined endeavor against the surface world. Over time, leadership in the Sharp's District would transform democratic elections, and backing for the Church of All-Shadow would diminish. Ultimately, the Void Cult would relinquish its grip on Andunor, losing its influence and temple.

[172 AR] Greyport undergoes large renovations, including the construction of the Red Tower. (Area redesigned by Devs)

[173 AR] Founding of the Andunor Militia:
Theodor Helbrecht, a former retainer of House Xun’viir, is asked to establish a group for the defense of Andunor after several defeats were suffered against the surface settlements. He founded the Andunor Militia, a politically unaffiliated military organization and became its first Commander. The militia focused on equipping and training Andunorians to defend the Underdark.

[174 AR] Disbanding of the Andunor Militia
Lavok Xun'viir, the new leader of the Militia, reforms the remnants into "The Black Lash" mercenary company.

[176 AR] Second Dark Bazaar
A second great festival is held in Andunor under the guidance of Darruz Scumhand and Iyelle Ixit'shii. Activities included temporary shop stalls, stage performances, carnival games, arena fights, and scroll/book/song exchanges.

[176 AR] A Night of Embers
The Dragon Lord Aldahoon Embers sails into the city of Andunor to host a Grand Ball. Hiring the services of Stink Spellworped, Adelyn Belle'rose, Kasima Shadowclaw, and Zunkurat the gala is held within the great tower of Greyport to the joy of the city. Upon the Grand Ball's end, the dragon blood drow servant and right hand of Lord Embers Elin'teerm is taken to see the collected horde of the district's currently elected leader, the drow Ulvorne, within the nearby resource mine. Upon their arrival Elin'teerm spotted a hidden elf tiefling archer that appeared posed to spring a trap upon them. Declaring treachery, Elin'teerm laid the two low and returned to the tower in a rage. Sharing news of the betrayal, Lord Ember was escorted back to his ship by Adelyn Belle'rose and her servant Ilith. Before departing the city, Lord Embers rescinded his prior offer to turn Greyport into a great trade capital. As the ship set sail, it turned broadside to Greyport and unleashed its cannons upon the district to repay the duplicity. Upon the bombardment's end, Lord Embers sailed away as the city of Andunor rallied to smother the flames. Afterward, many theories were raised about the reason for this ambush, from those of a Myon plot to destroy Greyport and ruin relations with Lord Embers to that of a plot from Andunor's criminal organization known as "The Syndicate."

[176 AR] End of The Syndicate
After their attack on Heartwood Grove, the cult's leader Harbinger Callum ascends from the realm of Arelith, leaving it forever. Soon after, Duvain also leaves the island, thus ending the Abyssal cult known as The Syndicate.

Last edited by Edens_Fall on Mon Apr 29, 2024 9:18 pm, edited 8 times in total.

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