Reporting to DMs

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Reporting to DMs

Post by Mayonnaise » Mon Sep 08, 2014 12:29 pm

Credits are due to Daedin, the originally poster. The thread can be viewed here.

I make this post because it seems as though many people still do not fully know how/when/why to submit their reports to the DM Team, and with the recent influx of new players, a short guide about it struck me as a good idea. So let us get to it.

Whenever you find yourself in a situation that strikes you as unjust,damaging to yourself/others/the servers as a whole, the very first thing you ought to do is try and keep a clear headed view of things (it'll help you get through it, if anything), and then try and get a DM's assistance through the DM Channel, in game.
If no DM is available, then you can try and send a message to them through the following address:

(Some DMs also provide other forms of contact, like IM services.)

This will garantee that the whole DM Team reads your report, and can act on it.

One important thing to keep in mind when doing this, is to always try and give a short and simple description of what happened (long, angsty,raging,threatening rants will do you no good), along with an accurate time frame (so that DMs can check the logs, if need be), log ins of any involved parties (if possible) and screenshots (again, if possible. This can be hard in the heat of the moment). Be concise and respectful.

And that is it. From here your issue will be handled and resolved, one way or the other. There is no need for any of the following:

-OOC arguments through tells that last for hours,give you an increased risk of a heart attack,and very often can end up hurting you instead of resolving a single thing.

-Rushing to the forums and start ranting about everything that happened as if the world had just come to an end. Don't do this. The forums do not serve that purpose. You'll just earn an increased chance of getting banned here, even if you were right about your complains.

A couple more things to keep in mind

The DM Team is not comprised of demonic/exterminator half-breed policemen that ride in blood drinking helidragons,spreading suffering and destruction wherever and whenever they can.

They are fellow players who voluntered to the position of DM, and give up a lot of their time making sure everything runs smoothly. This means that not only should we all adress them with the same respect we would one another, it also means that they should not be seen as an embodiement of evil and things to be feared.

Don't feel guilty when making a report (Something I've often felt, as if I was that one kid in class that is always telling on others).

And don't be afraid to reach out to them for help or guidance.

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Re: Reporting to DMs

Post by Mayonnaise » Mon Sep 08, 2014 12:30 pm

DM Cobra wrote:
I've got two additions here also concerning reporting:

1. Don't ever think it's "not important" enough to report, for whatever a reason ("Well nothing happened in the end so... don't think I need to report it"). It is important, for several reasons (e.g. for us to establish a common trend with certaint problem players). When in doubt: report. It can do much more harm not to report than to report something that's not actually an issue.

And following from 1., emphasizing the importance:

2. Report or it didn't happen. At least, that's how we have to sometimes approach things. It really damages your credibility when you are confronted with situation/question/etc [X] and suddenly say "But someone did the exact same to me three weeks ago and got away with it" or "Well I sent the report not just because of what happened now, but a few months ago she did something like this as well". If you cannot be bothered to report stuff, we can't always be bothered to put as much time into helping you as we put in helping others.

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Re: Reporting to DMs

Post by DaTexican » Thu Sep 11, 2014 3:46 pm

The DM Team is not comprised of demonic/exterminator half-breed policemen that ride in blood drinking helidragons,spreading suffering and destruction wherever and whenever they can.
Thank you. This painted a great picture in my head
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Re: Reporting to DMs

Post by DM Always This Late » Fri Jun 16, 2017 11:21 pm

As a DM I can confirm reports are awesome and are answered usually in 24hrs or much less!

So yeah! If you need something don't be shy to ask.
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Re: Reporting to DMs

Post by MalKalz » Thu Mar 07, 2019 10:11 pm

A general template to follow for submitting reports to DMs:
Reporting Account Information:
Player Name:
Character Name:

Reported Account Information:
Player Name:
Character name:

Suspected Rule Violation:

Provide a concise summary of all rules believed to have been broken that the team should investigate.

Supporting Logs / Evidence

Attach all game logs and/or screenshots to support the above suspected rule violations.

Additional Comments:

Anything else you find relevant to this case.
This will help make things easier for the DM team to handle in a more timely manner instead of sending follow up PM's to figure out the true nature of the report (Yes, some come in that vague).

Thanks everyone,


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Re: Reporting to DMs

Post by Ork » Fri Jun 14, 2024 8:47 pm

Code: Select all

[u]Reporting Account Information:[/u]
Player Name:
Character Name:

[u]Reported Account Information:[/u]
Player Name:
Character name:

[u]Suspected Rule Violation:[/u]

Provide a concise summary of all rules believed to have been broken that the team should investigate.

[u]Supporting Logs / Evidence[/u]

Attach all game logs and/or screenshots to support the above suspected rule violations.

[u]Additional Comments:[/u]

Anything else you find relevant to this case.

For easier copy/paste.

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Re: Reporting to DMs

Post by backlands » Mon Jul 01, 2024 4:46 pm

Going forward, please make all reports via the Astrolabes Requests and Reporting system, a template is provided there which will be updated by staff as needed. Thanks everyone!

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