Merchant Wagons

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Merchant Wagons

Post by Rei_Jin » Sun Jan 29, 2023 5:55 am

One of the things I really love about Andunor, are the quarters and stores systems. They allow characters to engage in settlement roleplay that is dynamic and flavoursome, and develops our world in different ways.

And at the moment, there are five wagons on the Surface server (that I know of) that sit outside various locations (one at the Radiant Heart HQ at Nexus Falls, two near Cordor, two outside the Golden Hall at Brogdenstein), that could be used to make things even MORE dynamic and flavoursome.

Suggestion: Make these wagons (or new wagons) a unique "Merchant Wagon" quarter which has its own store attached inside the property, and can be moved once per RL week (or other time period the staff choose) to a different location on Surface, from a short list (similar to how ships have different docks they can go to).

Said Merchant Wagons could have a property shingle inside a central depot somewhere (Mayfield? Crow's Nest? IDK, but somewhere not politically controlled by PCs) where they can be purchased, have locks and traps adjusted, and so on.

It would allow the player who owns them to move from location to location, selling their wares. They could arrive at Mayfields for a festival, travel to Bendir Dale for a harvest party, Brogdenstein for a coronation, and so on.

For those who love their merchant RP, such a property would be a real boon, and something that many would enjoy.
