Possibly new combat animations?

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Possibly new combat animations?

Post by Vylarah » Thu Jul 27, 2023 10:01 pm

I've played around on a few different servers outside of my time on arelith, and I've noticed that some of them have the ability to change the combat style of animations with a menu command, which makes your character attack, or idle differently with certain weapons in hand, would it be possible to get something like this for arelith, so there is some more variance with how combat looks, as opposed to all of the default animations?

I totally understand if it's not possible though, given how large of a server it is, and how much extra traffic that might cause though, but thank you for reading this suggestion all the same!

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Re: Possibly new combat animations?

Post by Kroatius » Mon Sep 18, 2023 3:48 pm

Hello, after some testing, I believe we can allow you to change to custom animations but one big problem is the robes, we have tons of custom robes from different creators and 3D Artists. Some parts of the robes wouldn't work well with the custom animations.
