Sencliff writs order of operation

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Sencliff writs order of operation

Post by Sombricimos » Sat Feb 04, 2023 2:50 pm

Currently there is no order in which Sencliff contract can be picked up. For a reminder, taking contracts will eventually result in the character climbing up the ranks of Sencliff ink, From Greenhorn to Dread Pirate with a few steps in between.

On start, at lv6 the only writs available are the land based ones, just a bunch of running around Sencliff. Which is how it should be regardless of level, in my opinion. But it isn't, the selection of writs available purely depends on character level and not about the reputation level reflected by the ink system.

What it means is, if you were to level up before taking Sencliff writs, you could end up for example being the lowest rank (Greenhorn) and lv 20 and be able to take writs such as Sinking an Amnian/Cordor Ship which in my opinion does not make sense.

The way I understand that whole INK aspect is that it's not about how good you can fight, but more about "reputation" earned through your life of piracy.
And I don't think you should have the opportunity to be tasked with sinking an Amnian ship when you're still in Greenhorn territory, nor do I think that it should be possible to attain the Dread pirate ink with your last writ taken being the one about squashing weevils in the attic

So here's my suggestion. Put in place an order in which writs can be taken at least for Greenhorns. Exclude all writs from being taken by Greenhorns except the ones in this list. The name of some of the writs I've forgotten, but anyways :
- Weevils in the attic
- Shrines beneath our feet (Oceanids)
- Looting the dead (Temple crypts)
- Kuo-toan pools
- Harpy's rock
- Salt caves
- Land at Rayne's landing

What's even better is that it takes exactly that amount of writs to be taken (Taken but not completed. Maybe this should change too?) to advance from Greenhorn to the next rank, and you don't have any ship dependency for any of these.

This suggestion is only for Greenhorn rank, it would be too tedious in my opinion to design a list of writs reserved for each and every rank.

TL;DR : Bully Greenhorns into taking land based tasks before any other

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