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Expand Item Return or Create "no sell" list

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 6:54 pm
by Old Lies Die Harder

You go through a dungeon with your main set of gear. You've autolooted a bunch of stuff, so your inventory is a chaotic mess of what doesn't auto sort into bags. You got to the final chest and swapped out your rings and belt for your trap gear, then swapped back to normal gear when finished. You get back to town, and in selling off your magic items you...don't realize auto-tetris put your double-5%ed-triple-run-handcrafted-by-the-gods-from-a-questline looks the same as another magic ring you looted, and is now staring at you from the merchant's inventory.

What tools do we have to fix this:
-return swapped item (weapon) to prior space in inventory.
-Ways of marking objects as ineligible for certain interactions (mark certain scrolls as "never put in case")
-ways of returning items automatically to inventories if they're taken out (see: the shop system)

What I propose is either:
A. Allowing items besides weapons to be returned to their previous slots (rings, amulets, etc) when unequipped for the purpose of gear switching, so it (most often) goes back to the inventory page and slot it was pulled from (if available)
B. Allowing players to mark certain items (rings, amulets, etc for trap gear) as "unsaleable" through a similar interface as the scroll ban list, so that when an item is sold to an NPC merchant accidentally it automatically returns the item and removes any gold given for the sale.